Yuanshi Tianzun did not expect that Taichu would support him, so he couldn't help but be stunned.Then he laughed. "Okay, that's it, let's get started."

"Okay, let's get started"

Taichu laughed.

due to

The defenders are all quasi-saint-level masters.On the other hand, there is a big Luo Jinxian on the side of the fight, so the fight-one side can fight in groups.

Xuanxu looked at a few people in the arena. Grand Master Xuandu, _Although there is no mountain or water leaking on weekdays, but people teach a lot of luck, and Grand Master Xuandu can be the only personal disciple of Taishang Laozi, it must be good, so 2 Xuanxu did not choose Archmage Xuandu.

Moreover, Xuanxu is now at the pinnacle of Tailuo, so I am afraid that the odds of winning against the Master of Shangxuan are not great.

Xuanxu has great merits and virtues to support the sky, coupled with Taishi's personal teaching during this period and the assistance of a large amount of Jindan, so he has made rapid progress.already

To the realm of Daluo Jinxian peak.

Then look at the Daoist Burning Lamp. .Daoist Burning Lamp is now a master of the quasi-sage peak, and there is a realm gap between the two of them. b Going there is looking for abuse, so Xuan Xu did not choose to burn the lamp.

Looking at the interception, Taoist Duobao has a profound cultivation base.And good at refining.There are many magic weapons, and it is also a powerful role:

Finally. Xuanxu fixed the moonlight on Maitreya Buddha.

Compared to the others, Maitreya Buddha's cultivation is the weakest."

Xuanxu thinks so, Donghua High Immortal, Twelve Golden Immortals, and the sectarians naturally think the same way.


The moonlight of everyone was almost concentrated on the arena of the Western Church.

Then, under the violent twitching of the old faces of Yingyin and Zhunti, everyone walked towards the Western teaching arena in unison.

The smile on Maitreya's face froze. His face was depressed.

"It's not fair, it's not fair, you two must have negotiated in advance to bully the Western religion:-"

Daoist Zhunti hurriedly stood up and shouted too.

The Daoist Receiver was also anxiously sweating on his forehead and clasped his hands together.Said, "Fellow Daoists, you bully my Western religion like this. It's really too much."

Chapter 5 Is Western religion a soft persimmon?Saints bullying Western religions? ([-])

Yuanshi Tianzun rolled his eyes and said with disdain, "Zun mentions Daoist friends. It's not that we bully your Western religion. It's that your Western religion is the weakest, and you want to pick up soft persimmons and pinch them!"


Known as a soft persimmon. Zhunti Daoist also suffers from qi lung pain.But there is no way.

On the other side, the Sect Interceptor had already met Maitreya Buddha.

It was Empress Sanxiao and Zhao Gongming who went into battle.

Although Maitreya Buddha is powerful, Empress Sanxiao and Zhao Gongming are both masters at the peak of Tailuo Jinxian, and they both have treasures in their hands.

I saw that Qiongxia Niangniang flipped her hand over, revealing the golden Jiaojiao scissors, and threw her hand away.Jin Jiao Scissors turned into two streams of light.Cut to Maitreya Buddha.

Maitreya was shocked.Hastily run supernatural powers to resist.

At the same time, when Bi Xiao Mao turned over, there was a golden bucket of Hunyuan, and it was - Nei according to Maitreya Buddha.

If it is an ordinary treasure, that's all, but facing these two treasures, even Maitreya Buddha can't bear it.

Maitreya Buddha reluctantly blocked with the golden beads in his hand

But soon, the golden beads in the hands of Maitreya were also taken away by Hunyuan Jindou.

have no choice.Maitreya Buddha took out the Qiankun bag and prepared to collect the Hunyuan Jindou and gold in the Qiankun bag.

Jiao scissors.

It's just that the Qiankun bag is so powerful that Hunyuan Jindou is a spiritual treasure. Not only did it not accept others.Instead, it was collected by Hunyuan Jindou.

Maitreya Buddha was shocked and angry, so he had to rely on his powerful mana to resist.

However, Jin Jiaojian and Hunyuan Jindou were extremely aggressive, and Maitreya Buddha, who was carrying them straight, had no room to fight back.

On the other side, Yun Xiao and Zhao Gongming are holding a ribbon_-[-]A holding a divine whip and also rushing towards Maitreya Buddha

After some fighting, even though Maitreya Buddha was deeply cultivated, he was beaten back and forth again and again, and in the end he was even forced out of the ring and had to admit defeat.


Maitreya Buddha also injured Zhao Gongming. But he lost the game

Poor Western became the first L to be kicked out

"Acceptance and quasi mention, two fellow Daoists

Tongtian Sect Master won the first battle, he was in high spirits, and he laughed excitedly.

Jie Yin and Zhun Ti's popular teeth itchy L, but he had no choice but to snort and leave.

in this way.The Western Sect ended in a hurry. Even Ksitigarbha and Kinnara in the audience didn't have time to make a move. ,

After just playing _ field, Empress Sanxiao and Zhao Gongming fought with a quasi-Saint Tai.. It was also a lot of consumption, and there was no ability to fight again.

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