Said: "Fellow Daoist, you..."

Yuan Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Daoist friend in the early days, the poor Daoist has already run out of fuel, so please take care of the poor Daoist's children for the poor Daoist!"

Tai Chu looked at Yuan Feng and said, "You should take care of your own child, fellow Daoist!"

"In the beginning, fellow Daoist didn't want it anymore? Hey, it's hard for me to be strong..."

Yuan Feng's face filled with despair.

Tai Chu grinned and said, "Feng Luanhong, the third princess of the poor and noble, is an old acquaintance. I can't bear the fall of my fellow Daoist, so I came here to save you..."

"Daoist said that I can still be saved?"

Yuan Feng's whole body was shaken, and he was madly overjoyed.

"This is natural..."

The smile on Taichu's face was bright and sunny. Looking at Yuan Feng, he said, "Daoist friend's Nihuang Nirvana art has been perfected. Daoist friend is trying to run the exercise..."

Saying that, Tai Chu stretched out his hand and pointed it between Yuan Feng's eyebrows.

"This... how is this possible? Fellow Daoist, how do you know the cultivation technique of my Phoenix family? This..."

Yuan Feng was stunned as he digested the extra things in his mind.

Tai Chu grinned mysteriously and said, "Fellow Daoist, let's regenerate Nirvana first!"

"Daoist said yes!"

Yuan Feng forcibly stabilized his mind and hurriedly ran the Nihuang Nirvana Technique to start Nirvana.

I saw Yuan Feng's body was raging with flames, and the flames burned more and more vigorously. Gradually, the whole body was enveloped by a layer of crimson light, forming a giant egg.

I don't know how long it took, the dome cracked open, Yuan Feng walked out of it, her face had changed, she became more and more beautiful, and she seemed to be younger.

Yuan Feng bowed his hands to Tai Chu Yi and said, "Thank you, fellow Daoist, for giving the exercises and protecting the Dharma for so many years. It is all thanks to fellow Daoist that Yuan Feng can be reborn. Since then, fellow Daoist has been the master of Yuan Feng, and Yuan Feng is willing to obey the master's responsibility.

Why send it, if you violate this oath, the sky will be punished and the earth will be destroyed. "

At the beginning of the prehistoric period, the way of heaven has taken shape!

Swearing to Tiandao is no child's play. If you don't keep your oath, Tiandao will bring down a thunder tribulation!

Tai Chu grinned, helped Yuan Feng up, and said with a smile, "Fellow Daoist, please get up, it's not necessary, and don't be called a poor Daoist master, it's awkward!"

Although he said so, the smile on Taichu's face was already blooming.

After accepting Yuan Feng, a quasi-sage peak master, as his subordinate, wouldn't he be able to beat him up when he sees someone unhappy in the future?

And Yuan Feng said to obey Mrs.

At the beginning of any dispatch, is it possible... that is also possible?

Yuan Feng is indeed a rare beauty in the prehistoric continent. She is graceful and luxurious, with her own royal aura. She is indeed a bubbling beauty.

The most important thing is that although Yuan Feng has children, they are all children born by sensing the power of heaven and earth, and they are actually still young.

It's just that if something happened to Yuan Feng, wouldn't Feng Luanhong be mad?

In the face of such a beautiful woman, it was inevitable in the beginning of the day that she had a wild idea in her heart.

Yuan Feng got up, looked at Taichu, and asked, "I will call the master the son in the future, right, son, you just said that you met Luan Hong, I don't know.

Luan Hong..."

Taichu smiled and said, "Don't worry, fellow Daoist, in order to prevent fellow Daoist Luan Hong from being robbed, Pindao trapped her in a mountain with a formation. Fellow Daoist can go to see her, and the address is here!"

Saying that, Tai Chu reached out and pointed at Yuan Feng's eyebrows, and told Yuan Feng the specific address.

Yuan Feng was overjoyed, and hurriedly thanked him: "Young master, I don't know how to repay..."

Tai Chu helped Yuan Feng up, hehe smiled and said, "There is no need to repay, no need to repay, if Taoist Yuanfeng insists on repaying, he will give the treasures of the Phoenix family to the poor Taoist thousand and eight hundred pieces..."

Yuan Feng grinned and cupped his hands, "My life is at stake.

It belongs to the son, not to mention a few treasures, when I go back, I will take the treasures with the son! "

At the beginning of the ecstasy, his heart was beating wildly with excitement, and he said, "Take a few less pieces, take a few pieces less, [-] pieces will do, don't make too many..."

Yuan Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Tai Chu looked at Yuan Feng and said, "Daoist friend has been reborn. Since then, he has been walking in the Great Wilderness. Don't take Yuan Feng's life to walk. Why don't you call your Daoist friend Yuan Mu!"

"But according to the son's instructions, from now on, I am Yuanmu!"

Yuan Feng arched his hands.

Taichu nodded and smiled: "Since

In this way, we will act separately, and the poor road still has some things to deal with. Daoist friends, let's go to rescue Luan Hong first, and then come to the Kunlun Mountain Yujing Mountain to see the poor road! "

With that said, Tai Chu passed the position of Yujing Mountain to Yuanmu.


Yuan Mu took the lead.

"Oh, don't forget the treasures, a few, a thousand and eight hundred pieces are enough, don't overdo it!"

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