So-come.Although the Beihai Douyu died, the way of heaven must bring down great merit.

If it is reincarnated with the great merit of supporting the sky, then the giant tortoise in the North Sea must be terrifyingly strong.Even better than Sanqing

Not bad, so the idea of ​​accepting apprentices was moved at the beginning of the year.

"Master, where are we going?"

The gluttonous road.

Too early to think. . said, "Go to the coast of the East China Sea - let's go" on"

talking.Tai Chu grabbed it with his hand and tore open the space.The gluttonous glutton carried him - headed into it

When they reappeared, they were already on the coast of the East China Sea. ;

The reason why he came to the coast of the East China Sea in the beginning is because the coast of the East China Sea is the ancestral land of the (bixi) human race.Nuwa made people holy here

In order to create the six reincarnations in the very beginning, a lot of merit is needed.

In the beginning, he was going to start with the human race and seek merit.

On the coast of the East China Sea, a huge golden-winged Dapeng is fighting with a dragon

That golden-winged Taipeng bird is really fierce, with a huge beak.The yin and yang two qi rioted, and the body of the Shenlong, which was originally several dozen meters long, shrank rapidly, and was swallowed by it in one bite.

Feeding on dragons, this great Peng bird is Jinpeng⊥

Its golden dragon was so frightened that it hurriedly got into the East China Sea and fled Tiantian.

At this moment, a short and fat Taoist walked over, stared straight at Jin Peng and said with joy, "Phoenix Xenomorph. Not bad, not bad!"

Jin Peng looked at the short and fat Taoist and said angrily.

"Hey, what did you say good man?

The short and fat Taoist looked at Jin Peng with a smile, and put his hands together.Daoist said, "My fellow Daoist has a relationship with me in the West. Why don't fellow Daoist go back to the West with the poor Daoist to enjoy bliss. How?"

The person who can say these words, the identity of this short and fat Taoist is ready to be revealed


This short and fat Daoist is the quasi-daoist.

Jin Peng listened.Immediately he was furious and said in a deep voice, "Ah, bad, my son said it. Your west is a place where birds don't shit, so don't fool me here!"


Zhun Ti Dao, A, his face twitched violently. "That [-]. That nonsense your master said, our West is no worse than your East!"

Jin Peng looked at Daoist Zhunti suspiciously and said, "My son also asked me to beware of two shameless people in the West, one is called Xieyin and the other is Zhunti. You won't be Xieyin, or Zhunti, right?"

Zhunti's face darkened and he said angrily, "Fart, fart, your son is farting. Who do you say your son is. Pindao must have a theory with him!'

Jin Peng looked at the Daoist Zhunti with a bewildered expression, and said, "You won't really take the lead, or

Are you going to mention it?_”

Zhunti said angrily with a dark face. "It's Pindaozheng, it's Zhunti. You say, who is your son? Pindao will not break with him!

"His son is the seat!"

Just then, a voice sounded s

Hearing this voice, Daoist Zhunti was stunned, and when he looked back, he saw: a person he never wanted to see in his life.

Taichu L

When you see the beginning, you will be unlucky.

This is the most widely circulated saying on the Great Desolate Continent

In the beginning it was like a god of plague

"My son

! '

When Jin Peng saw Taichu, he flapped his wings in ecstasy and flew towards Taichu.

DSL ask for subscription, ask for subscription, . ask for subscription ⊥⊥⊥⊥⊥⊥L!_

Chapter 3 Instructing Nuwa to Create Humans ([-]) Please subscribe!

At the beginning, I looked at Zhun Ti Dao A. Senior Brother Cheung-skin Drama, Pin Dao really didn't know that his master was you, this:--: This is a misunderstanding. Misunderstanding...".

Having said that, the quasi-daoist turned around and ran.


At the beginning, with a cold snort, the thirty-sixth heavens appeared behind the thunderbolts of both arms.Thirty-six layers of heavens turned into thirty-six streams of light, chasing after the quasi-daoist.

"Ah 1!'

Two screams sounded. The Daoist Zhunti was smashed by thirty-six Dinghai Divine Beads and rolled uncontrollably.I don't know where to fall.

In the beginning, I received the Dinghai Divine Pearl

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