How to cheat the way of heaven⊥

I am afraid that only by creating a reincarnation of the six realms can we deceive the sky and cross the sea and deceive the realm of heaven.

At this moment, Tai Chu's heart was born - a very daring idea l

Use the method of forging to create a six-path reincarnation!

Just to forge six hard 2

First of all, excellent forging technology

, and the other is the material that is in line with the forging of the six reincarnations...

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Chapter 7: Hongjun joins the road, and goes to the Zixiao Palace in the beginning ([-]) for subscription!

At the beginning of the forging industry, there was a system to help, as long as it was hard at the beginning, it was not difficult.

But the material for forging the six reincarnations was a little difficult at the beginning.

Hesitating again and again, Tai Chu finally chose to use the legendary six great irons as the forging conditions.The six great irons are Xuantian Shentie s Xuanming Shentie, Xuanhuang Shentie x Xuanyou Shentie Xuanyin Shentie and Xuanling Shentie.

These six great irons correspond to the six realms of reincarnation, namely, Heaven and Human, Asura, Human, Hungry Ghost, Hell and Animals.

There seems to be some connection

The way of heaven is fifty, escape and go away-.

- The six great irons of the line cattle machine are the lifeline of the sergeants. ,

It's just that where are these six great irons, and what is manifested in the beginning but I don't know

Where should I go to find these six great irons, but in the beginning it was difficult!

"Ben Dao Hongjun, today is the way, Hongjun is the way of heaven from now on. The way of heaven is not Hongjun, the general trend remains unchanged. Hongjun will not go up"

At this moment, an incomparably grand voice spread throughout the world.

Everyone looked up and saw that forty-nine incomparably huge light spheres appeared in the sky, and another light sphere flew into the air, converging with four.[-] light spheres.

This is the way of heaven that Hongjun fills the gap -:

Taichu frowned and muttered.

Hongjun joined the road.I'm afraid that it will become a puppet of Tiandao. This is also the thing that Taichu is most worried about.

In the beginning, the kindness of master and apprentice with Hongjun ancestors for so many years. Generally speaking.The ancestors of Hongjun are still very good to Taichu. L2 Taichu also does not want the ancestors of Hongjun to become z puppets in the end

It's just that at the beginning of the day, he wasn't even a saint. How could he save the ancestors of Hongjun?

Furthermore, the ancestor Hongjun must also know that if he joins the Dao, he is afraid that he will be controlled by the Dao of Heaven and will become the puppet of Dao of Heaven.

Prepared for the game with Heaven

It's just how the ancestor Hongjun wants to play with the Tao of Heaven.I still didn't know it at first!

Of course, this isn't something to worry about right now.

At the beginning, I still want to find the materials needed to refine the six paths of reincarnation.

"Looks like it's time to go to Zixiao Palace. Let's take a look at the situation of the master. By the way, where are the six gods of the master now?"

Thinking like this at the beginning, Taishou directly tore through the void, riding a gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous glutinous glutton-to pierce into it.

The next moment, Tai Chu appeared outside Zixiao Palace.

"Brother, go


Tan Tian and Yao Chi saw Tai Chu hurriedly stepped forward and cupped their hands.

Tai Chu smiled and said, "Haosheng waits on this seat's mount. This seat goes to see Shi Xiangshang"

Having said that, Tai Chu left the gluttonous food and went to Zixiao Palace.


The heavy palace gate of Zixiao Palace is pushed open, and the oncoming is the rich atmosphere of heaven, mysterious and steady, mysterious and mysterious.”

Taichu frowned, his heart slammed down, and he secretly said, "I'm afraid the heaven has already controlled the master!"

Stepping into the Zixiao Palace, Taichu was sitting on top of Pang Yun, staring straight ahead.

The ancestor of Hongjun.

Ancestor Hongjun's face was expressionless at this time, and there was no trace of color in his face.Mysterious light flickered all over the body, and the heavenly wheel emerged behind him, and it circulated slidly. It exuded a strong heavenly aura.

Just when he entered the Zixiao Palace in the beginning.The momentum of the ancestor Hongjun changed again, and the middle gradually returned to clarity. Gradually, it became more colorful.

The Hongjun at this time is the real Hongjun.

Fang Mu's Hongjun is the manifestation of the Tao of Heaven

Ancestor Hongjun looked at Taichu, as if he knew Taichu was coming, and laughed. "Teacher, you are here"

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