Master Xuandu is a member of the human race. He was born late and missed the time to explain the Great Way of Saints at the beginning, so he does not know the identity of the Great Immortal Yang Mei. ,

When Taixian Yang Mei saw Master Xuandu's stern look, he couldn't help pointing out, "Okay, stinky boy."Pick up big manure to fertilize those flowers and trees!_"

Master Xuandu Tai's eyes lit up and said busyly.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior!"

Since then, there has been another Taoist person in Wuji Mountain who picks up big manure and fertilizes flowers and trees...

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Chapter 2: Ten Thousand Immortals in Shengwei Town, there is another fertiliser in Wuji Mountain ([-]) Please subscribe!

The five saints were suppressed one after another in the beginning!

Taishang Laozi was pulled into the long river of time by Taichu.Exiled in the long river of time. Life and death do not know:

Yuanshi Tianzun was tampered with the long river of fate by Taichu, and he fainted on the spot:

The leader of Tongtian was suppressed by Fenbaoya and Qinglianjian in the beginning:

Daoist Jieyin and Daoist Zhunti were turned into two pigs by the six realms of reincarnation at the beginning, and they were kept in Wuji industry in captivity.

The five saints who came to besiege Wuji Mountain.It was a disaster in an instant.

Of course, this is also because the five saints are fighting each other's suspicions.It was so easy for Taishi to win.if

The five saints work together to fight against Taichu. Even if Taichu is a master of proving the Tao with strength, he is one level higher than the five saints, and Taichu wants to win the five saints.I'm afraid it's not easy.

Beneath the Fenbao Cliff, the old face of Tongtian Sect leader blushed, and he shouted, "In the beginning. In the beginning, if you have the ability, you let the poor way out, and the poor way will fight you for three thousand years!"

Taichu curled his lips and said disdainfully, "It's still three thousand years, and you can't even support it for a day. You should stay in these 22 years_Cultivation of heart and nature!"

Having said that, Tai Chu wanted to leave.

At this moment, Intercepting Teaching Wanxian came flying.

Daoist Duobao, Our Lady of Golden Spirit, Our Lady of Wudang, and Our Lady of Ghost Spirit, etc., saw that the sect master of Tongtian was suppressed by the beginning of time.Suddenly furious.

The three virgins did not hesitate to come to Taichu Di.

Even the outer disciples, such as Zhao Gongming and others, rushed towards Taichu.

But Daoist Duobao was the only one who hesitated for a while.just came forward.

At the beginning, seeing all this in his eyes, he was even more sure that Daoist Duobao had a problem. He snorted coldly.A mighty holy might spread out.

Intercepting the teaching Wanxian before he could get close to the beginning, he was oppressed by the holy power of the beginning and fell directly to the cloud head, one by one.

It was like pressing down on a mountain, unable to move.

"In the beginning, I dared to do something to the disciples of the poor way. The poor way went out. I won't spare you!"

Tongtian sect master with red eyes.. too roared

He wanted to struggle to escape, but was stabbed by Qinglian Jian Qi, and Wan Jian passed through his heart. Even the Tongtian Sect Master couldn't hold it and had to fall back.

Empress Sanxiao hesitated for a while, then stepped forward and pleaded with Taichu. "Master. Please spare my master's second life,"

Taichu looked at Empress Sanxiao and said, get up.Your master offended the poor and did not know his own heart.this seat

Suppress him here for three thousand years, let him be quiet and cultivate his nature, after three thousand years, this seat will come to let your master out!

With that said, Tai Chu stepped into the void and disappeared.

Intercepting teaching Wanxian looked at each other in dismay, not knowing what to do

Tongtian sect master blushed and looked at Interceptor Wanxian, and said, _"It's the number of days, you can't waste your cultivation base, and you are the senior brother of Interceptor." In charge of Biyou Palace, and take care of things in the teaching!,"

"Yes, Master!"

Daoist Duobao flashed a golden light in his eyes_Leading Road.


The sect master looked at the sect master Wanxian.road

"Okay. You can leave each other, return to the cave, and don't go out of the mountain. After three thousand years, you can get out of trouble for your teacher and return to the Biyou Palace!"

"Master, let us stay with you!"

Sanlei Niangniang hesitated _ down. Road.

Tongtian Sect Master said, "That's fine. Let's just leave each other"_"

Niangniang Sanxiao stayed beside the Fenbao Cliff to take care of the Tongtian sect master... and Jietian Wanxian left.

In this way, the right to intercept the teaching fell into the hands of Daoist Duobao.

This treasured Taoist began to win over people


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