But on the surface, in the beginning, he still only held the power of the law of power.

Even so, the law of power is known as the power of the first law, and it is still the worthy first saint in the beginning.

Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun each have a supreme law in their palms, but if they are talking about combat power, I am afraid that Taishang Laozi will still be higher than that.

- Mount.

Therefore, Taishang Laozi is the first strange person except Taichu, followed by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Master Tongtian holds the sharp power of the law of kendo, and is the fourth saint with unparalleled attack power, but if Master Tongtian sets up the Sword of Immortal Execution, it will be another matter.

The law of reincarnation of Houtu is equivalent to the law of creation of Nuwa, regardless of each other.

The Law of the Dream Dao of Receiving and Introducing Daoists Enters Dao with dreams and travels through three thousand worlds. 2 is also a very powerful law.

The power of the law of the quasi-daoist is Wuxiang. Law.is also very powerful

The power of principles alone is too old in the beginning

Zihe Yuanshi Tianzun is stronger than the other saints.The power of the laws of the golden saints has its own merits, it just depends on how they are used.

When the Taoist received and led to see that the power of the laws of the Supreme Master and Yuanshi Tianzun turned out to be the law of time and the law of fate, he was surprised and happy and laughed, "In the beginning, you are dead!

Nuwa and Houtu's faces were ashen.

In the beginning, although he mastered the law of power.But under the attack of the law of time and the law of destiny, I am afraid that it is also in jeopardy.

It's just that at the beginning, he didn't seem to worry at all and pouted his lips with disdain, looking at the Daoist Receiver, and said, "Stupid!"


"Daoist Daoist and Yuanshi Daoist friends don't do anything at this time, when will they wait?"

Receiving Yindao's popularity trembled all over.roared.

Taishang Laozi drank in a deep voice and said, "In the beginning. Die!"

talking.The flat crutch in Lao Tzu's hand was drawn, and the long river of time suddenly roared like a winding dragon. , whistling to the beginning of the roll.

"In the beginning. Die and go"

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly. The three treasures jade in his hand pointed at the beginning of the year, and the long river of fate turned. The mottled picture whizzed by. The people who saw it were dazzled |.

Howling rolls to Tai I.

This is the power of the law!

If you are caught up in these two long rivers, you will fall into the long river of time. 2 Or fall into the river of fate.

In the beginning, they will be exiled in the long river of time, or the center of the long river of fate cannot extricate themselves.

Taishang Laozi can run for a long time

Let time flow back indefinitely, and the beginning will be exiled forever,

The long river of fate is even more terrifying. If you are caught up in the long river of fate in the beginning, then the fate of the beginning will be changed by Yuanshi Tianzun, saying that you are a dog. stoned to death

"Go, be careful"

Nuwa and the last twelve people's expressions changed greatly, and they exclaimed e.

At the beginning, he was not afraid, and snorted coldly. Running the power of the nine-quantity law, two big hands stretched out, and one hand grabbed the river of fate. - Holding the river of time with one hand.

At the same time, in the beginning, the two big rivers were drawn into each other by the method of borrowing strength.

Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun each groaned, their faces turned pale, and they couldn't help but retreat thousands of feet away.

Taichu looked at Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun with a playful face.Disdain. _" This seat said that the law of power is the first law

Then, even if you have the Law of Time and the Law of Destiny, you can't help yourself! '

"In the beginning, you deceived people too much!"

Too high, Lao Tzu is too angry.With a heavy stomping under his feet, the colorful river of time emerged again, too hands grabbed, and three people jumped out of the river of time.

These three people are not March but the Supreme Master in another time period. They were just pulled over by the Supreme Master.

Tai Chu raised his brows and said, "Could this be the origin of Yiqi Hua Sanqing's supernatural powers?"

The means of Taishang Laozi _ shocked the saints again.

This kind of means is really incredible

The four Taishang Laozi shouted angrily, each holding a flat crutch.Whoa whoa screamed at Xiang Taichu.

"Good trick, but your supernatural ability to transform Sanqing shouldn't last long!

Tai Chu grinned.When Mao turned over, the Hunyuan sword appeared, and he slashed at the four Taishang Laozi with one sword.

The shot is to open the third type of giant to transform all things into the sky!

Sword Qi swarmed, like a violent storm.Each sword qi presents a different angle.There are a total of [-] changes in different directions.

these changes

Cheng - the grand picture of the deputy giant!

Giants rise to the sky, stand upright!

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