, often every time they hunt, they have to pay a very high price.

Seeing this, Taihao taught the clansmen to set up traps, so that the clansmen drove the beasts into the traps and captured them easily.

The emergence of traps and livestock greatly stimulated human development.

The Huaxu tribe has reduced the number of captive livestock due to injury, and people can eat fresh meat for almost every meal, so they are strong and strong.

Soon, the Huaxu tribe developed into a large tribe.

The name of Taihao also spread throughout the human race.Famous people!

Immediately after Taihao watched the changes in Zhou Tianxingdou, the year, month, day, and year were established.

There are three hundred and sixty-five days, one month is thirty days, and one day has twenty-four hours.

Since then, the human race has become more and more regular, with the concept of Shidian.

Not only that, Tai Hao violated the establishment of human race marriage matters, and established three generations of close relatives are not allowed to combine, thus triggering the marriage. Z Tiandao descends the meritorious generals. Losg this-day, Taishang Laozi called Taihao. When he solved it, only the Taiji diagram appeared and said, "Taihao, look!, 930

Tai Hao saw the Tai Chi image as two black and white Pisces entangled.Slipping spinning.

Taiwu watched the Taiji map for three years, from which he realized the ritual of the four images and determined that there are four seasons in a year.

finally.Taihao evolves gossip and establishes orientation.

Inspired by the vision of heaven and earth.

The third ancestor of the human race who was in retreat was awakened and rushed over.

The third ancestor of the human race saw Laozi Taishang.Hastily greeted. "Meet the saints!"

Tai Hao also exclaimed. _"The teacher is actually a saint?"

After all, Taishang Laozi and Taihao have the method of teaching skills, so Dahao calls Taishang Laozi a teacher, but it is not a master-apprentice relationship.

Taishang Laozi is waiting for Taishi to be the heir to the throne, and then accept Taitan as a disciple!

The old man was blushing.laughed, "I

The Dao is completed today! The Suiren clan, the Youchao clan and the Zhenyi clan, Taihao has created such a blessing for the human race. According to the Tao of Heaven, he should be the co-owner of the human race and the first emperor! '

The three ancestors of the human race were shocked, and after discussing it, they promoted Taiyu as the co-lord of the human race.It was agreed that after three days, (bjed)i made Taihao the first human emperor of the human race.

Taishang Laozi became more and more happy. After only three days, he took Taihao back to Yangshan.

These three days have been very long for the son of the Supreme Being.

After March Day, it was finally time for the Emperor Feng Chan Tai Dian.

Suiren, Youchao and Zhenyi convene the world

Human Race, held a Fengchan big telegram for Taihao.

"Please ask Tai Wu to come on stage!"

The Diren stood on the high platform, loudly

Tai Wu is in the limelight and on the high stage

Sui Ren said loudly. _ "The human race should be a human emperor and lead the human race to the future. Taihao is famous in the human race, and Lingri will be the first human emperor of my human race, and I will learn from it."

- "Human Sovereign. Human Sovereign, Human Sovereign..."

Hundreds of millions of people in the audience cheered.Shouting _The co-lord of the human race.

At this moment, a vision appeared in the Tao of Heaven. Boundless purple energy surged.Auspiciousness descends from heaven.land

The golden lotus surged, thousands of rosy lights rioted.

Although the emperor is not a saint, he has the mana like a saint, and he is the second realm between the peak realm of saints and quasi-sages.

Or can be regarded as "semi-holy""

Although semi-sages are not saints, they are also saints. Therefore, there is a vision in heaven, and this vision is not smaller than that of saints.

Looking at this terrifying vision and thinking about the fate of the human race that he will enjoy in the future, more and more.Taishang Laozi is getting more and more happy, and the Taishang Laozi, who has always been flattered, is also happy, and the fish grins to his ears.

Floating from the horizon - a huge golden cloud of merit, descending a huge amount of merit

, poured into Tai Hao's body.

With merit, Taihao's cultivation soared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With the improvement of his realm, Taihao's memory of his previous life also slowly woke up.


At this moment, the sound of water roared loudly.The horizon - a mighty river is rushing. Above the river, a unicorn shakes its head and comes

On the head of the unicorn are two treasures of Hetu Luoshu!

The two treasures are flowing, exuding a charming halo.

Seeing that this river map is different from the books, the smile on Lao Tzu's face froze.

. There is a bad premonition in my heart.

Hetu and Luoshu were taken away by Kunpeng that day. Immediately after Taichu, this fellow appeared in Beihai and snatched Hetu Luoshu from Kunpeng's hand.

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