The god was so frightened that he hurriedly made a shush.He said anxiously, "Oops, be quiet, my old pig will be killed by you::"! '

Jian Chu grinned and saw that the god was burly, black and fat, and he couldn't help asking, "This fellow Taoist, are you a pig?" Chu asked, "Who are you?" My old pig's name "needs to know how this seat knows.. this time with you. The Three Purities and the Western Two Saints gathered here. What are you doing?"

"Of course it's the one who recruited the Xuanmen traitor Taichu?"

Pig Bajie Road.

"Xuanmen traitor? In the beginning?"

The smirk on the face of Taichu then shook his head with a wry smile, and muttered, "When did this seat become a traitor to Xuanmen!"

At this moment, Haotian Turtle, who was sitting on the throne of Wudi, reached the beginning of his conversation with Zhu Ganghyena.He almost fell from the throne of the Heavenly Emperor in fright.Exclaimed.. "Tai Shi Yuan" one. "

At the beginning of the grin _ grin.. the figure flashed, and then disappeared without a trace.Also too surprised.Hastily looked back.But there is still the beginning of the figure. "Xingtian. Can you see clearly that the person in the 3rd is really Taichu?" "That...that I didn't see clearly. I don't know if it was an illusion?".

Haotian at the pinnacle of quasi-sage.. there will be hallucinations

Haotian himself does not believe it. The saints naturally do not speak

The Daoist Receiver looked at Zhu Ganghye,

Said: "This goddess. Did someone talk to you just now?"

Pig just mane too scared.Hastily said, "Yes. Just now, someone suddenly appeared in the Lingxiao Palace and talked to me.-"

When the saints heard this, their expressions changed drastically.With Cong Rong's appearance under their noses, how powerful was Taiyuan?

It seems to have broken through the beginning of the six realms.The powers are even wider!

The Daoist Zhunti gritted his teeth and said, 'In the beginning, I couldn't let him go.I respectfully follow the will of heaven and kill Taichu! '

"Yes. In the beginning, this fellow deceived people too much, you should go down to the human world first and destroy them.

Taiyuan Taoism: ? '

All the saints are filled with righteous indignation.

Just suffering the stars.

How could he, a puppet emperor, dare to oppose Taichu?

But now this is the case.Haotian has also been able to choose - Fang to stand in line, otherwise the saints will not be able to spare him now.

Wu Tian thought about... all the saints, plus the support of heaven.In the beginning, no matter how powerful he was, he would definitely die.

The last time Taichu was pulled into the long river of evidence.Lao Tzu, who pulled Taichu into the long river of time, decided to stand on the side of the saints and kill Taichu together with the saints.

certainly.There is another important reason for this.

That's Yaochi"

Haotian fell in love with Yaochi. , but Yaochi was married to Taichu"

It's just that it was extremely powerful in the beginning.He is a veritable first saint, and Tan Tian dare not provoke Taichu.Therefore, I can only bury this bad breath deeply in my heart.

This time the saints came to Lingxiao Palace. It was like a fuse that completely ignited Haotian's desire for revenge.

Then, the saints and Haotian discussed the matter of sending troops from Heaven.

Said to be negotiable.In fact, the saints are discussing.He totally ignored Haotian's opinion.

Divided into three routes, one hundred thousand soldiers and horses attacked the underworld all the way.Take control of the underworld. , Going to the human race to destroy the primordial era is to say plainly in the Taoist tradition in the human race that it destroys the Holy Father's Palace and destroys the luck in the A tribe in the early days.

There is another way, one hundred thousand horses will send troops to Wuji Mountain, Destruction and All Saints - From Destruction Wuji

All the way to hell.Between the last ten saints, Zhunti Daoist led troops to go there.Not in the underworld, but now and then.The saints believe that the Tao is controlled by the Tao, so there is no need to follow the dharma of the Taoist ancestors.

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The 5nd chapter looted the treasure house of the three religions, qi and urine three clear and the western two saints ([-]) please subscribe!

All the saints and Haotian discussed in the Lingxiao Palace to send troops to exterminate the Taichu lineage. And Taichu was not idle either.

After leaving Lingxiao Palace, he appeared directly under Shouyang Mountain in the beginning.

Taichu stepped towards Shouyang Mountain

The Taiji and Liangyi dust formations at the foot of Shouyang Mountain were all too familiar in the beginning.Simply unobstructed.

Therefore, when he entered Shouyang Mountain in the early days, even Laozi did not find it at all.

When I came to Shouyang Mountain in the beginning, _ naturally came to sack Shouyang Mountain.

They discussed how to deal with Taichu in the Heavenly Court Lingxiao Palace, and Taichu came to their dojo.

Give them a bottom-line paycheck.They will rob their families and kill all the saints with anger.

Thinking of the changes in the old faces of the saints after knowing that their dojos were looted, they were excited at the beginning.

Taichu walked straight into the Eight Views Palace

He has the chaotic treasure body protection such as the chaotic beads, even the saints can't find him.Not to mention Master Xuandu Tai and some alchemy boys.

At the beginning of Tai 22, he abandoned his breath and entered the Palace of Eight Views.

There are eight treasures in the Jinggong, named Qianyuan map, Kundiyin, Leizhenzhu, Xunfengzhu, Kanshui basin, Genshan map, Lihuo mirror, Dui


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