"Master, do you have twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls there?"

Taichu suddenly stared at Ancestor Hongjun and asked.

Ancestor Hongjun's eyes trembled, and when he turned his hand, twenty-four Dinghai Divine Beads appeared, which he threw to Taichu, and said angrily, "You are here.

It's really not good to do it! "

At the beginning, he played with the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Beads, and said with joy, "That is, if you want the horse to run faster, you must let the horse eat grass!"

Ancestor Hongjun had a black line and was too lazy to pay attention to Taichu, so he hurriedly returned to his cave to learn about the runes sorted out by Taichu.

ps: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 2 Breakthroughs one after another, Ancestor Hongjun was beaten down! ([-]) Ask for collection, ask for flowers!

After the ancestor Hongjun left, he collected it at the beginning of the day, and revealed the twelve Dinghai God beads that he had obtained from the treasure house of the Dragon Clan. He gathered thirty-six Dinghai God beads and began to comprehend the secrets in the Dinghai God beads.


"Found thirty-six Dinghai Divine Beads, which are being analyzed, one percent, two percent..."


"The analysis is complete, and the magical powers of the thirty-six Dinghai Divine Beads have been imprinted in the host's mind!"

When Tai Chu's eyeballs stared at the thirty-six Sea Dinghai Divine Beads for a while, as expected, the system's voice sounded again.

with this

At the same time, the evolution methods of thirty-six Dinghai Divine Pearls were added to Taichu's mind.

Tai Chu grinned, and according to the exercises in his mind, began to evolve the thirty-six heavens.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly the heavens appeared behind Taichu's head, with a total of thirty-six heavens.

Immediately afterwards, the [-] heavens in the back of his head were also taken away, and they were integrated into his body. The aura in his body soared, and he broke through again, becoming the realm of Daluo Jinxian's peak.

"Breakthrough again, is this stinky boy still human?"

Ancestor Hongjun, who was cultivating, was stunned and smiled bitterly.


With such a talented apprentice, I don't know if it's a happy event or a bad event!

Staying with him every day and being attacked every day is really unbearable!

Cultivation is basically going against the sky. The higher the realm, the more difficult it is to break through. When ordinary people reach the Daluo realm, they will not be able to break through for hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years.

What's more, due to the limitation of root and feet, you will never be able to break through the realm of Daluo!

It was good in the beginning. In just tens of thousands of years, breakthroughs have been made one after another, and the speed is really staggering.

Such qualifications

, it is terrifying!

Even the ancestors of Hongjun are a little ashamed of themselves, and in their hearts they say that they were evildoers in the beginning.

At this moment, Taotie ran in, looked at Taichu, and said, "Master, many people have come from outside the mountain!"

"Many? Who?"

Taichu raised his brows and asked.

"I don't know, but it seems to be a member of the Phoenix family!"

The gluttonous voice said in a loud voice.

"It turns out that Yuanmu, Luanhong and the others have arrived, my Phoenix family treasure house..."

When I thought of the treasure house of the Phoenix family in the early days, I couldn't wait.

, ran out in a hurry.

"Stinky boy, don't bring other people into Yujing Mountain to disturb the poor road repair!"

At this moment, the voice of Ancestor Hongjun resounded in Taichu's mind.

After thinking about it at the beginning, he grinned and said, "Master, that Pindao has gone out of the mountain, and Pindao has now broken through the realm of Daluo Jinxian's peak!"


Ancestor Hongjun was also a little unwilling to let Taichu stay in Yujing Mountain and continue to attack him, so he said lightly.

"Thank you master!"

Overjoyed at the beginning of the day, called gluttonous, and went out of the big formation, only to see that there were many outside the formation.

There were ten people, including men and women, handsome men and women. The two women headed by them were the first to know each other. They were Mrs. Yuanmu and Feng Luanhong, the third princess of the Phoenix clan.

When Mrs. Yuanmu saw Taichu, she hurriedly cupped her hands and said, "Yuanmu pays respects to the son!"

Feng Luanhong also stepped forward, cupped her hands and said, "Meet your son!"

Obviously, Mrs. Yuanmu told Feng Luanhong that he was trapped in the formation in the beginning to save her.

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