I haven't seen anyone in years, it's going crazy

As for whether these people are looking for trouble.Then it is not within his scope of consideration. He will get it in the beginning

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, looked at the golden bell hanging directly under the neck of the gluttonous glutton. He immediately became furious and determined the identity of the thief who stole the treasure house in the beginning.

Dao: 呔, you treasure house thief, you are so bold.Dare to come to my East China Sea!"

The Golden Three Sea Dragon Kings also glared at Taichu.

"Uh? Is this recognized?"

Tai Chu grinned.. smiled and said, "You four old loaches have very vicious eyes, but you can recognize the poor way, yes.. The treasure house of the dragon family was taken by the poor way. What can you do?"

"Hmph. Too daring and crazy. How dare you be so arrogant, give it to this king. Take down this treasure thief."

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea - ordered.Countless sea clan shrimp soldiers and crab generals, fish monsters and turtle spirits waved the weapons in their hands.wow wow too loud

rush towards the beginning of the e

Taotie said excitedly. "Master, look at me"

Saying that, Taotie ran his mana, and the golden bell under his neck flew out, floating above its head, making a melodious sound of "dangdangdang". ,

[-]: The circle of golden sound waves turned into a real tide like a tide, rushing to the surrounding

Those shrimp soldiers and crabs will be impacted by this sound wave, only to feel their souls agitated and their bodies shaky.Before they came to Taichu and Taotie, they screamed and fell into the sea.

For a while, the East China Sea was wailing endlessly.The waves splash.


Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, said in shock.

The other three sea dragons were also shocked and angry.

Taotie took the golden bell and said with a smile: "Master, I'm amazing!"

Too early to roll _ roll his eyes.. said, "It's amazing"

The little girl Qingzhu was even more excited and danced with joy, shouting: "A Chou is amazing, A Chou is amazing:..."

A Chou is a nickname given to gluttonous by Qingzhu

Taotie obviously didn't like seeing this name _ He heard the old face - a black, glaring at Qingzhu.

It's just that green bamboo is obviously not 4Q0

Afraid that he _ still giggled straight.

"Hey, you treasure thief, you actually use my dragon clan's treasure against my dragon clan, you really don't know whether to live or die!"

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, was furious.Transform into a huge four-clawed golden dragon.He rushed towards Taichu and Taotie.

Its golden three sea dragons have started.

In the beginning, he grinned and smiled. He took off the golden bell on Taotie's neck. _Slightly swayed a golden sound wave that was hundreds of times more terrifying than before, like a big wave. It rushed towards the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

The same treasure.Different people use it, Wei Jiu will naturally not move!

For example, the golden lotus of the second-grade earth-grade meritorious deeds of the Taoist, the formidable power he evokes in the realm of quasi-sage and realm of saints is too different.

The poor Dragon King of the Four Seas did not arrive at the beginning of time, but was turbulent by the turbulent soul of this terrifying sound wave.

For a moment.The Dragon King of the Four Seas flew up from the sea in embarrassment, and his mind was dizzy.One by one, they looked at Taichu with a horrified face.Horrified, "On the quasi-sage master"

"Master is amazing, Master Zhe is amazing...".

The little girl Qingzhu blushed with excitement and danced again.

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Chapter 5: The candle dragon is shocked, Hongjun sits in the lotus pose ([-]) Please subscribe!


A thunderous dragon roar sounded.Thousands of major waves were set off on the sea, and an incomparably huge nine-digit golden dragon rushed out.

The scales on the golden dragon are about several hundred feet long, and the scales are the size of a pot lid.Golden, very dazzling.

Two rounds of the sun of the bears appeared in the clouds.Those are the eyes of the golden dragon.

The sky was turbulent, revealing a mountain-like dragon head.

Taotie can be considered a giant, but in front of this golden dragon, he is so small and pitiful that he is nothing but insignificant!

"Who dares to run wild in my dragon clan!

The golden dragon's voice was like rolling thunder, _from the sky. ,


The Dragon King of the Four Seas saw the Golden Dragon.Overjoyed.

Countless people from the sea clan waved their flags and shouted, ecstatic.

"Candle Dragon, you are still alive!_"

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