On the other side, Sanqing is also interacting with each other


"Second brother, third brother. In the beginning, this craftsman was really terrifying. In the future, it would be better to avoid it when we saw the beginning. If we can resolve the grievances of the past... that would be even better⊥"

Taishang Laozi's eight eyes were filled with divine light, and he said solemnly to Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master.

Yuanshi Tianzun gritted his teeth and said, "That's it. I swallowed this poor breath. In the future, when we prove Taoism, we will be one of the 19 three saints. At that time - we must find Taichu to release this bad breath in my heart!"

"Yes, we can't afford to offend him now. We will be sanctified in the future. Our Pangu authentic-mai is the three saints of the door, plus Pindao's Zhuxian Sword Formation

, it must be so good-looking at the beginning!

Tongtian sect master is also biting jade and gnashing his teeth.

At this moment, thousands of auspicious auspicious signs hung down in the sky, thousands of purple air rushed from the horizon, and a huge Qingyun floated over, and a large forehead, immortal and daoist old man could be vaguely seen above Qingyunzhi.

Seeing this old man, everyone was shocked

"Meet the teacher!"

Sanqing, Jieyin, Zhunti, Dijun, Tai- and others knelt down to greet Dao.

Those gods and demons who didn't go to Zixiao Palace to listen to the sermons heard the voices of Sanqing and others, they were also startled and knelt down.

Who are the teachers of Sanqing, Yingyin, Zhunti and others?

Of course it is Daozu 1

It's just that the Taoist ancestor suddenly came to Wuji Mountain, what does it mean?

When Yuan Feng and others saw the arrival of the ancestor Hongjun, they also hurriedly bowed their heads to greet him.

After all, Yuan Feng and others knew that Dao Ancestor was the master of Tai Chu. She had seen the graceful appearance of Hongjun Patriarch on the battlefield of the three tribes in the West, so she did not dare to ask too much.

But there was one person at the scene who never even bent his waist.

That is Yang Mei Daxian L

The gods and demons grinned secretly when they saw it: _ "This old man is afraid that he is courting death.

If you salute at the waist, I am afraid that the Taoist ancestor will be slapped to death."

Of course, this is because they do not know the identity of Yang Mei Daxian.That's why they think so. If they knew the identity of Yang Mei Daxian, they would definitely not think so.

The Great Immortal Yang Mei is the Chaos Demon God who masters the laws of space. Moreover, he is also the Chaos Demon God who has the body of a half-county Chaos Demon God.

In a sense, Yang Mei Daxian's current roots are afraid to surpass Hongjun's old rent⊥

After all, although Yang Mei Daxian is not the Chaos Demon God L at his peak, he is also a Chaos Demon God who possesses the body of a half-county Chaos Demon God.

Road bondage.

But the ancestors of Hongjun are different. The body of the chaotic demon god of the ancestors of Hongjun was damaged when they besieged the great god Pangu. The primordial spirit finally had to be attached to a huge cricket and became a congenital god. Residence.

Therefore, where does Taixian Yang Mei come from -: The point is not weaker than the ancestors of Hongjun, and there is no need to greet him at all.

Next, something happened that made Sanqing and others stunned.

Ancestor Hongjun looked at Immortal Yang Mei.road

"Fellow Daoist Yang Mei, you are really getting more and more out of breath. You are cleaning the courtyard here with the apprentice of Pindao..."


, Jie Yin Zhunti and the others were shocked and stunned, they could hardly believe their ears.

Ancestor Hongjun is actually called Daxian Yang Mei as a Taoist friend!

Isn't Yang Mei Daxian a character who existed in the same era as Hongjun's ancestor?

Sanqing, Jieyin and Zhunti are still thinking about waiting for them to become sanctified in the future, and then to find Taichu to settle accounts. Now it seems that there is a heavyweight figure like Yang Mei Daxian in Wuji Mountain, and their hatred will be forever. Can't report either.

Sanqing, Jieyin, Zhunti, Di Juntai- and others raised a deep sense of helplessness

In front of them in the beginning, there is always something difficult to express

of frustration l,

Next.Yang Mei Taixian's words.And everyone was shocked and stunned.

Taixian Yang Mei looked at the ancestor Hongjun with a look of disdain, and said, "The poor Daoist can't compare to you, Daoist Hongjun, the master of Daoist Hongjun actually asked the apprentice and asked the apprentice to solve the talisman for you. Wen. Poor Daoist still can't compare to you, Hongjun Daoist friend L."


Daxian Yang Mei is openly challenging the ancestor of Hongjun.”

Everyone was stunned when they heard it.He could hardly believe his eyes, and once again confirmed that Yang Mei Daxian was a person who could be compared with Daozu.

What made everyone even more stunned was that Yang Mei Daxian actually said that the ancestors asked Taichu to analyze the runes and asked Yu Taichu.

is it possible?

If it came out of someone else's mouth, the gods and demons would definitely scoff at it.But from the mouths of super-powerful people like Yang Mei Taixian, they can't help but believe it!

Daozu once asked in the beginning?

Maybe after the first two sermons.Daozu left Taichu, not to open a small stove for Taichu.But asked Yu Taishi?

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