He paid himself to be the incarnation of Duobao Pagoda and knew some ways of refining tools, so he divided the names of the magic weapons he refined with the sectarians.

The disciples of the sect are even more grateful to this senior brother.

So far, in the three thousand years when Tongtian Sect Leader was suppressed, all the people in the sect only knew about the treasures of the elder brother, but did not hear about the master Tongtian Sect Master.

Intercepting the teaching like this, the human teaching and Buddhism are also messed up into a pot of porridge.

Heavenly Dao had no choice but to retreat when the Five Sages were suppressed!

In this calamity, from the beginning of time, we will be victorious.

Of course Taichu was able to win this time. It was because of Yang Meida

Xian blocked the way of heaven.

The reason why Yang Mei Daxian is so attentive is of course for the benefit.

When Yang Mei Taixian returned to Wuji Mountain, he always dangled in front of Taichu, Lili smiled and said, "Little friend of Taichu, look at me this time, even if I have no credit, I have worked hard:..."

Taichu rolled his eyes and flipped his hand, revealing a piece of jade slip.Throw it to Yang Mei Daxian Dao. "Okay. The junior knows it. There are three thousand runes in it. Senior Yang Mei can practice on his own!"

Immortal Yang Mei is too happy.Got jade.Haha laughed and said, _"Little friend. Don't worry_ If Dao dares to be presumptuous that day.

Pindao must take the lead. Block the way of heaven for little friends!

Too early to grin.road. "Then there will be Senior Lao."

Master Xuandu has great perseverance.A man of great wisdom.He came to Wuji Mountain to ask Taichu to release Taishang Laozi.

"Master. Please let go of my master⊥"

Master Xuandu knelt outside Wuji Mountain.Facing the Wuji Mountain, he kowtowed, and the blood on the forehead was blurred.Still kept knocking.

Yun Zhen in Wuji Mountain pushed aside, and at the beginning of the year, he walked out of 127, looked at Master Xuandu, and said, "Xuandu, your master disobeyed this seat, and this seat exiled him for three thousand years.

, it is already amnesty, you should go back. "

Master Xuandu looked at Taichu and said busyly, "Uncle Master. I would like to suffer with Master, and pour tea and water in the middle of Wuji Mountain. Or...or sweep the floor!"

Having said that, Archmage Xuandu is going to grab Daxian Yang Mei's broom.

Immortal Yang Mei was stunned for a moment, then swept away Archmage Xuandu and said angrily, "Stinky boy, you dare to rob the poor way of work, you don't want to live anymore?"

Master Xuandu flew back from a distance.Disgraced.Looking at Daxian Yangmei with a look of horror

Obviously he didn't know why he was in Wuji Mountain.

The old man who sweeps the floor is so powerful

Master Xuandu is a member of the human race. He was born late and missed the time to explain the Great Way of Saints at the beginning, so he does not know the identity of the Great Immortal Yang Mei. ,

When Taixian Yang Mei saw Master Xuandu's stern look, he couldn't help pointing out, "Okay, stinky boy."Pick up big manure to fertilize those flowers and trees!_"

Master Xuandu Tai's eyes lit up and said busyly.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior!"

Since then, there has been another Taoist person in Wuji Mountain who picks up big manure and fertilizes flowers and trees...

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Chapter 2: Ten Thousand Immortals in Shengwei Town, there is another fertiliser in Wuji Mountain ([-]) Please subscribe!

The five saints were suppressed one after another in the beginning!

Taishang Laozi was pulled into the long river of time by Taichu.Exiled in the long river of time. Life and death do not know:

Yuanshi Tianzun was tampered with the long river of fate by Taichu, and he fainted on the spot:

The leader of Tongtian was suppressed by Fenbaoya and Qinglianjian in the beginning:

Daoist Jieyin and Daoist Zhunti were turned into two pigs by the six realms of reincarnation at the beginning, and they were kept in Wuji industry in captivity.

The five saints who came to besiege Wuji Mountain.It was a disaster in an instant.

Of course, this is also because the five saints are fighting each other's suspicions.It was so easy for Taishi to win.if

The five saints work together to fight against Taichu. Even if Taichu is a master of proving the Tao with strength, he is one level higher than the five saints, and Taichu wants to win the five saints.I'm afraid it's not easy.

Beneath the Fenbao Cliff, the old face of Tongtian Sect leader blushed, and he shouted, "In the beginning. In the beginning, if you have the ability, you let the poor way out, and the poor way will fight you for three thousand years!"

Taichu curled his lips and said disdainfully, "It's still three thousand years, and you can't even support it for a day. You should stay in these 22 years_Cultivation of heart and nature!"

Having said that, Tai Chu wanted to leave.

At this moment, Intercepting Teaching Wanxian came flying.

Daoist Duobao, Our Lady of Golden Spirit, Our Lady of Wudang, and Our Lady of Ghost Spirit, etc., saw that the sect master of Tongtian was suppressed by the beginning of time.Suddenly furious.

The three virgins did not hesitate to come to Taichu Di.

Even the outer disciples, such as Zhao Gongming and others, rushed towards Taichu.

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