In this way, it is not that he broke his promise to the great god Pangu!

Soon, Taichu came to Wuji Mountain Sun.

Taotie smelled the scent of the beginning.He ran over in a hurry.Holding Taichu's leg, wow wow Tai cried, "Master, you are finally back. You don't want me anymore. Woohoo:."

Okay, my lord, I'm not back here."

Tai Chu rolled his eyes... speechless.

At this moment, Yang Mei Taixian also came over, hehe smiled, _"Little friend in the beginning. That--that..."

"What this and that?"

In the beginning, he was speechless, and a jade slip appeared in his hand. He threw it to Daxian Yang Mei and said, "There are [-] runes in it. Thank you Senior Yang Mei for guarding Wuji Mountain for the younger generation these years!"

When Yang Mei Taixian got the jade slip, Xiaozhong was overjoyed.Patting his chest, busy Tai said, "You can rest assured, little friend at the beginning. Pindao likes to be in Wuji Mountain very much.

Sweeping the floor, from now on, Pindao will sweep the floor in this Wuji Mountain.Guaranteed to clean up brightly, haha..."

It was silent for a while at the beginning.

This Yang Mei Daxian can be regarded as a spell for the rune.

What he didn't know at the beginning was that at the level of Yang Mei: Daxian, if he wanted to release a rune by himself.It is also extremely difficult, not to mention hundreds of runes at once.

He tasted the sweetness here in the beginning, and that's why he fought so hard. , even at the expense of pulling the old face.Sweep the floor here in the beginning!

at this time.Yuan Feng rushed over in a hurry and said anxiously, "

Son, my baby, my baby is going to be born! '

"Oh? Are Kong Xuan and Tai Peng finally born?"

Tai Chu raised his brows and said with a smile, "Let's go, let's go and see!"

After finishing speaking, the group went to the fire phoenix tree where Kong Xuan and Dapeng Bird were.

Yuan Feng looked nervous. ,

Taichu saw it in his eyes, and said secretly, "Pity the hearts of parents in the world, even Yuan Feng is such a powerful person. He can't help but be refined x.."

The fire phoenix tree is a kind of spiritual root, its height is thousands of feet, and the whole body is red as fire.Above the leaves, there is bound to be a flame beating, but it is the phoenix one

family tree. ;

At this time, there are two huge eggs on the fire Wutong, which are Kong Xuan and Taipeng.

Beard ghost, five-colored splendor rose into the sky above two eggs.Hit the sky.Reflect the colorful clouds in the sky.. colorful,


Immediately afterwards, a loud phoenix roar sounded, the eggshell burst, and a huge peacock flew out of it.

This peacock is the first peacock in heaven and earth.

The peacock circled in mid-air.When he came to Yuan Feng, he transformed himself into a handsome man, salutes Yuan Feng and said, "Bye bye."

see my mother too""

Yuan Feng was very excited. He hurriedly helped Kong Xuan_dao. "I'll get up quickly."

Kong Huan stood up.Looking at Taichu again, he hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Meet Gongzi Mountain"

When Kong Xuan was in the eggshell.It is already known that Taichu saved their mother.Therefore, I am also grateful for the beginning.

Tai Chu Xu helped Kong Xuan with a smile and said, "Get up, my Wuji Mountain will be lively again in the future⊥"

Kong Guan got up and looked back.

I saw the black and white air rising from the other egg above the fire phoenix tree.The black and white two qi are like two black and white dragons, intertwined

, straight into the sky, the momentum is extremely amazing


After a while, another loud phoenix roar sounded.A golden-winged Taipeng bird broke out of its shell and rose into the sky.Circling around in mid-air, he also came to Yuan Feng.

The golden-winged Taipeng bird transformed into an extremely handsome man, and surrendered to Yuan Fengyi.Said, "Meet your mother!

Yuan Feng was overjoyed, and _busily helped the golden-winged Dapeng bird, and said, "My son, please get up, and quickly pay my respects to the son⊥."

The golden-winged Dapeng bird looked at Taichu, and bowed to Taichu, saying. "Meet your son!"

Taichu Xu lifted up the golden-winged Taipeng bird and said with a smile, "Get up!"

After a pause, Tai Chu looked at the two eggshells above the fire plane tree and smiled. "You go and eat your own eggshells. It's good for you,"

Kong Guan and Tai Pengniao looked at Taichu in confusion, wondering why Taichu wanted them to eat their own eggshells.

Yuan Feng said with a smile, "My son, hurry up and eat the eggshell, the son said yes, it must be of great benefit to you all!"

The eyes of the two birds lit up and they rushed to their eggshells with ecstasy. , desperately ate it up.


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