Your old man is a saint, an existence who is about to join the Tao.You told us we couldn't find it

To the whereabouts of the beginning?

Is this possible?

Completely bullshit

The Taoist ancestors are clearly at the beginning of the ancestor protection!

Although the three thousand red dust guests are still angry.All about to explode.But they didn't dare to be presumptuous in Zixiao Palace, and had no choice but to bow to Daozu. "Teacher take care, I will retire!"

The three thousand red dust guests left the Zixiao Palace and began to search for the whereabouts of the beginning.

Everyone first came to the "Wuji Mountain.

Yuanshi Tianzun shouted at the noise too: "Shameless in the beginning. Come out quickly!"

"Da Chu. Get out,

, hand over the Fenbaoya quickly!"

"Da Chu, you shameless person, hand over Fenbaoya quickly. Otherwise, I'll be welcome!"

"In the beginning, you son of a bitch, quickly hand over the Fenbaoya. Get out and die!

The three thousand red dust guests all pointed their guns at Taichu in unanimous agreement, and they all shouted and shouted with red eyes.

In Wuji Mountain, Taotie saw so many gods and demons looking for Taichu outside, he couldn't help trembling with fright, and grinned: "Master, what a disaster, so many people came to the door..."

Big Chen opened.Yang Mei Daxian

He took the sweeper and walked out of it, looking at the three thousand red dust guests. He curled his lips and said, "Noisy, what's the noise? It wasn't in Wuji Mountain in the beginning. If you are sensible, don't make noise here!"

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Chapter 5 The whereabouts of the beginning, the secret of Baoya ([-]) Please subscribe!

Seeing the Great Immortal Yang Mei, the [-] Red Dust guests immediately gathered!

Bi Yi, they know that L Yangmei Daxian is the existence of the Z level with Daozu. They dare not be presumptuous.

Zhun mentioned that A hesitated for a moment. He cupped his hands to Yang Mei Daxian and said, "Senior Yang Mei, we have something to do with Taichu. Have you ever returned to Wuji Mountain in Taichu?"

"No, no, go and play L. Don't come to Wuji Mountain to trouble Pindao | Factory"

Taixian Yang Mei was too lazy to pay attention to everyone.Turn around and want to go back to Wuji Mountain.

"Hmph, who knows if it's there? Even if it's there, you don't say that you're not in L's embarrassment...".


Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly and whispered.

Yang Mei Taixian stopped and turned to look at Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun's whole body-: A spirited, just about to defend, at this moment, a broom appeared in front of Yuanshi Tianzun at a strange angle, and with a "pop", it was thrown directly on Yuanshi Tianzun's old face.


Yuanshi Tianzun screamed, and flew out directly, fell out of the unknown name and collapsed. Countless mountains.

"Second brother (second brother)_"," hurriedly went to talk about Yuanshi Tianzun e


People pulled and pulled for a long time, and finally pulled Yuanshi Tianzun out of the rocks.I saw Yuanshi Tianzun's old face had a huge broom mark with blood on the corner of his mouth and a gray face.Not so embarrassed.

Yuanshi Tianzun went mad with anger, and when Laozi saw this, he hurriedly covered Yuanshi Tianzun's mouth and said anxiously, "Second brother, say a few words less!

"Yeah, second brother, be careful!"

Tongtian Sect Master also said helplessly.

If it was someone else, they would have rushed up and gone desperately, but it was Yang Mei Daxian.A figure of the same weight as Daozu, they have thief heart and not that thief courage.

Gods and Demons

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun was fanned away.Where did they dare to speak, they were so frightened that they left Wuji Mountain.


Daxian Yang Mei glared at Yuanshi Tianzun, then turned back to Wuji Mountain. .

The gods and demons have not given up their search for the beginning.

Di Jun and Tai Er even went to Wuliang Mountain secretly. They knew that Wuliang Mountain was also a dojo in Taichu, but Taichu was not in Wuliang Mountain.

Sanqing even went to Kunlun Mountain to find the whereabouts of Yujing Mountain.

It's just that Yujing Mountain is guarded by Taizhen. The three of them are also in vain.

In the beginning, it seemed as if it had evaporated from this world and disappeared without a trace.Let the demon of Su seed turn the Great Desolate Continent upside down.I didn't even find the root hair at the beginning.

The gods and demons have been searching for the beginning of the day for many years, but they still haven't recorded the slightest trace of the beginning.

°With the passage of time, people gradually forgot about this, and no one looked for the beginning.

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