, Pindao will give Daoist friends a chance! "

Feng Luanhong's eyes were full of small stars. She looked at Taichu and asked, "I don't know where you are going next?"

Taichu thought about it and said: "Luo Hu has already planned, I am afraid that the three innate clans are about to fight in the West, and Pindao will go to the West to see..."

"What? Are the three clans going to go to war? No, I have to go to the west too..."

Feng Luanhong's face changed greatly when she heard this, and she said hurriedly.

At the beginning, he looked up at Feng Luanhong, and suddenly rolled up the sleeping gluttonous food, turned into a streamer, and made a big formation.

"Fellow Daoist in the beginning, quickly open the magic circle

Ah, why are you trapping me here? "

Feng Luanhong said anxiously.

Tai Chu looked at Feng Luanhong in the magic circle and said, "The battle between the three clans in the innate must be heavy casualties. If you go, it won't help. At most, you will only add a corpse. You and I have known each other once, and the poor can't bear you. After [-] years, the magic circle will automatically open, so let's say goodbye!"

Saying that, Tai Chu rode the gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttony, and then fled to the distance.

Only Feng Luanhong was left crying anxiously in the array.

The exquisite chess formations laid out at the beginning of the day are extremely delicate, even if it is the pinnacle of Daluo Jinxian.

Experts can also be trapped for a while, not to mention Feng Luanhong, who has just broken through the Great Luo Jinxian.

In fact, doing this in the beginning was indeed to save Feng Luanhong's life.

During the days of getting along with Feng Luanhong, Tai Chu felt that this little girl was quite cute, but she just saved her life.

After leaving the magic circle, after a short walk, they came to the coast of the East China Sea.

Hiding in the dark at the beginning of the day, I saw huge dragons soaring into the sky, and countless sea clan shrimp soldiers and crabs would wrap around the huge waves, tread the waves, and go west.

Obviously, the dragon clan came out in full force to make an appointment with the phoenix clan and the unicorn clan.


Things were as thought at the beginning. Although Feng Luanhong was saved at the beginning, Luo Hu's plan was broken, but Luo Hu killed another princess of the Phoenix clan and put the blame on the dragon clan, and finally provoked a war between the three innate clans.

At the beginning of time, he hid in the dark, running the Dao Convergence Gong, and condensing the breath to the extreme.

When all the dragon and sea people flew away, they appeared.

Although the beginning is now the cultivation base of the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian, but it is not stupid enough to show up and carry it with the dragon clan.

The point is that it is not necessary!

The East China Sea returned to calm again, and after waiting for a while, Tai Chu looked at Taotie

, said: "You stay here and don't move, the poor road will come when you go!"

Said, Taichu turned into a streamer and disappeared into the East China Sea.

Now that the dragon clan is out of the nest, the old nest is empty, and it is the time to make a fortune.

If you can take the dragon treasure house in one pot, that one will make a fortune!

The dragon, the phoenix, and the unicorn compete for hegemony, and the dragon clan leads the scale and armor clan to dominate the world. The treasure house of the dragon clan must be rich and terrifying.

At the beginning of the time, he did not enter the East China Sea, and he transformed himself into the appearance of Ao Liu, the sixth prince of the Dragon Clan, and swaggered toward the Dragon Clan Crystal Palace.


Ao Liu died, and the body was collected by Tai Chu and was never found!

"See the sixth prince!"

The Dragon Palace guard bowed to Ao Liu.

At the beginning, he swaggered into the Dragon Palace, walked for a while, looked at a crab general, and said, "Take this prince to the treasure house!"


The crab will be busy.

The crab general took the lead, and Tai Chu followed behind the crab general, excitedly watching the liver pounding wildly.

The Dragon Palace is empty and the guards are insufficient!

The thought of looting the treasure house of the dragon family made me excited in the beginning.

Excited, don't, don't!

After several tossing and turning in the Dragon Palace, I finally saw the Dragon Treasure House at the beginning. At this time, there were four divine dragons guarding the outside of the Dragon Treasure House in person.

However, these four dragons are only Xuanxian cultivation bases, but they are the last of the dragon clan, and their blood is not pure, so they were sent by Zulong to guard the gate of the treasure house here.

"Sixth Prince, the treasure house has arrived!"

Crabs will be sidelined.

"Well, alright, you can go down!"

Taichu had his hands behind his back, imitating Ao Liu's arrogant look, and went to the treasure house.

Crab will leave.

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