First shot wound

The way of heaven is broken, and the ancestral saying that the way of heaven is invincible is also broken. :Fen laughed loudly and said:_"Two: Heaven, come back if you have the ability, I want you to look good today!"

Tiandao was furious, and the heavenly wheel of Tiandao spun wildly behind him, forty-nine streamers lit up, and the vertical eyes between the eyebrows opened.Thunder rolls inside.It seems to have no power.


A purple thunder came out of Tiandao's eyebrows and directly faced Taishi.

Although this thunder is very small and thin, the energy it contains is extremely huge. It gave an extremely terrifying sense of oppression in the beginning.

Shocked at the beginning,

One after another slapped the chest. The Taixu God Armor emerged, and the world of Hongmeng loomed. There were sun, moon and stars on it.There are mountains and rivers below, and outside there are golden beads (Qian Wang Zhao), Yingluo, golden lotus, golden lanterns and other objects hanging around.

At the same time, treasures such as the [-]th-Rank Destruction Black Lotus, the Four Phantom Origin Beads, and the Earth Origin Beads also appeared in an instant. It was just an instant.At the beginning of the day, a multi-colored light ball toilet with a size of hundreds of thousands of feet was opened.

This kind of protective gas shield made the saints twitch violently.

Look at Taichu's defense. A compares their defense again, it is simply low-end can't be low-end⊥


Heavenly Dao Divine Thunder slammed into the wall above the defensive air hood in the beginning, and the air wave that was blasted by the defensive air hood in the beginning tumbled violently. The aftermath of the terrifying wave spread to all around like a tidal wave. place.Pushed everything down, hundreds of millions of miles away.Instantly turned into ashes.

psL for subscription, for subscription, for subscription, for subscription.⊥⊥⊥⊥⊥⊥⊥


Chapter 4 With the eyes of heaven, the great fairy Yang Mei arrives ([-]) Please subscribe!

- "The God of Heaven and Thunder, I'm afraid I won't die this time in the beginning. I have to be disabled."

On Shouyang Mountain, Taishang Zhezi remembered the terrifying Heavenly Dao Divine Thunder. He still had a golden palpitation in his heart and couldn't help but muttered.

In Kunlun Mountain, in Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun's face twitched violently.Shocked, "At the beginning. Hey, you are also considered a generation of heroes, it's a pity, it's a pity _1!"

On Jinao Island in the East China Sea, Biyou Palace, Tongtian Sect Master couldn't bear to close his eyes.He muttered, - "Those who obey the sky will prosper, those who go against the sky will perish, this fellow at the beginning of time, it's such a pity⊥"

In the Promise Mountain.Nuwa and Houtu Niangniang are all big

Shocked, her pretty face instantly turned pale, and she almost fainted on the ground.

The Daoist Receiver danced and laughed excitedly, "In the beginning.. this time you're not dead!"

But at this moment, I saw a streamer rushing out of the smoke.The God-killer shot out an extremely dazzling divine light, and stabbed the heaven with a spear.

In the beginning, it was intact, and it still has the ability to attack the way of heaven.

Tiandao is also a little confused - he forgot to avoid it for a while.He was stabbed in the shoulder by a shot at the beginning.

It's just that the Tao of Heaven is after all - the Tao program does not know that the pain is printed out with one palm, and it directly stumbles back from the Taichu hit.

, Whoa whoa leaves more than blood.

The next moment, I saw that the sun star and the lunar star suddenly rose by 243. ,

Generally speaking. The sun and lunar stars change day by day, and it is impossible to appear in the sky at the same time, but this moment.The sun star and the lunar star appeared in the sky at the same time

Of course, this surprising scene. Nature cannot be a natural phenomenon.But someone is calling them!

Their master is calling them!

in the beginning

At the beginning of the day, he was using the power of the sun star and the lunar star to recover from his injuries, and the terrifying blocking sun. The indestructible body broke out at this moment.

come out

In an instant, Taichu's injury returned to normal. ,

Tiandao looked at the beginning.snorted coldly.The Eye of Heaven between the eyebrows lit up again and again: a terrifying thunder riot.

At the beginning, he shouted loudly, and once again opened the protective air shield.


The terrifying air wave is like a tide.It surged all around again, and everything turned into powder wherever it went.

But the next moment, Tai Chu still flew out unscathed, with a heavy stamp on his feet. - Duo Qinglian trickles out, wraps it, and disappears without a trace in an instant

When he reappeared in the beginning, he was already in front of Tiandao, and he punched Tiandao's old face with a punch.

Tiandao was smashed by a punch from the beginning and flew out. , even rolling over, do not know how many miles out.

The saints looked at the moon dumbfounded.I could hardly believe my eyes.

next moment.A familiar scene unfolded

In the beginning, he jumped on the body of Heaven.According to Tiandao's old face, L's fists are like a storm-boat, smashing down frantically.

In the beginning, he was a sanctified existence. Every punch of his fist had a thousand powers. Soon Tiandao's old face was smashed by the beginning.

Go in, it's no longer in human form.


The saints were stunned and could hardly believe their eyes.

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