But now is an extraordinary period, and she has to save face for the beginning!

Goddess Wangshu calmly accepted the "daoist friend" of the ancestor Hongjun.Turning to look at Yuanshi Tianzun, he snorted coldly, "Is this palace qualified to talk to you?"

Yuanshi Tianzun can't wait to slap Goddess Wangshu to death, after all, Goddess Wangshu is deeply rooted.Now is also the realm of the early stage of quasi-sage. ;

But when

On the face of Daozu,he dare not

I can't tell the pain, I have to break my teeth and swallow it in my stomach!

Yuanshi Tianzun's old face trembled fiercely, and cupped his hands to Goddess Wangshu, "Senior is joking. You--you naturally have the qualification of "eight-for-four"!"

Wang Shu and Daozu are called fellow Daoists, but they are not his predecessors!

Goddess Wang Shu sneered and said with disdain

"Hmph, what's the reason for you to send a low-grade Houtian Lingbao to my master? But you look down on my master? Do you think my Wuji Mountain lineage is easy to bully?"

Yuanshi Tianzun gritted his teeth with hatred,

But didn't dare to attack. .An old face turned the color of pig liver.

At this moment, Tai Chu grinned and said, "Wang Shu Tu, you don't know. The Yuan Shi Taoist friend gave him a low-grade Houtian Lingbao because he felt that his level of refining was not as good as that. Teacher. I don't even look down on what I give as a teacher, so he simply chose a low-quality Houtian Lingbao to give as a teacher!"

In the beginning this remark - came out.All the gods and demons at the scene laughed out loud.

"Uh, so that's how it is... I heard that the sage in the beginning once competed with the sage of Sanqing in the Kunlun Mountains for alchemy, tool refining, and formation.

The sage of the beginning did not know what to give to the sage of the beginning, so he sent a low-grade Houtian Lingbao L."

"The sage of Yuanshi is not as good as the sage of the beginning. I am afraid that he will not look down on the sage of the beginning. The low-grade Lingbao and Houwu Lingbao are almost the same!"

"Yeah, but why is this relationship so chaotic?"

Listening to the whispers of the gods and demons, Yuanshi Tianzun's old face seemed to change his face. It changed and changed, and the old face was distorted to the extreme, burning hot.I can't wait to find a seam to get into.

"Oh, so that's the case, but I misunderstood the Yuanshi Shishi nephew."

Wang Shu Shen

The woman is so smart and doesn't understand Taichu's intention, and immediately looked at Yuanshi Tianzun with a mocking expression.

Goddess Wang Shu said "nephew," almost made Yuanshi Tianzun vomit blood.

Goddess Wang Shu is Taichu's apprentice. Isn't this because he is two hours shorter than Taichu? Ces Yuanshi Tianzun was furious and said solemnly.

"Hmph, no one knows. How can our Yuxu lineage be weaker than others by refining equipment and teaching 2?" Yuanshi Daoist forgot that he once lost to the basin in Kunlun Mountain?."

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly and said, that was before!"

Too early to grin, 8 arms need to be behind

An incomparably huge six-path reincarnation emerged.The six paths of reincarnation flowed slickly, exuding a charming halo.

"This... This is the Six Paths of Reincarnation!_"

The gods and demons exclaimed.

All the saints changed color.

Taichu looked at Yuanshi Tianzun with a playful look, and smiled, "These six reincarnations are the strongest artifacts created by this seat. If you can also create six reincarnations... then this seat loses⊥"

Yuanshi Tianzun's face twitched violently. The old face turned into a pig's liver color.. He exclaimed, this - these six reincarnations, the six reincarnations are poor: a poor way can't be created: .."

Tai Chu put away the six paths of reincarnation and laughed loudly, "If that's the case, then it proves that what Pindao said is true!"

Yuanshi Tianzun's face was shaking like chaff, his old face was flushed, and he could not wait to find a seam to get in.

The face of Tongtian sect master, Daoist Receiver and Daoist Zhunti twitched violently.

The gifts prepared by the three of them were similar to Yuanshi Tianzun, and they were also very inconspicuous gifts ready to humiliate Taichu.Just after Yuanshi Tianzun's incident, how dare they make trouble again.

Tongtian sect master flipped his hand twice, and a formation plate appeared, which he handed to Feng Luanhong.Said, "This is the array plate of the Hunyuan Golden Light Array refined by Pindao_

It contains thirty-six prohibitions. It is caused by golden light _ the hurting jade is invisible, it is extremely powerful, and the poor Taoist will send this array to the senior brother as a congratulatory gift! '

Feng Luanhong took over the Hunyuan Golden Light Array

In the beginning, he surrendered to the sect master of Tongtian

"Then thank you Taoist Tongtian⊥"

It was Daoist Jieyin and Zhunti's turn. People hesitated to go down. Daoist Jieyin looked at Taichu with a painful expression on his face. He flipped his hand, and a jade bottle appeared. He held the jade bottle with mana to the maid Feng Manhong of Taichu. He flew away and said, "Elder Brother L, I am poor in the west, and the two poor people gathered the world's treasures to cultivate the pool of merit and virtue of the Eight Treasures. This bottle of eight

The holy water of Baogongde Pond will be given to the senior brother as a congratulatory gift⊥”

Feng Luanhong took the jade bottle.

Taichu looked at Xieyin and Zhunti and smiled, _"The two fellow Taoists have spent money⊥"

.'Where, where!'

Jie Yin and Zhun Ti were in pain, but they had to force their faces to laugh.

Daozu looked at Taichu, and Mao Yi turned out a purple talisman and handed it to Taichu.Said, "I don't have an official to give you as a teacher. This is the talisman of the Zixiao Palace. From now on, you are the true disciple of the Zixiao Palace. Apart from Pindao's bedroom, you can use the golden palace as you like. in and out”

The crowd exclaimed.

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