"Ha ha.

.. "

Taichu laughed and stood against the wind.He laughed loudly, "Tai Shang Yuan Shi. Today, this seat will send you to see Zhun Ti!" (Nuo's good). With that said, Tai Chu stepped on the long river of fate and time, turning it into a whirlwind. The two of Yuanshi Tianzun rushed over.

At this moment, a Tai hand suddenly stretched out from the river of time.Grab Primordial's ankle.It actually pulled Taichu into the long river of time.

Immediately, time passed away, and the beginning of time disappeared without a trace.

"These 11 Codes"

Yuanshi Tianzun looked relieved and turned to look at Tai

On the old man, said. "Brother, thanks to you, you dragged that guy from the beginning of time into exile in the long river of time. Otherwise, the two of us would be in danger today."

"But: . . but it's not a poor way.

The old man said with a stunned expression.

In fact, it's really not that Taishang Laozi pulled Taichu into the long river of time!

Yuanshi Tianzun was stunned and his face twitched.

"Senior brother. Did you really pull Taichu into the long river of time?"

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Chapter 2 The mysterious man who pulled the beginning of time into the river of time ([-]) Please subscribe!

Taishang Laozi said with a wry smile: "It's really not a poor way!"

Yuanshi Tianzun asked suspiciously, "Who would that be? Who else in this world understands the law of time besides senior brother and Taichu?_"

Taishang Laozi said with a confused expression, "Junior brother, I really don't know about mountains."

Nu Wa and Hou Tu Jian Tai Chu were pulled into the long river of time.Also surprised.Hastily abandoned the opponent.

The latter ten glared at Taishang Laozi.Said, "Your Majesty, let me go to Jun, or you're welcome to blame this palace!"

Nuwa also said anxiously, "Senior brother Taishang. Quickly let go of my family. Otherwise, don't blame this palace.

Turn your face and don't recognize anyone."

Taishang Laozi said with a wry smile, "Two Daoists, you understand your feelings, but it's really not the poor Dao who pulled the Taichu Daoist into the long river of time!"

"Shang Shang, you dare to be cunning!"

Houtu was furious, so he had to do it

At this moment, Nu Wa stopped Hou Tu.Said, "The last ten sisters, stop. Senior Brother Taishang will not lie, it is not him who dragged her husband into the long river of time."

The back earth is in a hurry, look at the way of heaven, and the way is urgent

"Tian Dao, you see my diligence and diligence in maintaining the six realms of reincarnation. Just let my husband out!


Nuwa also hurriedly said, "Yes, please⊥"

At this time, L-day 810 Dao and Yang_mei Taixian also stopped fighting.

Ancestor Hongjun's eyes regained their color.Heaven has long since receded.

Ancestor Hongjun frowned and said, "It wasn't the way of heaven that pulled Taichu into the long river of time"_'

"Teacher, that is-:; who is that?"

Nuwa hurriedly said.

Ancestor Hongjun twinkled brightly and said, "This: I don't know that this poor man. You should retreat first, the cultivation base and mana of the early days.

, he will come back sooner or later _ you all go back to the mountain"

talking.The figure of the ancestor Hongjun disappeared gradually.

Daxian Yangmei frowned, and L also stepped out of L and left.

Sanqing left separately.

Nu Wa sighed and left.

After t was heartbroken, he went back to the underworld.

A war of greatness ended by being pulled into the long river of time in the beginning, but who was pulled into the long river of time in the beginning, but it was rare.

In the Zixiao Palace, the ancestors of Hongjun Zhezu flickered with profound light all over his body, and the divine light in his eyes rioted, and he muttered, "Heavenly Dao. Poor Dao still underestimated you.

_. But it's not too high, not the way of heaven. Who the hell pulled Taichu into the long river of A time (ccaj)? It's strange and strange....

Suddenly, Ancestor Hongjun took a deep breath.The old face twitched, and he grinned, "Having raised this stinky boy, it's enough to carry the poor way, and it hurts the poor way?"

On the other side, Taichu falls A in the long river of time 6

He was also wondering who pulled him into Shi Wenchang.

In the long river of time, time flies by rapidly, colorful.Extremely beautiful.

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