Grand Master, I also snorted coldly.He said solemnly, "Two daoists, I don't have two daoists to intervene in the matter of my Eastern Emperor. It's better for the two daoists to leave quickly. Otherwise, it will be bad if you lose your face!"

Received and Zhunti were both eye-catching. 493_ Ba was looking forward to the birth of the emperor and was able to pull the emperor into the Western religion, but the result was

it is good.In the end, I still have to face Sanqing.

The Daoist Zhunti suddenly shouted and grabbed the e directly to Taihao.

"Quite mention, you dare to go".

Tongtian sect master slashed out with a sword in anger.

The palm of Daoist Zhunti snapped.


Daoist Zhunti screamed, _hurriedly retracted his palm, his hand trembled, and his palm grew back again.

Reception Road A put his hands together and shouted loudly.Dao, "Let's dream with the poor!

Immediately afterwards, Sanqing only felt that as soon as his eyelids sank, he was about to be carried into a dream by the Daoist Receiver.

"Break up"

At this moment, L Yuanshi Tianzun shouted loudly and said the law.The dream of the Daoist Receiver collapsed suddenly.

Ye, who received the Taoist's "Wow", took a mouthful of blood and stumbled back.

Taishang Laozi snorted coldly and rode the green bull.Pick up the crutches.A flat stick smashed at the quasi-daoist.

To mention that A is too scary.A pat on the chest.The Garan Buddha clothes bloomed with golden light. A golden Buddha rose slowly.Protect him Zhou Xun.


The flat crutch smashed on the golden Buddha. The golden Buddha collapsed.

The Daoist Zhunti staggered back, with a look on his face.

Looking at Laozi in horror, he exclaimed, Five Realms! '

The 1rd chapter of the three clear infighting, the sage's scheming ([-]) Please subscribe!

Taishang Laozi has always been unobtrusive and leaky. Who would have thought that he would show the strength of the five realms today!

All the time, all the saints thought that they were almost the same, and they were all at the peak of the four realms. Unexpectedly, Laozi has reached the realm of the five realms.

This is also due to luck!

Taishang Laozi accounts for [-]% of the luck of the human race, and there is also good luck, so the speed of cultivation is naturally faster than others: some L

Not to mention that the two of them are afraid of being too old, even Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Master are a little afraid of being too old.

Taishang Laozi looked at Yingyin and Zhunti, and said solemnly.

Said, "Two fellow Daoists, you must not interfere in the affairs of the Emperor. You should retreat!"

Yingyin and Zhunti knew that things could not be violated, but had no choice but to retreat.

It's just that they are very unwilling to let them retreat like this!

The Daoist Zhunti rolled his eyes.Daoist: "Yuanshi and Tongtian, you are both members of the Three Purities. But you are not as far away as Taishang Daoist friends. If the emperor re-enters the human religion, I am afraid that the gap between you and Taishang Daoist friends will become bigger and bigger. !"

Finished.The Daoist Zhunti turned into a streamer and shot towards the west.

The accomplices also went to the west.

Only Sanqing was left at the scene.. But the atmosphere of Sanqing was extremely embarrassing.

Although Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master also knew that Daoist Zhunti was trying to provoke them, but this was a conspiracy, and what Daoist Zhunti said was indeed reasonable.

If the emperor re-enters the religion of the people, then the luck of Taishang Laozi will definitely be more.

The luck of Wuji Mountain is fixed.So where does the luck from the name of Taishang Laozi come from?

Naturally, it came from Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master!

One and the other.Then the gap between Sanqing will be getting bigger and bigger!

Therefore, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtianjiao

The Lord is a little afraid of being too old!

How could Laozi not know the truth, but the emperor is of great importance, although he knew that Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master were afraid of him.But he also has to fight.

Taishang Laozi looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master, and said, "Two brothers and sisters. Pindao is the leader of the human sect, so this emperor should belong to my sect, and I also ask the two worthy brothers not to be embarrassed by the brother. _~!'

The sect master of Tongtian surrendered to the son of the Supreme Being.Dao, "Brother, it's not false that you are the leader of the Human Cult, but the two of us also enlighten the human race. We still see the true chapter under Mao!".

Yuanshi Tianzun took a deep breath and said: "Big brother, what the third brother said is reasonable, the big brother already enjoys [-]% of the luck of the human race, why don't you give this emperor to the poor and the third brother?"

Taishang Laozi took a deep breath and said: "The ruler is very important, and the poor way is the leader of the human sect. The first fire emperor must belong to my sect, so be it. Two worthy brothers. As long as you agree to the poor way This first human emperor belongs to my sect, so I promise you as a brother. The next two emperors will definitely help the two worthy brothers, how about it?"

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Master hesitated.

It's been a while.Sect Master Tongtian snorted coldly and said, "Brother

, There are too many variables in the future, you want to replace the first emperor with such an empty ticket, is this calculation too precise?_"

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