Some cried too much, some laughed, and some grabbed the ground with their heads.And so on.

Only in the early days was calm as before, and when he turned his hands in the early days, a cauldron and various divine golds appeared, and he actually began to refine treasures.

The Taoist ancestor looked at his forehead-: The blue veins burst violently


Like a shuttle, three thousand years have passed

In the beginning, two black and white chess pieces were refined. They were held in their hands and played with e

And Daozu also stopped entering the Dao.

Three thousand red dust guests came to their senses one after another.

Daozu said indifferently, "This entry into the Dao is over, and the poor Dao is about to join the Dao. In the future. Unless there is a major event, Hongjun will not leave the mountain."

"Thank you teacher for entering!"

Three thousand red dust guests pay homage to the ancestor of Hongjun

Daozu said indifferently 1-"The poor road is about to merge. Some magic weapons used in the early years are also useless, and the magic weapons are all on the Fenbao Cliff outside.

You and the others can each get what they get by chance.. go ahead and go."

huh: 22

Just as the words of the ancestor Hongjun fell, he rushed out of the Zixiao Palace at the beginning of the day, and with a big hand tossed the black and white chess pieces in the palm of his hand, and turned into a yin and yang Taiji map of a Shuotai.Seal the gate of Zixiao Palace.

The gods and demons were stunned for a while, and then they saw something that they would never forget.


"Haha.. The treasures on the Fenbao Cliff are all from this seat:."

I saw Taichu laughing loudly, carrying Fenbaoya and running away.


What does this work!

Not only the [-] red dust guests watched the array of ignorant crystals.

Even the daoist was full of black lines. He finally knew why he had to sit in the last row by the door in the beginning.

And it took three thousand years to refine two chess pieces.

Approaching the door too early, this fellow was able to rush out as soon as possible.Then he used the refined black and white chess pieces to directly seal the gate of Zixiao Palace, so that he could find Fenbaoya L and directly resist it.

This operation is almost blinding the titanium alloy dog ​​eyes of three thousand red dusters.

Just for a moment.The eyes of the gods and demons turned red.

"In the beginning, let it go

Down to the treasure cliff! '

"In the beginning, you shameless person. Quickly put down Fenbaoya L."

- "In the beginning. Put down Fenbaoya, or Pindao will fight for you"

"Shameless: Quickly put down the Fenbaoya...".

The gods and demons exploded the seal of the beginning of the pot I began to bombard the beginning of the gangrene.

"Such a bombardment seal, the seal shattered after only holding on to the breath of the earth knife.

Then, three thousand red dust offenders swarmed out, rushing towards the beginning

Some unwilling people from the red dust turned their heads and came to the side of Daozu,

He cupped his hands to Daozu and shouted. _ "Daozu. At the beginning of the time, that servant took Fenbaoya away and asked Daozu to call the shots for me!"

Daozu's face was shaking like chaff. He said lightly, "Poor Dao knows!"


then gone 2

Those red dust guests twitched, knowing that Dao Ancestor protects the short-term.

On the other side, Tai Chu was lying madly holding the Fenbao Cliff.

This is also because there are too many treasures on the Fenbao Cliff.There are at least a few thousand.It was impossible to refine it in the first year of the new year. Therefore, I could only carry it

went away.

I just don't know what this Fen Treasure Cliff is. It is extremely heavy. Even in the beginning, it can only carry the Fen Treasure Cliff.

Taichu started to run wildly. The three thousand people behind him chased Taichu with red eyes.

"At the beginning of the year, quickly put down the Fenbaoya. Otherwise, don't blame me for waiting."

"In the beginning, you shameless person. If you don't let go of Fenbaoya, just blame me for waiting."

"Da Chu. Are you trying to get angry? Why don't you put down the Fen Treasure Cliff?"

The three thousand red dust guests can no longer control their identity in the eyes.They drank angrily.

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