No Hiroko?

Di Jun frowned too much.He has never heard of this name

But it doesn't matter L

As long as this Wu Guangzi really has the method to destroy the Wu clan, that's enough!

Di Jun looked at Wu Guangzi and hurriedly asked: "Fellow Daoist Wudezi, do you have a way to destroy the Wu clan?"

Wu Guangzi swung the dust, and said, "Of course there is a poor way!"

Saying that, Wu Guangzi turned over his hands, and a jade slip appeared, which he handed to Di Jun with his mana.

Di Jun took the jade slip.

Immerse the divine consciousness in it, and at a glance, I am immediately overjoyed. I exclaimed, _"On the Sword of Slaying Witch"

This jade slip is impressively the production method of the slaughtering sword 1

Di Jun was ecstatic, when he looked again, Wu Guangzi had disappeared in the Lingxiao Palace.

Di Jun was stunned for a moment, frowned and said, "Who is this Wu Guangzi? Why do you want to help me?

Wu Guangzi's figure appeared on Mount Sumeru.

Wu Guangzi changed his body and transformed into the appearance of a quasi-daoist.

This Wu Guangzi is a quasi-daoist _ and only a saint can disappear into the Lingxiao Palace without knowing it.

Daoist Receiver was delighted to see Daoist Zhunti, "Junior Brother, how's it going?"

The Daoist Zhunti nodded 233 times and said, "The way to make the Wushu Sword has already been given to Emperor Jun, and it will be a great disaster for the human race!

The Daoist Receiver took a deep breath, flashed a cold light in his eyes, and said solemnly, "This generation has too much prejudice against our Western religion. Only when they die all over will our Western religion have the opportunity to preach in the human race!"

The method of this witch slaughtering sword was introduced to the Heavenly Court of the Demon Race by the Daoist quasi!

But it's Jie Yin and Zhun Ti who are planning another earth-shattering event!

On the other side, the demon clan is in no court.

In Lingxiao Palace.

Emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, the demon master Kunpeng, and the ten demon saints all gathered there to discuss important matters.

To make the witch-slaughtering sword L. is bound to slaughter the human race, and refining it with the souls of hundreds of millions of people is just that the human race is protected by two great saints, they dare not.

In the end, the demon clan decided to go to Wuji Mountain to test-Z Fan Taichu.

Di Jun and Tai Yi came to Wuji Mountain with generous gifts and said, "Di Jun and Tai Yi ask to see Senior Brother Tai and Empress Nuwa."

beard, yin

The Yang Wuji Formation opened, and Feng Luanhong walked out of it., said, "Two fellow Daoists, my son, please!"

Di Jun and Taiyi followed Feng Luanhong into Wuji Mountain and entered Wuji Hall...

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Chapter 4 The tragedy of the human race, Zhenyuanzi protects the human race ([-]) Please subscribe!

In the Temple of Promise.

Emperor Jun and Emperor Taiyi of the East - Seeing Taichu and Nuwa sitting on top of Qingyun. Busy salute

"Meet the saints_"

At the beginning of time, he helped Di Jun and Dong Huangtai-

Said, "Two fellow Daoists, please get up!_"

Di Jun and Emperor Dong are together.

Di Jun flipped his hand.A box was opened, containing a dazzling array of treasures, and he said, "I also ask the two saints to laugh at a little gift."

Tai Chu looked at Di Jun.Said, "If you have anything to do with the two fellow Daoists, let me know!"


Jun hesitated for a moment and said, "A few days ago, my demon clan accidentally learned a secret method. This secret method can refine the witch-slaying sword and help my demon clan unify the great wilderness, just: 2: Just refining this witch-slaughtering sword, It needs to be guided by the soul of the human race..."

Looking at Di Jun at the beginning of the day, he said lightly, "My wife created the human race, this seat educates the human race, and I don't owe the human race anything, the human race should also experience - a transformation⊥"

Di Jun and Dong Huang Tai Er were overjoyed when they heard it, and Di Jun hurriedly thanked him, "Saint Ming Xie L Pindao understands, sage take care. I will retire first."

Having said that, Di Jun and Dong Huangtai turned around and left Wuji.


It was right at the beginning, Nuwa created the human race.He taught the human race, they didn't owe the human race anything, but the human race admired them a lot.

Therefore, in the beginning, accept it calmly!

The demons slaughtered the human race.Many people must die, and this is the time when the power of a thousand kalpas was accumulated in the very beginning.”

This is not because he is too cruel at the beginning, but it is just like this on the road of cultivation.

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