This sub-precious cliff is as high as several thousand feet, just like a small mountain.

Hesitating - down, Taichu flipped his hand.The Hunyuan sword appeared, and the sword was directly slashed towards Fenbaoya.


The Hunyuan Sword slashed on the Fenbao Cliff, and there was a metal symphony.

The Primordial Sword was shaken out of his hand, and he stumbled back a few steps at the beginning, looking at the intact Fenbao Cliff with an incredible look on his face.Gee

He said in admiration, "Good baby. Good baby. It's so hard, um, it's quite good for Jiu to use it to smash people, it's even better than the Heaven-shattering Seal refined by Yuan Shi's fellow, hahaha..."

In the beginning, even if I began to refine Fenbaoya

I do not know how long it has been.In the beginning, Fenbaoya was finally refined.Fen Treasure Cliff can already become bigger and smaller according to his mind, and it seems that it has become a super magic weapon with the same effect as the Heavenly Turning Seal.

Fen Baoya L was overjoyed at the beginning

At this moment, Changxi and Xi and the two goddesses hurried over.

Xi He said anxiously, "Young Master, go take a look. It's like a little sister.

Almost born! '

"Sister?. Could it be the Goddess Wangshu 3

In the beginning, he was puzzled and walked into the Taiyin Palace with the two daughters.

I saw a huge ball of light hanging in the main hall of the Taiyin Palace, and in the ball of light, a very beautiful woman was stretched out.

But it turned out that this lunar star gave birth to three goddesses, two of which were Changxi and Xihe.The remaining one is Goddess Wangshu, but Goddess Wangshu has yet to transform.

Today is finally going to be born

And through the system in the very beginning, I also knew the reason why Goddess Wangshu was not transformed.

However, it turned out that the Goddess Wangshu was not born from the moon star at all, but the Goddess Wangshu was a demon goddess mixed with Taiyin.It was only during the melee of the three thousand turbid demon gods besieging the Great God Pangu that the body of the goddess of the yin was destroyed, leaving only one true spirit.Wrapped in Chaos Taiyin. The origin has escaped e

After that, the great god Zipangu created the heaven and the earth - transforming all things with his body. 139

Goddess Wang Shu hid in the lunar star, absorbing the power of lunar all the time, and wanted to recover from it.

However, her hesitation was too serious, so so many years have passed since the creation of the world, and she is still untransformed, and now she is finally going to transform.

In other words, this Goddess Wang Shu is terrifyingly strong, she is actually a Chaos Demon God!

It's just hurting the source!

Goddess Wangshu transforms into shape and needs to absorb the power of the lunar yin. The power of the raging lunar yin surges towards Wangshu, and the ball of light on the goddess Wangshu is getting brighter and brighter, bursting with unparalleled rays of light.

Gradually, even the lunar star couldn't bear the suction of Goddess Wang Shu, and it turned bleak.

Even the laurel tree began to grow dull, the smaller it got smaller, and it was about to disappear in the end.

But it is because the laurel tree is born on the basis of the lunar star, and it is the gathering of the power of lunar

Collection produces.No wonder Wu Gang fell down the laurel tree in later generations, but he could not cut down the laurel tree no matter what.

The lunar star is so dim... that it is about to go out.

But Goddess Wangshu still couldn't transform. After all, she was the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God. Even if the Chaos Demon God's body was destroyed, in that world, she was a figure on the same level as Daozu and Yang Mei Taixian.

It is conceivable that these characters want to transform into the power of the lunar yin absorbed by L2, even the lunar star can't bear it.

At this moment, the lunar star is extremely dim and the prehistoric world is seriously out of balance.

Yin Qi is weak.The yang will be better!

in this way

As a result, the gods and demons are easy to be impetuous, impetuous, that is, easy to get angry.

As far as a stare, seeing that you are unhappy, s rushes up to do it. …__

Between [-]:[-] a.m., the Great Desolation and Tailu became chaotic - a pot of porridge.Many gods and demons scuffled with each other, causing countless casualties.

"Huh? How can there be a power of calamity 3

At the beginning, he sensed the power of calamity and frowned slightly.

But soon, in the beginning, he wanted to understand where the power of calamity came from.

"It seems that this seat needs to be put on fire!

Too early to grin

Yang Benyuan emerged.

In an instant, the sun star rioted.

Originally, the prehistoric world was due to the dimness of the sun star, which caused the yin and yang to become unbalanced.

People were instantly furious.Even killing red eyes, seeing people on a jade frame.

for a while.Blood flowed into rivers on the Great Desolate Land, and the chaos turned into a pot of porridge.

Immediately, the power of calamity was enriched

At the beginning, he grinned and ran the infinite tribulation power, began to absorb the power of the tribulation, and stored the massive power of the tribulation in the Chaos Orb.

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