The sound of breaking the air sounded, and a golden crow fell and fell.The real fire of the sun is extinguished_totally fall!

"Brother Tu: .." Trembling and trembling, they all hugged their heads and ran away in fright.

"Flat-haired beast, where to go!"

How could the descendants let go of the Ten Golden Crows and once again opened their bows and arrows, and shot out one arrow.

The long arrow slid across the sky, and another golden crow fell, falling into the mortal world!

The remaining eight Golden Crows were shocked and denied it, almost urinating in fright, and fled at the fastest speed in their lives.

The Great Witch Hou Yu shouted and danced

Go up the clouds, draw a bow and shoot an arrow, and shoot one arrow after another.

Hou Yi is a well-known marksman of the Wu clan. He also has a nine-day sun-shooting bow presented by Da Zun Tai Chu, which is even more powerful.

Every time the -z arrow is shot, a golden crow falls|

Whoosh whoosh..

Nine arrows in a row, nine golden crows fall|

The tenth prince of the demon clan.In the blink of an eye. Only a golden crow was left..__

"Father, Uncle. Help, help..."

The rest of the little Jinwu Lu Ya shouted in horror.

But behind the back Yi has

With a bow and arrow _ aimed at him.


The sound of breaking air came.Little Jinwulu was scared to pee, and he thought that he would also fall like several brothers and die completely.


Just then, a loud bell rang.

The terrifying sound waves turned into substantial golden waves, gushing out like tide water, shattering the arrows shot by Hou Yi.

A stalwart god and demon appeared in mid-air, and it was Dong Huang Taiyi.

At the critical moment, it was Donghuang Taiyi who came to save Xiaojinwulu's life!

Immediately after, Di Jun also appeared.

"Father.. Uncle. All nine brothers are dead. I am the only one left. All are dead. One."

Little Jinwulu cried to death. He was fascinated.

Di Jun and Taiyi looked at the fallen nine golden crows and almost closed them in anger.

The demon clan gave birth to ten princes. All of a sudden, there were ten golden crows.This is the luck of the monsters

The golden crow has deep roots and feet, just wait until the golden crow grows.Ai Tuo is a master of the quasi-sacred realm!

It can be said that Di Jun and Taiyi have devoted a lot to Tujinwu, and the demon clan have devoted themselves to ten

The Golden Crow pinned L too much hope L

Only now, the Ten Golden Crows have not yet grown.He was shot and killed by Hou Yi at once. Nine 0.9s were almost extinct. L_

How can this make them angry?

Di Jun gritted his teeth angrily, spit out two fiery snakes that were too long, and said angrily: "You dare to kill my son, I will crush you to ashes!"

Saying that, Di Jun roared too much and punched Hou Yi.

The next day is Taiwu.However, how can a master of the Golden Immortal Realm of Da Luo be the opponent of Di Jun, a quasi-sage peak master.

Just this blow, I am afraid that Hou Yi will be killed

At this moment, the space beside Hou Yi was rippling, and out of it came out—a huge fist—to meet God Jun’s Taishou.


fist bump.The terrifying aftermath surged out to the surrounding like a tidal wave. The terrifying earth, fire, wind and thunder that swept the space, and even collapsed the space, rushed into the e_text version of the novel (16525245698)

It is supported that this TXT is a shortened version, and more chapters are in the hands of the group owner. ) This TXT is a shortened version, and more chapters are in the hands of the group owner. , enjoy the joy of reading L

Chapter 2 Chang'e flies to the moon, Wu Gang cuts Gui ([-]) Please subscribe!

Di Jun's figure retreated sharply, looking at the figure of Dao Wei'an who appeared beside Hou Yi with a look of anger and anger, "Di Jiang!"

Suddenly, it was Zuwu Emperor Jiang who rescued Hou Yi.

Immediately afterwards... the rest of the ancestor witches came one after another.

The demon master Kunpeng and the ten major demon saints also came.

The tension between the two sides was extremely tense, and the war was about to break out.

Di Jun looked at Di Jiang angrily and shouted in a deep voice. "Di Jiang, you actually indulge your Wu people to kill nine of my children. Today, the poor road must pay for your debts with blood!" Di Jun, it's your flat-haired beast that caused the trouble for our Wu people.

, kill many of my clansmen.Killed my witch clan Taiwu Kuafu again. A. I haven't asked you to settle the account yet. Your intention is that the wicked will file a lawsuit first. You are my witch and I'm afraid you won't succeed.To fight, come on.Who is afraid of who!"

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