Yang Mei Taixian and Tiandao battle in one place are indistinguishable.No deal.Even Yang Mei Daxian is still steady

Bi Yi, the ancestor of Hongjun is still secretly suppressing the way of heaven

It is equivalent to the two super powerhouses Hongjun ancestors and Yang Mei Daxian who are competing with Tiandao.

therefore.Only Immortal Yang Mei can prevail

At the same time, a mighty Dao sound entered the ears of the saints.

"Come and help me!"

In Shouyang Mountain, Taishang Laozi hesitated - down_ secretly, "Following the way of heaven, you can last for a long time_ That's all, just go up"

Having said that, Taishang Laozi stepped out to Taichu.

at the same time.Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master also appeared.

Obviously, the three clears are all made for those who follow the way of heaven prosper, and those who go against the way of heaven perish.Therefore, they dare not go against the will of Heaven.

The Daoist Receiver also stepped forward in ecstasy and said excitedly, "In the beginning.. You are finished. Hahaha:.".

In the Promise Mountain, Nuwa stepped out. Standing in front of Taichu

Houtu, also followed by e

The old face of the Daoist receptionist turned black.Angrily said: "Nuwa, Houtu. Do you two want to

Can't go against the sky?"

Nu Wa's pretty face was slightly cold, and she said solemnly, "Bengong only knows who wants to kill Bengong's husband. Who is Bengong's enemy!"

The back soil is also pretty and slightly cold.In a deep voice L-"My witch clan is fighting the sky and the battlefield, I have never known what it means to defy the sky!"

The Daoist was furious.Shen Sheng said, "Since you are going to die with Tai Chu, that poor way will fulfill you!"

Saying that, the receptionist turned over his hand, and the blessing god pestle appeared. He stepped on the golden lotus of the second grade of soil, and he rushed towards Taichu with a wailing scream.

"Hmph, your opponent is Ben Gong!_"

after seven

Step out.Stop the receptionist, and fight with the receptionist too much.

Receptionists are good at dreaming and supernatural powers.But Houtu is a sanctified existence of Yuanshen, and his dream magic powers have no effect on Houtu at all.

Moreover, due to the constant luck of the Wuji Mountain, the latter ten and the Nuwa have more luck in the human race than the Sanqing, so the two people's cultivation realm is very fast.

I originally had the weakest mana in the back soil.However, due to luck, Houtu's mana also surpassed that of Jie Yin and Zhun Ti, and was close to Sanqing.

The pitiful Daoist Receiver's own magical powers of the Dream Dao, which he was good at, were restrained by Houtu, and his mana was not as good as Houtu's.

In addition, he was injured in the previous battle with Taichu, so he was almost pressed and beaten by Hou Tu.

"Fellow Daoist Sanqing, if you still don't act, are you trying to go against the will of Heaven?

The Daoist Receiver was smashed into a mountain by Hou Tu's fist, and he got out of the rubble, shouting hysterically.

Sanqing hesitated for a while, and each rushed towards Taichu and Nuwa.

The sect master of Tongtian confronted the goddess Nuwa.At the beginning of the year, he alone fought Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Amica.

The Master Tongtian attacked sharply and mastered the sharpness of the law of kendo.But the goddess Nuwa masters the laws of creation, and the goddess Nuwa

The treasures possessed are no worse than the sect master of Tongtian

When Nuwa Niang Niang was refining the stone to mend the sky, L gave the Qiankun Ding to Nuwa Niang Niang in the very beginning. With this treasure body protection, plus the red hydrangea and the mountains and rivers, the two treasures.

When the Tongtian Cult Master didn't use the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, the Mother Nuwa had no problem blocking the Tongtian Cult Master.

The Tongtian Sect Master will also use the Die Immortal Sword Array to suppress the qi luck of the sect!

If he uses the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, it will cause the loss of Jietao's luck.

He is not stupid enough to offend Taichu and harm his own affairs.

Therefore, the leader of Tongtian has the suspicion of releasing water.

Doubtful, and the fight with the goddess Nuwa is indistinguishable.

On the other side, Taichu and Taishang Laozi s Yuanshi Tianzun's battle.But not water.But the real war.

While you are sick, _ I want you to die

Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun hated Taichu so much that they did not show mercy.

It's just the beginning with the law of power.Where can the two of them take it?

Taishang Laozi lifted Bianji and rode on a green ox.smashed e to the beginning

Tai Chu snorted coldly and turned the hair.The Qinglian Zimu Sword appeared, and the Qinglian Zimu Sword was directly sacrificed, and the Qinglian Zimu Sword multiplied into thousands of immortal swords.


Soon, the Qinglian Zimu sword turned into a sword lotus.

The sword refinement whirled.Swipe through the air - a beautiful arc.Crash into too. Shang Laozi.

-Last time, Taishang Laozi suffered from the Qinglianzimujian, so now he is horrified when he sees the Qinglianzimujian

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