In the Promise Hall, Taichu stood with the six daughters and looked at the guests, but found a few

None of the saints came.

At this moment, thousands of auspicious and auspicious rays of sunshine shrouded the horizon. A huge Qingyun floated over, and above the Qingyun, an old Taoist came riding on a bull..

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Chapter 2 The big marriage at the beginning, the saints come to court! ([-]) Please subscribe!

The old man who rides the green bull is naturally too old.

Obviously, Taishang Laozi is not willing to take revenge on Taichu, the strongest saint, so he came to participate in Taichu's big wedding.

Taishang, Laozi came riding on a green ox. Xiang Taichu arched his hair and said, "Congratulations to the big brother!"

Taichu grinned.Returning salute to Lao Tzu, "Thank you, Junior Brother!"

in front of outsiders.They all belong to the Hongjun family, and they are two brothers and sisters, and they are called kind!

At this moment, the sound of dragons and cranes rang out, the sky was filled with rays of sunshine, thousands of auspicious signs, and boundless purple air came from the east.

Coming in, another saint was born with a vision.

Everyone looked up and saw that the cranes opened their way, and they were screaming. A middle-aged Taoist came in a Kowloon Chenxiang carriage.

It is Yuanshi Tianzun who also came.”

Taishang, Laozi saw Yuanshi Tianzun coming. He nodded slightly, and said to himself, "It seems that the second brother has gone to hear what Jinpindao said⊥"

Yuanshi Tianzun came to Taishi.Get off the Kowloon Chenxiang carriage.Xiang Taichu bowed his hands and said "Congratulations to the big brother on the holy wedding⊥"

Tai Chu grinned and said, "Thank you, Junior Brother Yuanshi⊥."

Yuanshi Tianzun grinned, _Standing aside and dispersing

Qingyun behind the head, thousands of auspiciousness hang down.The ground gushing golden lotus. 537 Xiaguang rolled over, causing everyone to worship for a while.

"Eh? Yuanshi Tianzun can really pretend to be forceful!"

Too early to grin.muttered e

Yuanshi Tianzun had a black line... he gritted his teeth with hatred, but he didn't dare to get angry, so he had to pretend he didn't hear it.

At this moment, boundless purple air came from the east, auspiciousness descended from the sky, golden lotuses surged from the ground, and thousands of rays of light shone brightly, reflecting the entire heavens.A huge Qingyun floated from the east.

Above the Qingyun stood a young Taoist who was riding a Kui Niu, who was the leader of Tongtian!

Behind the Tongtian sect master are the direct disciples of his fourth Tai Tai.The Taoists of Duobao are the Virgin of Wudang, the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit, and the Virgin of the Golden Spirit, followed by the Earth Servant Immortal, the Golden Hoop Immortal, the Wuyun Immortal, the Pilu Immortal, the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal, the Golden Light Immortal, the Qiu Shou Immortal, and the Lingfang Immortal. .The style is extraordinary, and then there are the outer disciples Zhao Gongming x Sanxiao Niangniang, etc., there are many people.Moreover, each cultivation base is vast, and it faintly presents the majestic Jingliang of ten thousand immortals coming to the dynasty.

Yuanshi Tianzun saw that the Tongtian sect master stole his limelight, and he couldn't help but pull his old face, snorted coldly, and said solemnly, "A group of people with scales and armor, what is there to show off!"

The sect master of Tongtian snorted coldly, and did not (bjaa) manage Yuanshi Tianzun, and came to Tai

Before the beginning, he cupped his hands and said, "Eldest brother, Pindao came to celebrate your wedding with you⊥"

At the beginning of the day, he laughed loudly and Daoshan said, "This seat is naturally happy that Junior Brother Tongtian can come. Please be seated!"

Tongtian Sect Master laughed three times.Coming to Laozi and Tianzun Yuanshi, he glanced at Tianzun Yuanshi with disdain, looked at Laozi and said, "Hello, brother!"

After speaking, Pang Yun's vision also appeared. Fighting for glory with the Infinite Heavenly Venerate a

More than a dozen disciples stood behind him, and their mighty heat overwhelmed Yuanshi Tianzun by a lot.

The old man nodded lightly.

Yuanshi Tianzun sees the leader of Tongtian

It's just a matter of time for Lao Tzu to be nice, and I don't ask him. The angry old face turned into a pig's liver, but he couldn't attack at this time, so he had to endure it.His whole body was shaking.

At the beginning, I saw it in my eyes, and I knew it in my heart.

Seeing Taichu, Sanlei was secretly shocked in his heart.

Obviously they did not expect that the senior who had helped them turned out to be the great senior brother of the sage and their master!

At this moment, the boundless purple sky descended auspiciously from the horizon again.There are two huge Pang Yun floating from the west.

Above Qingyun are the Daoist Receptionist who sits on the golden lotus and the Daoist quasi-daoist who steps on the cloud with bare feet.

It is the two saints of the west who have arrived 1

In the very first time, I saw the two saints of the West were inseparable.Qing Yun Lian Li.Looking at the discord among the three religions of the Xuanmen, there was a faint worry in my heart.

Now that the human race is prosperous, it is not far from the next Lich War.After the Lich War, it was the confinement of gods and calamities.After the consecration of the gods, because of the lack of one and one of the three religions, the Western religion took advantage of the decline.

Xuanmen's luck is weakened. Then he, the Xuanmen's great senior brother, will naturally be affected.

In the beginning, such a thing was naturally not allowed to happen, secretly. "It seems that this seat has to plan well...

"Goodbye Mrs.


Receiving and leading Taoist bowed his hands to Taichu.

"Senior brother, I'm too late for the rumors of my journey to the west, please forgive me!"

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