Di Jiang suddenly shouted and said. He hurried out of the Pangu Temple, and then slipped away.

Its Jin Zuwu glanced at each other.

Zhu Rongtai shouted 1_"I have something to do with my tribe. I'll go first...".

Jian then, all the ancestors found reasons to say goodbye to Taichu and left

Pangu Temple

In an instant.The huge Pangu Shenhou only left Taichu, Houtu and Xuanming three l.

Taichu-face stunned. 2 wondered, "This..::What's the situation?"

Hou Shi and Xuan Ming were blushing with shame, not knowing what to say.

I was stunned for a moment at the beginning, then I came back to my senses, and said with a wry smile, "These stunned blues:."

It's just that although he knew the purpose of the second ancestor of the earth in the beginning, he would not satisfy the twelve ancestors. If he really came up with a cub, then he and the Wuzu would have an indistinct relationship.

He didn't want to talk about the lich

Among the two families. Long.

At the beginning, he looked at the Pangu Temple.Waiting for the opportunity sent by Pangu.

It's just that he waited for a long time, but no good luck came!

Think about it.At the beginning of the mind, the power runes all over the body flew and flickered.

at this time.The Pangu Temple shook violently.

Outside, the Twelve Ancestors were stunned.

Zhu Rong's face twitched and said, "Fogcao and Da Zun are too fierce? The temple will collapse..."

Its Jin Zuwu heard a black line and was speechless. , I have to admire Zhu Rong's brains

"No, it seems..."

What did Zhuo Jiuyin see? He muttered.

Di Jiang's face changed slightly and exclaimed, "It's the Reincarnation Pond.go!"

Saying that, Di Jiang's figure flashed back to the Pangu Temple.

Their golden ancestors were too shocked.He also hurried to the god of Pangu Temple.

This blood pool of reincarnation is the lifeblood of the Wu clan, almost everyone of the Wu clan.Including the Twelve Ancestors, they are all the keys to the visible reincarnation pool born from the reincarnation pool.

The ancestors, Wu rushed into the Pangu Temple and saw an incredible scene...

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Chapter 6: The heart of Pangu, the body is sanctified! ([-]) Please subscribe!

A huge heart jumped out of the reincarnation pool

The power runes above the eight internal organs fluttered with a charming halo, and that was the light Kun of Dao.

"Heart of the Father!"

The Twelve Ancestral Witch exclaimed, and his breathing gradually became faster.

At the beginning, he was also surprised when he saw it.exclaimed. "The Heart of Pangu"

The heart of Pangu contains the blood of Pangu.It can be said that Pangu - the essence of one's power is the source of power.

At the beginning, he never thought that Pangu's heart was hidden in the Reincarnation Pond.

The Twelve Ancestral Witch's eyes were red, and they rushed

To the heart of Pangu.

At this moment, Pangu's heart disappeared without a trace.

The Twelve Ancestral Witch fluttered in the air and was shocked.Looking back, I saw Pangu's heart whizzing out and crashing into Taichu's body.

I saw that the blood and art of the whole body in the early days were prosperous.The power rune is dazzling.Like a super planet and a ship, it burst out with extremely violent light.

"Bring back the Father's heart!_"

The Twelve Ancestral Witch's eyes suddenly turned red.Crazy-like blasting e to Taichu

In the very beginning, although he was the nominal great honor of the Wu clan, he actually had nothing to do with the Wu clan by half a cent.

Therefore, the Twelve Ancestors were in a hurry when they saw that Pangu's heart was merged in the beginning.

"Boom." 973_

At this moment, an extremely terrifying aura emerged from Tai Chu's body. This momentum poured out like a tide, and it directly flew out of the twelve ancestral witches who rushed up, and the Pangu Temple rumbled. almost collapsed.

Di Jiang and the others got up from the ground and said in horror. "The sanctification of the flesh, this...

The complexion of the Jin Zuwu changed drastically.exclaimed.

Sanctification of the flesh.It is the ultimate goal pursued by the Wu clan, and now Taichu has achieved this achievement with the integration of Pangu Little Dirty L. How?

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