Daoist Zhunti looked at Taichu with a look of anger and anger, and said solemnly. "In the beginning, L, don't be mad, there are so many of us. You may not be able to beat you⊥,"

"Is it?"

Taichu coldly snorted.One step forward, one punch hits the quasi-daoist e

The quasi-daoist was shocked.Hastily run supernatural powers to resist.

It's just that the realm of cultivation at the beginning is higher than him.And attacked with the law of power.

How can a quasi-daoist be able to resist

He was able to hold it, and he was suddenly knocked over by a punch and fell backwards, knocking and flying countless heavenly soldiers and generals along the way.

The Daoist was furious.He picked up the divine pestle of blessing and smashed it towards the beginning.

At the beginning of the year, he flipped his hand, and the Primordial Sword appeared.A sword cut out.


With just this sword, the slashing Daoist's demon-subduing pestle got out of his hand.The Daoist Receiver staggered back, the blood in his body was tumbling, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of old blood with a "wow".

The Devil-destroying pestle is the best innate spiritual treasure smashed out with the pestle.Immediately crushed countless heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.

Haotian looked at it and wanted to split, seeing how powerful it was in the beginning

How dare you stay here. He hurriedly turned into a streamer and fled away.

"At the beginning of the year, Hugh is crazy. Look at the Pindao Zhuxian Sword Formation!"

The sect master of Tongtian was furious.With a shake of his hand, he threw out the Immortal Execution Array, and the array spun around.The divine light rushed to the sky. The four immortal swords hung in the four directions of the south, south, north and west respectively.

It's just that this Immortal Execution Sword Formation has not been successfully deployed, and at the beginning of the day, a sword was stabbed at the Immortal Execution Formation.

The sword stabbed out.The sword light rushed into the sky and directly applied to the gate of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, which had not yet been established.With a whimper, it went to Feihui Tongtian Sect Master's hands.

Babel's face

Violent convulsions looked at Tai Chu in disbelief.

Obviously, he was more familiar with the Zhuxian Sword Formation than him at the beginning, so he was able to hit the gate of the Zhuxian Sword Formation with the sword.So that the Immortal Execution Sword Formation has not yet been established.Disintegrate the river. _


Chapter 1 Suppressing the Five Sages, Shocking the Great Desolation ([-]) Please subscribe!

Not only Tongtian Sect Master was horrified, but even the rest of the saints were stunned.

The Immortal Execution Sword Formation is said to be unbreakable by the Four Saints_But now this Immortal Execution Sword Formation has not yet been completed, it has been overturned by the first sword of the first day.

How does this not shock them?

Powerful in the beginning.almost beyond their imagination"

"In the beginning, the rest is crazy!"

Yuanshi Tianzun was furious and stomped heavily under his feet.The long river of fate of colorful classes poured out mightily.

Yuanshi Tianzun stepped on the long river of fate and began to modify the fate of the beginning.

But he was shocked to discover that he had

It is completely unable to capture anything in the beginning.

"Daoist Yuanshi. The means to see this seat⊥"

In the beginning, he laughed loudly, but also stomped heavily under his feet, and the river of fate collapsed, _big hands grabbed.

Yuanshi Tianzun's face changed greatly, only to feel that something in the "Eleventh Three" in his fate was modified, and suddenly he cried out "Wow".It fell straight down.


The Twelve Golden Immortals, Antarctic Immortal Weng and Daoist Burning Lamp were shocked.They all stepped forward, grabbed Yuanshi Tianzun, and turned into a streamer.Escape to the Kunlun Mountains

Too Shang Lao Tzu's face is fierce

The twitching, the heavy-stomping of the feet.The colorful time is full of drama.Like a dragon going out to sea, it rushed towards the beginning of time.

In the beginning, he stood still, and let the long rivers of time entangle him, sneering: "Fellow Daoist, you understand too little about the laws of time, so how can you be a poor Daoist l__

In the four weeks of the beginning, time stopped.

In the beginning, he was able to speak

Too Shang Laozi twitched violently, turned around and wanted to leave

Tai Chu snorted coldly and said, "Friend of the Dao, today I will let you taste the taste of being exiled by time, and the Japanese will suppress you for three thousand years."

Said, Tai Chu grabbed the Taishang Laozi.

Taishang Laozi was terrified. He stretched out his hand and grabbed a crutch to smash Taichu, but his feet were suddenly empty.Looking down... but found that his ankle was grabbed, and he was pulling away from time to time.

Taishang. Lao Tzu's body staggered when he was pulled, and his flat crutches hit the air.

Arrived too early.The Hunyuan Sword in his hand - the sword is cut down.

The old man was too surprised.He hurriedly shrank his head and hid, but this hid...the figure fell down again.It was directly pulled into it by people in the long river of time.

The person who pulls in Laozi is not someone else L

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