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Chapter 6 The first thief in the flood, the leader of the three religions is crazy ([-]) Please subscribe!

In Lingxiao Palace,

Grand Master Xuandu Jiayun walked in in a hurry, and said anxiously, "Master, it's not good, it's not good..."

Taishang Laozi was taken aback and asked, "What happened?"

Master Xuandu came to Laozi Taishang and cupped his hands. He said anxiously, "Master is not good. My Bajing Palace has been robbed!"

"Have you been robbed?"

Supreme. Lao Tzu was shocked.. exclaimed

"What treasure was lost?"

Master Xuandu Tai said anxiously, "It's all lost. Bajing'erbao, hundreds of gourd pills and Yaoshizun's collection. All of them are invisible.

fly! '

Taishang Laozi was stunned when he heard this, and said angrily, "My Bajing Palace is guarded by the Taiji Liangyi Dust Formation, who is it? Who can enter my Bajing Palace to steal treasures?"

Suddenly, Tai Shang Laozi trembled all over.Like thinking of something.hurriedly. "Let's go. Quickly follow the teacher back to the Eight Views Palace!,"

talking.Taishang Laozi waved his sleeves and took Master Xuandu back to the Eight Views of Shouyang Mountain.

Taishang Laozi returned to the Bajing Palace.-Looking at the empty Bajing Palace, even the Dan furnace was gone, he almost closed it in a breath, and roared, "In the very beginning, you dare to steal my Bajing Palace, poor

Dao is at odds with you..."

In Lingxiao Palace.

The white crane boy hurriedly walked in _ in a hurry, "Master, it's not good, it's not good, our Yuxu Palace has been robbed..."

Yuanshi Tianzun was still rejoicing just now, listening to this.Almost choking on his own saliva, he hurriedly said, "What did you say you lost?

The boy Baihe cried and said anxiously, "I've lost everything, I've lost everything. Treasures such as the Taiji Fuyin, the Apricot Yellow Flag, the Kunlun Mirror, etc., have all been lost, all lost..."

Yuanshi Tianzun almost didn't mention it, closed it, and said angrily, "Who dares to be so big?

Courage, steal my Yuxu Palace, walk around, and follow the teacher back to Yuxu Palace to have a look: 2."

talking.Yuanshi Tianzun also hurriedly took the white crane boy back to Kunlun Mountain.

Yuanshi Tianzun returned to Kunzhong Mountain._ He hurried to the Kunlun treasure house. , Open the treasure trove and take a look, it's bare, and even the root hair is gone.

Yuanshi Tianzun's chest was full of anger, and almost a mouthful of old blood spurted out. He was shocked and said, 'In the beginning, in the beginning, you stole the treasure house of the poor.You thief, the poor and you are incompatible with each other."

Needless to say.can have such means.Sneak into the Kunlun Mountains and steal the treasure house of the Kunlun Mountains without knowing it.

,, I am afraid it is only the beginning of the year.

In the beginning, he was proficient in the formation method _ the great formation of the mountain was for him.It's completely fake.

If the sage wants to make you invisible, even standing in front of you. You can't see L at all, so the Antarctic fairy and the white crane boy - ignorant.

In addition to Da Chu, even if it is too old, it is impossible to steal the treasure house of Kunlun Mountain without disturbing Yuanshi Tianzun and Nanji Xianweng.

In Lingxiao Palace.

The three saints Tongtian, Jieyin and Zhunti were uneasy.

They can also guess.Can so easily steal the eight most palace treasure house and

The r of the Kuncang Mountain treasure house is afraid that no one can do it except in the beginning.

In the beginning this was giving them a dismount

Let them demoralize before they send troops!,

Just when the Master of Tongtian Sect was praying that the people from Biyou Palace would not come, at this moment, Taoist Duobao hurriedly walked into the Lingxiao Palace.

When Tongtian sect master saw Daoist Duobao.When I was careful, my liver trembled, and I said anxiously, "Don't talk, Duobao: .."

Daoist Duobao was stunned.He looked at the sect master of Tongtian with a bewildered expression.

Tongtian Sect Master said anxiously, "Isn't it:. My Biyou Palace was burglarized?"

Daoist Duobao raised his brows. He flattered and patted him, "Master, I have been robbed by a thief in Biyou Palace." By L

God machine is a fart

The leader of Tongtian Sect was almost angry - he closed his breath, and said anxiously, "What did you lose?"

Daoist Duobao cried and grimaced.Dao, _all lost...all lost, all the treasures such as the Hunyuan lantern and Hunyuan map are lost, our Biyou Palace treasures have been looted by some thieves, Master..."

The sect master of Tongtian almost choked to death on his own saliva when he heard it. He said anxiously, _ "Let's go, go back to Biyou Palace!"

Speaking of Tongtian

With a wave of the Master Taixiu, the Daoist of the Treasures was rolled up, and he disappeared without a trace.

When Tongtian Sect Master returned to Biyou Palace to see, the treasures of Biyou Palace were looted_kong.Immediately, his body staggered. He almost fell to the ground with his head cut.

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