The 1th chapter Nuwa mending the sky, Haotian proclaimed emperor ([-])

Just when the saints were working hard to mend the sky, one of them, Sie Yin and Zhun Ti, appeared.

Of course these two guys didn't come to help, they came to grab the treasure.

Lich Wars.Countless treasures scattered

These two guys were like devils entering the village, searching for a while.

"This is the Slayer Sword."

Daoist Zhunti found the whereabouts of Tu Wujian, held the spirit sword happily, and laughed loudly.

The saints know the power of the Slayer Sword

Although the Slayer Sword is an acquired spiritual treasure.But the attack power is full.Make a difference on the battlefield

- "Quite mentioning. Put down the witch-slaying sword, or we are welcome!"

The old master said in shock. ,

He is the leader of the Human Religion and vaguely feels that this witch-slaying sword seems to be related to his Human Religion.

In fact, this Witch-Slaughtering Sword is the most precious Xuanyuan sword of the human race, so it can only be felt by Laozi.

Where does the Daoist Zhunti understand that Laozi L picked up the Sword of Slayer and turned it into a streamer and left.

Taishang Lao 19 was in a hurry, and hurried to stop the preacher.

The two fought together.

Too early to grin, too shouted, 1 too good fellow Daoist, and

Come and make up the sky, if he dares to take the Wu Tujian away, let's go to the west and live in it for three thousand years! 'poof on

Xie Yin and Zhun Ti almost vomited blood.

The Daoist Zundi was weeping.He threw the Slayer Sword at Taichu and said, "Senior Brother, spare your life. I am poor in the West, and I can't afford you this great honor.

Said, turned into a streamer, _ went back to the west.

At the beginning, he shook his hand and put away the witch-slaying sword.

at this time.Nuwa's hair is in the Qiankun Ding. Colorful brilliance blooms in it.But it is the colorful stone.

Nuwa put away the Qiankun tripod

Holes in the air rushed away.

The saints worked together to finally complete the sky.

After a lot of tossing, they actually completed the World Barrier. The World Barrier had a very strong automatic healing ability, but they didn't want the Lich to fight too much this time.The Buzhou Mountain, which the Gonggong clan smashed, made the world's barriers shattered too seriously.

The barriers of the world cannot heal themselves, so they can only be repaired artificially.

It's just that although the hole is filled, it lacks a pillar to support the sky.

Tai Chu Tai cried. "Disciple giant tortoise. It's time for you to sacrifice yourself!"

At this moment, a huge wave in the North Sea roared into the sky.

The incomparable mysterious turtle appeared on the sea surface with a sound like thunder, and rumbled, "I am the giant turtle of the North Sea. Today, I intend to follow the master's order and appear in the flesh to fill the sky!"

Nuwa flew to the Beihai Qieyu and said in surprise, "You are actually my disciple of Qujun!" The giant turtle of the Beihai hurriedly said, "Master, please cut my west foot to support the sky!"

Nuwa nodded, flipped her hand, and a fairy sword appeared, slashing the four legs of the giant tortoise in the North Sea.

The giant tortoise in the North Sea died... Yuanshen turned into a streamer of light, and reincarnated in the reincarnation of the six realms.

However, his physical body was taken up and grown by the beginning.

Nuwa~ Fly here,

Support the sky with the four legs of the giant tortoise in the North Sea. Re-stabilize the world.

All the saints bless the Dharma seal. This makes the heaven and the earth stable.

The Lich War, this catastrophe.Countless casualties among the two lich clans..

The rest of the demon clan went to Kunpeng in Beihai, and the rest of the witch clan went to the underworld, and voted for Pingxin Niangniang. , in the underworld effect.

Nuwa searched the battlefield again.Find Fuxi's remnant soul. Throw Youxi's remnant soul into the six reincarnations and make him reincarnated.

"All the saints come to the Purple Thunder Palace!"

At this moment, the ancestor of Hongjun came from nine days away.

the sound of.

The saints stepped into the Zixiao Palace.

When I saw the ancestor of Hongjun in high spirits at the beginning of the day, I couldn't help but rejoice and said secretly, "After this catastrophe, the sky has broken through a hole. The power of the heaven should be reduced a lot, and the teacher should be able to compete with the heaven."

According to the early estimates, if Hongjun joined the road before.It should be in a state of being completely controlled by Heaven.

But now after the Lich catastrophe.With the sky shattered and the power of heaven leaking out, the ancestors of Hongjun already possessed the ninth that can compete with heaven.

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