Only Yuan Feng was left in place

a mess

Her son is good in everything, but she is too greedy for money.

But it was said in the beginning.Of course Yuan Feng will do it.

"The immortals have returned in the beginning. Can we enter the mountain?"

There are gods and demons too loud.

Yuan Feng said lightly, "My son has ordered the three thousand red dust guests in the Purple Thunder Palace. Only three thousand people can enter this Wuji Mountain!"

"Ah, there are still restrictions, I don't know how to enter this Wuji Mountain?"

A demon asked.

Yuan Feng said lightly, "

two ways.One is to pay - some Lingbao Linggen.The second is to enter the formation directly, as long as you can pass through the formation without cover, you are considered to have passed⊥”

The gods and demons all turned black when they heard it!

Pay Linggen Lingbao!

This is a blatant charge!

Yuan Feng said indifferently, "This method of sanctification was created by my son's hard work. I can't give it to fellow Daoists without taking a penny, right? My son said that he has no such obligation. . Then obediently hand over the Spirit Treasure!"

"Hmph, if I don't give it, I'll just go in."

have a body

The gods and demons with knotted muscles strode to Yuan Feng and were about to rush in.


The big man just took half a foot. His feet didn't touch the ground.Yuan Feng snorted coldly. With a big sleeve, the fan of the gods and demons flew upside down, and it fell thousands of miles.

The faces of the gods and demons changed in unison.

"Oh, why is Taizun so troublesome!"

at this time.Zhu Rong stepped out.Directly plunged into the yin and yang infinite array.

"It was Zu Wu Zhurong who went in just now.

"I didn't expect Zu Wu to come, and Zhu Rong just called Taichu what?

2 It seems to be Da Zun 1 Could it be said that Shang Xian was also a member of the Wu clan in the beginning?"

"Huh? Why hasn't Zhu Rong come out yet? Damn it. This formation is so powerful. It trapped Zu Wu as well⊥"

The gods and demons exploded in an instant. They all looked inward.

I saw Zu Wu Zhurong hissing again and again in the array.It seems that he wants to break out of the formation, but he is entangled⊥

The heart of the gods and demons is awe-inspiring

This formation is so strong that even Zu Wu is trapped⊥

The witch race is in battle.The strength is extremely powerful, and the ancestral witch is the strongest combat power of the witch clan. Each of the twelve ancestral witches is extremely powerful.

But even as strong as Zuwu is trapped

The gods and demons suddenly gave up the idea of ​​breaking out into the mountains.”

This is clearly a way, except to pay some Lingbao and Linggen seems to be useless...

DSL, please subscribe.Please subscribe, please subscribe⊥⊥ Mountain⊥⊥⊥⊥__


Chapter 4 The woman who guards the gate of Wuji Mountain, the great gift from the Wu clan to the beginning of time ([-]), please subscribe!

"This fellow Daoist, these are the two boxes of spiritual treasures that our Wu clan presented to the Great Venerable. Please also release my brother!"

Seeing Zhu Rong's screams came from the array.Zuwu Houtu and Zuwu Zhujiu who accompanied him couldn't sit still.Back soil hurried forward.

"Two boxes of spirit treasures?"

"Oh my God, the Wu clan is so good at handwriting!"

"The Wu clan is obviously trying to please the immortals in the early days!"

The gods and demons exclaimed.

In fact, the Wu clan really came here for a long time.

In the beginning, although he was the great lord of the Wu clan.but it seems

It has nothing to do with the Wu clan. This time, when he entered the way of the saints, the second ancestor of the earth discussed how to live a good life in the beginning, and pulled the first into the Wu clan camp.

Therefore, Tuzu Wu Zhuo Jiuzhe and Zu Wu Zhu Rong were sent here.

Anyway, the Wu people do not cultivate the primordial spirit.It's no use asking for these spirit treasures.It's better to use it to win the big beginning, and it will bring two straights at one time.

On the other side, Di Jun and Dong Huangtai - their expressions changed slightly.

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