"Return my wife,"

Fearing furious, he attacked Xia Ying.

Xia Ying is the queen of the demon clan and a master of the quasi-sacred realm.Although Hou Yi was a great witch of the Wu clan, how could he be Xia Ying's opponent?

Hou Yi was seriously injured, but Hou Yi

Due to obsession, he still ran to the moon star.

When he arrived at Taiyinxing, Hou Yi didn't care, he rushed in, Tai shouted, Chang E.Where are you?"

"Go-kun, I'm in this 907. I'm here!"

In the Guangse Palace, Chang'e was blocked by the barrier.shouted.

Hou Yi ran to the Guanghan Palace, and was enveloped in the real fire of Nengneng Taiyin.

The Wu clan did not cultivate the primordial spirit, and the primordial spirit was weak in the first place, and Hou Yi was seriously injured, and the primordial spirit was even more unstable.

Hou Yi insisted on walking in front of the laurel tree, and his primordial spirit had been destroyed by energy.

The real fire of Taiyin was extinguished by ashes.

It's just that Hou Yi's Primordial Spirit died, but because of his obsession, his body actually wanted to break this barrier.Save Chang'e.

Hou Yi knew that the laurel tree was the root of the enchantment, so when he flicked his hand, the Nine Heavens Shooting Sunbow appeared, and with another shake, the Nine Heavens Shooting Sunbow turned into a big axe.Crazy chopped up laurel trees.

It's just that the laurel tree is the essence of the yin. Hou Yi cuts one chi, and it grows again - _ Chi Hou Yi cuts one inch, and it grows another zhang

No matter how hard Hou Yi tried, he could not cut down the osmanthus tree.

"I hit, I hit-::Wu Gang..Wu Gang.."

In the end, even Hou Yi: I don't know why they cut Gui.Just keep chopping down the laurel tree with - stock obsession

Chang'e washed her face with tears all day long when she saw that Mr. Qu was like this.

When Xia Ying saw these scenes, her heart was very happy, and she laughed and said: "My son and mother finally avenged your revenge today..."

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Chapter 3 The Lich War, the Bloody Heavens ([-]) Please subscribe! !

Time is long, and it is like a brother's song, and a hundred years have passed in a hurry.

The time that Daozu stipulated that there should not be too much fighting within a meeting Yuan has come.

Emperor Jun and Dong Huangtai rectified their troops and slaughtered them from the thirty-sixth layer of heaven, heading straight for the Wu clan.

This time, Emperor Jun learned to behave well. He ordered the Beihai clan led by the demon master Kunpeng to take the lead so that the demon master Kunpeng would not be able to work again.

The demon master Kunpeng led the Beihai clan to kill, and the first person they met was the fire god Zhu Rong.

Zhu Rongbu is the vanguard of the Wu clan!

As soon as the two sides meet, it is a fierce battle

stand up.

Zhu Rong shouted and stepped on two fire dragons.Directly to the demon master Kunpeng.

The demon master Kunpeng was too angry.Shaking his body-changed to Jiutian Kunpeng, soaring up. Fighting with Zhu Rong in one place.

Although Zu Wu is powerful.But the demon master Kunpeng is also the z of the three thousand red dust guests in the Zixiao Palace, a famous existence in the Great Desolate Land.

The two sides are fighting together, and the fight is indistinguishable.

Zhu Rongzhou: With a raging flame, Nanming Lihuo, one of the five divine fires, was pushed to the extreme by him, and he madly blasted towards the demon master Kunpeng.

The demon master Kunpeng roared too loudly. He came from the wind and water. Killed towards Zhu Rong.

Fire and water together.The flames are soaring, the waves are rising

The fiery red and light blue dyed the heavens, and the sky was madly mixed with fire and water. ,

The battle on the ground also continued, and both sides fought in full swing. , regardless of each other

The people of the demon clan often have some supernatural powers.Shen Guang took Bao Guang and pierced the sky.Rush to the witch.

In the first round of long-distance attack, the demon clan had the upper hand. There were countless casualties among the witch clan.

Wait for the two to come together.When fighting physically, the Wu clan has the upper hand.

The people of the Wu clan roared again and again.

Usually they rush up, grab the opponent with both hands and pull hard, tearing the opponent in half, very bloody and violent.

The Wu people hesitated to worship the god Pangu, so they used the big axe more often.

When the uncle waved it, he often directly divided the middle wall of the demon clan in half.

The demon clan also has big demons, and the big demons are even bigger than the people in the witch clan.

A raging giant swept through everything.Knocked the Wu people into the air

It's just that he hadn't rushed out very far when suddenly an extremely huge Taiwu rushed out.The big axe in his hand lit up with fierce brilliance, and an axe came out, directly dividing the giant bear into two pieces.

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