At the beginning, his eyes lit up and he asked, "Where are the treasures refined by Dao Zun now?"

At the beginning of the future, the powerhouse of the Great Dao Realm could not beat the Dao Zun, but even the Dao Zun slaughtered all living beings in the wild. It was also to refine that treasure.

From this it can be seen that

How important is a treasure

Future Taichu smiled and said, "That treasure is now on you."

At the beginning, his whole body was too shocked. He exclaimed, you mean a .. system?

At the beginning of the day, Yue was stunned and opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

The future Taichu smiled bitterly, "I don't have much time. Since you have acquired the Dao, you should: do something for Honghuang."

Having said that, the future disappeared in the long river of Shiwen at the beginning of time.

What else do you want to ask at the beginning?

But it was too late.

Take a deep breath.Taichu jumped out of the long river of time.

in the past.In the beginning, it was just cultivation for cultivation’s sake.There is no purpose, but now Taiyuan is different.

He has and mark

Daozu came.Will destroy everything that wraps his family, wraps the whole flood!

He must stop Dao Zun!

To stop Dao Zun.. you must have strength

In the beginning, I desperately wanted to practice.

I found a cave at random and shielded the secret with Chaos Beads.isolated from the outside world.From the very beginning, he began to practice.

The future Taichu has improved immeasurable calamities. The power enables Taichu to use its own calamity to cultivate.”

This time, in the beginning, it was almost killed by Heavenly Dao, a calamity belonging to itself.

At the beginning of the day, he started to practice immeasurable calamities.

Catastrophe is a mysterious thing.Although it is real. But it can't be touched or seen

At the beginning of the day, the mysterious power was used to move the power of the calamity through the various meridians throughout the body.

I don't know how long it took, a mighty holy majesty came. - Dao Divine Light rose into the sky, stirred the wind and clouds, and dyed the sky into colors.Sunshine diffuses.The colorful clouds are rolling, shocking

The Middle Stage of the Five Realms of Hunyuan⊥

Taichu finally broke through again!

In the beginning, there was a Chaos Bead bodyguard. It was completely possible to discard these visions, but he didn't have him. He just wanted to tell the saints that he was back. And he broke through.Scared the courage of the saints.

Jane in.Also report the safety of Nuwa and the sergeants.The old ancestor suddenly opened his eyes and said with joy, "Stinky boy. Pendao knows that you won't die like this!"

In Wuji Mountain, Yang Mei Daxian, who was sweeping the floor, froze.He looked up at the splendor in the sky.He smiled and said, "In the beginning, little friend, you finally came back, and it's not in vain to wait for you for so many years"

In the nameless mountain, Taichu grinned with a charming smile and stepped out.Drilled into the void and disappeared.

After Taichu left.Sanqing received Zhunti, Nuwa, Houtu and other sages all together.

During the time when he disappeared in the beginning, the Daoist Receiver has recovered his original body, and the Daoist Zhunti has also used the power of heaven to restore it again.

It's just that the strength of the Daoist Zhunti after being resurrected again is not as good as before.Now it is only the realm of the peak of the three realms of Hunyuan. It is too shy from the realm of the saints.

The current Zhunti is truly the weakest saint

nameless mountain

Above, all the living beings crawl on the ground in unison. They look at the saints with a look of horror.

Obviously they didn't know why the saints of the heavens came together.

All the saints are coming. Naturally, the sun is shining every day, auspicious, and the ground is surging with golden lotuses. All kinds of visions suddenly arise.

Nuwa looked at a tiger demon. On her pretty face, she asked impatiently, "Do you know who broke through here just now?

The tiger demon hurriedly exclaimed:_"Returning to the true saint. The little demon doesn't know!"

"Really don't know?"

Yuanshi Tianzun said angrily.

"Returning to the true saint and the little demon really don't


The voice of the Yao Yao, who was crawling on the ground, was trembling, and her voice was trembling.

The saints know that nothing will happen

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Laozi Taishang and frowned, "Brother Tai. Is it that person? If it is really that person, he is afraid that he has already broken through the realm of the middle stage of the Five Realms of Primordial Yuan."

Taishang Laozi took a deep breath, and the divine light flashed in his eight eyes.Said, "The whole flood. It's not us who broke through the saints. Naturally, it's that person who came on."

Such an oddity.Obviously, it is a vision that only saints can have through breakthroughs.

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