Tai Chu looked at Mrs. Yuan Mu and smiled: "Thank you dear!"

Mrs. Yuanmu looked at Taichu with a respectful face, and said, "My life was saved by the son, not to mention those treasures are naturally the son's!"

Tai Chu grinned and said: "Daoist friend is serious, Taoist friend, Pindao wants to go out for a tour.

, I also trouble the Taoist friends to take care of the dojo! "

"Young master, go out, Pindao will take good care of the dojo!"

Mrs. Yuanmu shrugged.

"Okay, then there's work!"

At the beginning, he surrendered to Mrs. Yuanmu, then called Taotie and went out of the mountain.

Wuji Mountain is guarded by Mrs. Yuanmu, so she was relieved in the beginning.

Mrs. Yuanmu was Yuan Feng, the former patriarch of the Phoenix Clan, and her cultivation had reached the terrifying quasi-sage peak. In today's prehistoric world, apart from the ancestors of Hongjun, I am afraid that no one is her opponent.

Even Sanqing, Nuwa, Jie Yin and Zhun

Mention and others, I am afraid that it has just transformed into shape at this time, and dying is the realm of a Daluo peak.

At the beginning of the day, he left Wuji Mountain and went straight to Wuliang Mountain.

Infinite Mountain is the dojo of the ancestors of Qiankun. It is different from the Yin-Yang Infinite Array of Wuji Mountain. The Qiankun Qi Array of Infinite Mountain has a long time, and it needs people to inject new energy. weak.

At the beginning, I was worried that the great formation of Wuliangshan would be weakened and occupied by others.

When I was in Wuji Mountain, I inherited some of the inheritance of the ancestors of Yin and Yang at the beginning of time, and enjoyed the sweetness. Therefore, I thought of Wuliang Mountain at the beginning, and wanted to transfer the inheritance of the ancestors of Qiankun and Qiankun.

Own it.

After all, the treasures of ancestor-level characters are still very tempting to the beginning!

Although this guy, Taotie, has not broken through the Golden Immortal Daluo over the years, his mana has become more and more solid, and his flight speed has become much faster.

Taotie is not tolerated by the way of heaven, so it is extremely difficult to break through!

Galloping all the way, seeing the vibrant prehistoric world at the very beginning, my heart is also a lot more comfortable.

Originally, after the Dragon and Han Tribulation, there were not one out of ten creatures in the Great Desolate Continent, but now they are gradually recovering, and countless creatures are born.

Among them, the sun was born on the star

The two three-legged Jinwu Dijun and Taiyi integrate the ten thousand clans, and they are called the demon clan. All the creatures that are born with wet eggs and born with nourishment and transformation are all demon clans.

For a while, the demon clan had no sound, and they had the potential to dominate the floods.

Only the Wu clan born from the blood of Pangu can compete with the demon clan!

The two Lich clans are arrogant, snatch resources on the Great Desolate Continent, and fight from time to time, but in general, the Great Desolate Continent is quite harmonious.

In the beginning, I was not a person who likes to cause trouble. If people don't offend me, I won't offend others!

For tens of thousands of years, there has been nothing but peace. On this day, it finally came

Measure outside the mountains.

It's just that the things that were worried about at the beginning of the day still happened. The mountain protection formation of Wuliang Mountain was weakened, and the spiritual mountain of Wuliang Mountain was still occupied.

At this time, the demonic energy above the Boundless Mountain is soaring into the sky, and the one occupying the Boundless Mountain must be the demon clan...

ps: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 5 This fellow is so rich, looking at the dumbfounded demon king ([-]) Ask for collection, ask for flowers!

Lingshan, which he had been thinking about all the time, was occupied, how could he not be angry in the beginning.

Even, in the beginning, he was moved to kill!

It was just that when Taichu left Yujing Mountain, the ancestor Hongjun specially ordered Taichu not to let Taichu kill.

After thinking about it for a while, Tai Chu grinned and urged Taotie to walk towards Wuliang Mountain.

"Hey, Wu that Daoist, this place is a demon clan's territory, don't rush in!"

A little demon had already stepped forward and blocked Taichu's way.

Tai Chu grinned and said: "The demon clan's territory, this place is clearly the dojo of an old friend of Pindao. When did it become your demon clan's territory?"

Saying that, Tai Chu turned his hand over and the Primordial Sword appeared.

The Hunyuan Sword made a clanging sound, and circles of spiritual light were like ripples of water, with the sword body as the center, rippling all around, very agile.

Where have the little demons ever seen such treasures, they were all stunned for a while.

"This is... the best innate spiritual treasure!"

Just here, a figure rushed down the mountain, looked at the Primordial Sword in Taichu's hand, and exclaimed.

"Your Majesty!"

The little demons hurriedly cupped their hands.

Looking up at the beginning of the day, I saw a huge lizard rushing down.

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