And there are three thousand gold pieces!

Compared to the treasures of the beginning... The treasures of the Daoist Zhunti are indeed fighters in the rubbish

All the saints saw their breathing suddenly quickened. They stared at the more than [-] treasures on the Fen Treasure Cliff behind Tai Chu's head.

After Daozu's third sermon, Taichu carried away thousands of treasures on the Fenbao Cliff, which were monopolized by the L-people, and now these treasures have reappeared in the world.It's how they don't get jealous.

Motivated by the vast mana in the beginning, countless treasures flew out from the Fen Treasure Cliff, shimmering with incomparably dazzling and colorful lights. , slammed into the treasure of Zhunti Daoist.

One is the collection of Taoist ancestors, and the other is Baowu L refined by the quasi-daoist himself.

The level of the two is poor, not a star and a half L

Even if Daoist Zhunti was a saint, activating the power of these acquired treasures to the extreme was far less powerful than the thousands of innate spiritual treasures on the Fenbao Cliff.


The two groups of countless treasures slammed into each other and burst into a violent divine light.A terrifying wave like a tide

Open to all directions. Everything I pass is flat.

Many Terran insects were killed by this aftermath before they could escape.

Everyone in the human race looked at it with tears in their eyes, and they all yelled at the quasi-daoist.

In their opinion, it was the quasi-teachers who wanted to trick their clansmen to go to the west, and act as the holy father of the human race in the beginning.I was afraid that the people in the human race would be deceived. So I came out to block e

Therefore they do not resent the beginning.Instead, resent the quasi-daoist!

"Crack clap clap...:"

In the sound of countless spiritual treasures colliding, there were countless sounds of shattering glass.

After the violent collision, everything returns to calm!

Countless treasures flew back to the Fenbao Cliff behind Taichu's head, and on the other side, the magic weapon of the Daoist Zhunti was almost smashed.

Looking at the fragments of Lingbao scattered all over the ground, the Daoist Zhunti almost cried.

These treasures were all forged by him over the years. They were his many years of hard work. He didn't expect them to be destroyed in the second dynasty.

Zhunti Dao A's heart is bleeding.His face was twitching, and he was at a loss to know the treasures of the poor, the treasures of the poor..."

On the other hand, in the beginning, although he had the upper hand in treasures. , the law of the quasi-promoter

The treasure was all smashed into pieces.. but after all, he is not as good as the quasi-daoist in terms of mana.

In the beginning, there was also a rush of blood.Quickly take out -z and take the medicine pill.Haha laughed and said, "Daoist friend, don't take out that pile of junk, don't take it out for shame. This seat will clean it up for you once and for all. Hahaha...".

"You. You are too early, you are too deceiving, you two."

Zhunti Dao's popular old face was distorted, his whole body trembled uncontrollably, and he said in shock, "In the beginning, now the poor Dao and you will never die!"

Speaking of the thousands of hands and thousands of arms behind the Daoist Zhunti, the seals in each hand are different.

same.There are thousands of seals.The unity of these thousands of Dharma and India. Its power can be imagined.

This is the strongest blow of the quasi-daoist!

Tai Chu and Zhun Ti Daoist played against each other twice at the beginning of the year.

The first-& second confrontation_In the beginning, Daoist Zhunti was trapped in the illusion with the illusion of supreme consciousness

In the first confrontation, it was a confrontation above Lingbao. In the beginning, it paid the benefit of Lingbao and directly destroyed thousands of magic weapons of the Daoist Zhunti.

In the two confrontations, it can be said that at the beginning it completely angered Zunti Dao A to L

quasi mention

Under the rage, the Taoist struck with anger and made the strongest blow in his life!

Faced with the most powerful blow to the Daoist, even Taichu didn't dare to take it too seriously, Taichu-patted his chest, Tai shouted, "Too False God Armor!

The Great Void God Armor appeared in the distance, the world of Hongmeng loomed, the sun, moon, and stars flowed above, mountains, rivers, and rivers below, the phantom shadows of the prehistoric world appeared, and objects such as gems, golden beads, golden lotuses, and golden lanterns emerged and hung down. Ten thousand feet of golden light protects the whole body of the beginning.

At the same time, dozens of defensive treasures such as the Qiankun Cauldron, the Four Elephants Origin Bead, the [-]th Grade Destruction Black Lotus, the Huntian Tower, and the Heavy Water Bead also lit up.

213 rooms in just a moment

, The defense shield of the beginning of time stretched tens of millions of feet, forming a terrifying ball of light.

The faces of the saints trembled when they saw it.

In the beginning, the magic weapon of this fellow was really terrifying.Envy and jealous!

In the world, almost half of the treasures have been in Taichu's bag, and Taishi will show the horror of external forces again:- times.

In the Zixiao Palace, the skin of the ancestor of the ancestor of Hongjun trembled, and he muttered, "This stinky boy. So many treasures:!"

It's not that Taichu is a little ri!

It's the quasi-reporter of Taoism - this is no small matter, a little bit no small thing

Heart.I am afraid that I will end up dying!


In the next instant, countless terrifying seals were like locusts.The overwhelming blast towards the beginning.

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