Chapter 1 The sad reminder, the bitter reception ([-]) Please subscribe!

But it turned out that after the death of the ten ancestral witches, the Taichu and the last twelve searched for the remnants of the seven ancestral witches and quietly put the eleven ancestral witches into the six-path reincarnation for their reincarnation.

As time goes by, after the reincarnation of the eleven ancestral witches, they will learn something.Awaken past life memories.He came to the underworld to help.

Ten ancestral witches sit in the ten halls.Xuanming Zuwu incarnates Meng Po and extradites the wandering souls of the past on the Naihe Bridge.

The Wu people return to the underworld and extradite the wandering souls. This is to repay the cause and effect. -

But if someone commits a crime, they certainly won't get in the way

The Witch Race is the most warlike race, fighting in the world and never admit defeat!

When a foreign enemy invades the Wu clan, of course they entertain the enemy with their fists!

The ancestral witch roared frantically at the enemy, and every two punches, someone died⊥

The quasi-daoist cannot violate the situation.Tai roared, "Withdraw. Quickly withdraw:-"

Having said that, the Daoist Zhunti turned into two streamers and fled into the distance.

When the Buddhist disciples and the Tianting troops and horses saw Zhunti withdrew, they also hurriedly fled for their lives.I hate my father and mother who have less two legs and can't run faster

On the other side, Daoyin and Haotian came to the mortal world, and Haotian dispatched troops.To help Xuanyuan Huangdi carry Chilong

And the facilitator

to the Holy Father's Palace

The human race has always resisted the preaching of the Western religion, but since the Western religion came out of its shell.After changing the skin.become a Buddhist.

Buddhism came to preach to the human race.It's even better!

It's just that Sanqing has been boycotting Buddhism. Buddhism is not allowed to preach in the human race.

And the beginning.The human race respects the beginning of time as the holy 2 words and obeys.Therefore, there are still many people who think that Buddhism is an evil way.

This time.At the same time when the Daoist people come to the human world to destroy the Taoist tradition in the beginning, they must also spread Buddhism.

In front of the Holy Father's Palace.

Receiving and leading Daoist to bring Buddhist disciples and soldiers from heaven

Will, surrounded the Holy Father's Palace

So much movement... Naturally, the three ancestors of the human race have long been alarmed.

The three ancestors of the human race and people spontaneously organized.Stay out of the way. Don't let Dao Ying and Tian Bing Tian enter the Holy Father's Palace.

The Daoist Receptionist sat in the air above the [-]th-grade golden lotus, and his body was radiant with golden light.The law is solemn.Said, "Suiren's Youchao Lezhenyi's ancestry went against the will of heaven in the beginning, such as today's Dao descended the decree. Kill the taichu_destroy its Dao line. Please move away quickly or you will blame the poor Dao, you are welcome."

The Sui Renshi was so angry that he said solemnly, "The Holy Father and Mother and Mother of the Daoist are the parents of my human race.

How the tribe would be perfidious.Self-destruct the temple, you leave quickly.Otherwise, when the Holy Father returns, you will lose the Holy Incarnation! '

The Taoist Receiver was furious, and said solemnly, "Dang Zhi is stubborn and ineffective. Give it to the poor. Demolish this Holy Father's Palace and build my Buddhist temple!"

"I think who dares? Among you, there are many ping-pong generals, how does the Holy Father treat our human race? Do you want to be ungrateful?

You Chao was too angry. He stepped out in two steps.Behind them, a group of buildings emerged in a splendid and solemn voice.

Zhenyi was also too angry.He shouted in a deep voice: "At the beginning, our human race suffered. It was the Holy Father who saved Jade.

I wait.Where is Western religion? Where is Buddhism? Where is the way of heaven? I see who of you dares to step into the Palace of the Holy Father today! '

The heavenly soldiers and generals looked at each other in dismay.indecision.

The human race is now the protagonist of heaven and earth. The luck is strong, there are many cultivators, and there is no lack of cultivation to become immortals.Those who are flying to heaven.

Therefore, most of the heavenly soldiers and generals in the heavenly court are from the human race, so I heard the words of the three ancestors of the human race.All dare not go forward.

The Daoist Receiver said angrily and solemnly, "To the poor Daoist!"

The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals did not dare to go up, but the Buddhist disciples stepped forward slowly.shine.step away

Walk to the Holy Father's Palace

The third ancestor of the human race was so angry that he wanted to step forward to stop it. At this moment, the Taoist Receiver snorted and scattered Shengwei.

The holy majesty is like a mountain, pouring out mightily

Immediately.The three ancestors of the human race were like Taishan, unable to move, so they could only watch the Buddhist disciples walk towards the Holy Father's Palace.


at this time.A thunderous dragon roar sounded.

I saw nine gigantic golden dragons emerge from the Holy Father's Palace.The golden dragon swayed and smashed the dozen or so Buddhist disciples upside down, and their heads were bleeding.

"Golden Dragon of Luck?.

And there are as many as nine.-"

Seeing that the nine golden dragons envy the tombs, the envy of the Taoist's eyes were all red, and he was more determined to destroy the Taoist lineage in the beginning.Let Buddhism live in the belief of the human race.

....for flowers 0__

These nine golden dragons of luck seem to be too solid.Coupled with the accumulation of eyesight.. has been practiced to become fine. On weekdays, he guards the Holy Father's Palace.Extend your palm, flex your fingers-flick nine streams of light to hit the nine golden dragons of luck accurately.

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