Haotian's face twitched violently. He hurriedly knelt on the ground.I kowtowed like pounding garlic, and cried out: "Brother Tai. I am also threatened by the forced saints. Although I have no emperor, I am a puppet emperor, subject to the saints. The saints want me to send troops. I Don't dare to go out of the army, please show your senior brother, please show me..."

"Hmph, you are really blind."

At the beginning, he snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, and a mighty force poured out.Directly smashed Haotian into two flying ke (Li Haohao). Wu Tian collapsed _-Zuotiangong.

But the next moment, Haotian crawled out of the ruins, and he came to Taichu with a big mouthful of vomiting blood and rolling.Kneeling down and begging for mercy, "Senior brother, forgive your life. Big brother, forgive your life. Senior brother, for the sake of taking care of my teacher so earnestly. Just forgive me--life, just this one time?"

Tai Chu snorted coldly and said solemnly.Hmph, this is the only time if this seat finds out that you dare to count on this seat, this seat will make you lose your soul!"

Haotian was so overjoyed that he hurriedly kowtowed like pounding garlic and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Tai for your mercy!"

In the beginning, he looked at Haotian and said solemnly. "You say you are subject to the saints of the heavens. That

how good.Three thousand years later, I will go to the Zixiao Palace to ask the Master for an decree.Conferred a god for your heavenly palace, do it for yourself! '

After speaking, Tai Chu rolled up his sleeves and took Xing Tian away from Heaven.

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Chapter 4 Is the emperor great?At the beginning of the wrath, Xuanyuan's clan ([-]) please subscribe!

The human race continues.

Originally, with the strength of Chiyou Dawu, in the human world, he definitely has the upper hand in Taizhan.

But the Xuanyuan clan worshipped the teacher and explained the teaching.With the help of Chan and Jie Xian.Chi You gradually fell into the disadvantage.

In the end, Chiyou finally lost in the battle of Julu. ,

Xuanyuan's sword was in hand, and he went after Chi L.

Chiyou-Lu ran away and finally broke into the Holy Father's Palace.

The Xuanyuan clan led the troops in and looked at the Holy Father's Palace, and asked, "Where is this place? Why is it so luxurious?"

"Your Majesty Huizhen. This is the Palace of the Holy Father of the Human Race!"

Cangjie reported.

The Xuanyuan Clan sneered and said with disdain: "Holy Father Palace of the Human Race? Hmph. The solitary is the person in the teaching, and the human race should take the teaching first... and worship the immortals of the teaching. How can we worship the Holy Father? I demolished this temple alone and re-enshrined it to my sage.”

Cangjie was too startled and said hurriedly, "Your Majesty, the Holy Father is an ancient god. One of the saints, if you demolish the Holy Father's Temple, you will be punished by heaven|"

The Xuanyuan Clan sneered and said disdainfully, "As the emperor of the human race, you should be in charge of the human race. If the human race is forced, it will be decided by the lonely person.

The soldiers will look at each other, I don't know what to do

How to do.

- "Go, didn't you hear Gu's words 193?"

The Xuanyuan Clan glared at the soldiers, and said solemnly, "Gu is the emperor. Do you dare not obey the orders?"

The soldiers will have to force their way forward

Chi You was furious, stepped out, and said solemnly, "Bold Xuanyuan clan, if you dare to move the Holy Father's Palace, I will fight with you."

The Xuanyuan Clan was stunned for a moment, looked at Chi You with a playful face, and said, "You are Hou Yi of the Wu clan. What is the relationship between this holy father and your Wu clan?_"

Chi You was furious. . Shen said, "Holy Father is the Great Venerable of the Wu clan... whether it is the Great Venerable

L or the Holy Father, neither of which you can provoke! '

The Xuanyuan Clan said disdainfully, "I am a human emperor_ I have the final say in the world. Let me demolish it!"

The soldiers will continue to advance.

Chi You was furious, he picked up the Void God Sword and fought with the generals.

The Xuanyuan clan was furious, took up the sword, and slashed at Chiyou.

Because Xuanyuan's body is protected by the power of the emperor, blessed by a half-sage.Because some Xuanyuan clan-swords knocked Chi You out and slammed into the incense case.

Chi You hit the ground with a knife.Glancing at Xuanyuan's L, he vomited blood.

Holding the sword, the Xuanyuan Clan slowly stepped forward and said solemnly, "I will see today, your holy father, your great honor. How can I protect you!"

The Lord Yuan came to Chiyou's front and took up the sword.He wanted to slash Chiyou with a sword.

At this moment, a mighty force came.Straight will lift Xuanyuan Clan flying.


Xuanyuan slammed into the wall behind him.The entire Holy Father's Palace slammed violently.


Xuanyuan's wow leaves a mouthful of old blood.He raised his head and looked at the surviving clay god statue with a look of horror.

I saw the alive statue of Niyi - dressed in white.. graceful.He was looking at him indifferently.

"Holy Father"

Cangjie had received too much grace from the beginning. Naturally, he recognized it too early, so he hurriedly knelt down and said e.

"Get up!"

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