Even the three of them enjoy the spirit of opening the sky.Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master only realized the first style, and Taishang Laozi only realized the first style.

I didn't expect that at the beginning of the day, it would be able to use the second type L of Kaitian.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master blushed with shame.A deep sense of helplessness rose in my heart.

The aptitude of the beginning is indeed too demonic

The evildoer has arrived to the point where they are all trembling⊥

On the other side, the Daoist Receptionist was horrified.Hastily stopped.He stomped hard on his feet.The [-]th-grade golden lotus of merit and virtue swirls out again and again, blooming golden beads, golden lotuses, and gems and other objects suspended around it to form a terrifying defensive air cover.


The second form of Kaitian directly smashes the defensive air cover of the [-]th-grade meritorious golden lotus. , The Taoist then screamed in agony, rolled over and over, and flew out backwards.Along the way, countless old blood was shed.

There are so many changes in this Kaitian second style, there are [-] kinds of changes.. The power is even more powerful than Kaitiandi.

A z type ⊥

Not only did it break the defense of the [-]th-grade meritorious golden lotus of Daoist Jieyin, but it also seemed to seriously injure Daoist Jieyin.

"Master is so good.. It's too bad to beat away..."

little girl excited pretty blushing


At the beginning, he didn't withdraw his sword. He turned his head to look not far away, and said with a smile, "Fellow Sanqing, I've watched it for so long, come out. It's not what Pangu Zhengwan did!"

Sanqing was so embarrassed that his old face flushed, and he showed his true body.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Taichu with a look of anger and said,

, "In the beginning. You fought against the Daoist Receiver, and used the Kai Wu Second Style and the Kaitian Second Style one after another. Your mana is exhausted. 2 Hmph, I want you to look good today!"

Tongtian sect master said coldly: "In the beginning, you dared to plot against the poor way. Today, the poor way will let you know that the poor way is powerful!"

Taishang Laozi Shuangyue looked at Taichu brightly.Seems very vigilant.

_"Hey, this third style of opening the sky, the giants lift up the sky and transform all things, the poor Daoist has not used it yet. Would you like to try it out for the three fellow Daoists!'

Taichu raised the Primordial Sword with a smile.The Primordial Sword burst out with ten thousand inches of golden sword energy and shot straight into the sky.

The wind and clouds are rolling in the clouds - the haze is shrouded. There is a faint vision of a giant rising to the sky.

"How is this 11 possible? It turned out to be the Kaitian third-style giant that transforms all things into the sky. This-. this is impossible!"

Tongtian Sect Master was shocked and his eyes suddenly widened.Almost out of his eyes, he exclaimed.

The corners of Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes jumped wildly.He exclaimed, _"This.-: This is impossible. It is impossible for him to comprehend the third style of Kaitian, this:

Even the always calm Taishang Laozi saw his body staggered.. almost fell to the ground.. his face twitched. "i..it's impossible, impossible.

... "

The three of them are the authentic Pangu.Enjoy the spirit of openness.Have open sky image.But even their Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master only realized the z-style of Kaitian!

Taishang Laozi is slightly higher, and he has realized the second style of Kaitian.”

In the very beginning, I realized that the third voyage of Kaitian was realized.

The high and low among these, the discerning person can know L at a glance

What does this show, the aptitude of Taichu is much higher than theirs!

Sanqing has always claimed that he is not inferior to others, but at this moment, he has a deep sense of despair.

People are more popular than dead people.They are

I deeply understand L


Sanqing was trembling with fear.Hastily turned into three streams of light and fled away.

The second style of opening the sky broke the defense of the 2th-grade meritorious golden lotus, a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, so what about the third style? [-]

Sanqing did not dare to gamble, only to withdraw first..

psL ask for subscription, ask for subscription 1.1_


Chapter One Hundred and Twelve Is Prince Dong having a convulsion?Send two boxes of Lingbao? (3) Please subscribe!

After Sanqing left, Tai Chu's figure swayed for a while.He hurriedly flipped his hand, a gourd appeared, and several medicinal pills were poured out.Take it.

Even in the beginning.It is also a bit overwhelming to continuously perform such great supernatural powers as the three-day celestial art.

But if you carry it with the three halal.It was true in the beginning, he had the law of power and could use it to bring himself back to his peak.

[-]- Put the medicinal herbs into the body. The Fa Jiu, which was eliminated in the body at the beginning, gradually filled up.

Breathing out a mouthful of turbid air, Taichu rides on a gluttonous gluttonous taotie_Taotie carrying Taichu .. going straight to the East China Sea

Originally, at the beginning, I was worried about how to find Sanxian Island.

After all, in the vast East China Sea, looking for the three immortal islands as far as the eye can see, it is just too difficult to find thoriums in the sea.

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