Soon, the golden-winged Dapeng bird brought the three ancestors of the human race to Wuji Mountain.

Entering, Wuji Mountain walked into Wuji Temple_The three ancestors of the human race saw Taichu, and hurriedly knelt down on the ground, kneeling and worshiping, "Meet the Holy Father!"

In the beginning, Xu helped the three ancestors of the human race.Said: "Get up."

Sui Ren looked at Tai Chu and said, "I don't know what the Holy Father called, what is it?_"

Looking at the three ancestors of the human race at the beginning of the day, he said, "There are many tribes of the human race. Each has a kite. Today, you can use the dragon as a totem, and the totem of the human tribe belongs to the lineage."

Sui Ren hurriedly thanked him and said, "My name is thank you, Holy Father, for teaching little."

At the beginning, he looked at the candle dragon.On the road, "Candle Dragon, you can manifest your true body, for the human race to paint and then call your clan, Yinglong, Qinglong Panlong, etc., go to the people of the human race, and manifest your true body_ For the human race's reference. To draw a totem!

Candle Dragon is overjoyed.Said, "Yes, I will follow the teachings of the saints. In this way, I will take my leave first. Whenever the saints are summoned, 2 let me know that my dragon family is willing to serve the saints.

After death.! '

"Okay. Go ahead"."

Taichu waved his hands.

The three ancestors of the human race and Zhulong went out of Wuji Mountain to discuss, and then they left to make preparations.

The candle dragon returned to the East China Sea and ordered the people of the dragon race to manifest their real bodies and go to the human race.

When the second ancestor of the human race returned to the human race, he ordered the skilled craftsmen in the clan to gather. As long as the dragon clan came, he would depict the dragon.

For a moment, the dragon roared in the sky.Thousands of dragons danced in the air.

The people of the human race hurried to draw the dragon.

Waiting for the people in the human race to draw it. Candle Dragon

Leaving with the people of the dragon clan

Since then.The human race is unified, and the dragon is the totem.

Just because of the different forms of dragons, they are divided into different uses.

For example, the coiled dragon is the pillar, and the horned dragon is carved.

The human race uses the dragon as its totem, and the dragon has since then shared the luck of the human race, and the luck has been extended. Gradually, it began to recover.

The Shenlong family is even more grateful to the beginning, and obeys orders.

Time flies.The vicissitudes of life a

Three emperors and five emperors ruled the world, and the human race became more and more prosperous.

Yoyo three thousand

loaded over.

Archmage Xuandu came to the outside of the Promise Hall and cupped his hands. "Master, three thousand years have passed. I still ask Master to let my master come out of Xuandu to worship!"

Saying that, Archmage Xuandu fell to his knees and kept kowtowing.

"Come in Mountain"

The voice of the beginning came from the endless beating

Master Xuandu is too happy. , walked into the Wuji Hall, and worshipped again, "Xuandu pays respects to Taishibo, and asks Taishibo to let my master come out!

At the beginning, Xu Xu helped the Master Xuandu.road

"You are sincere, it's no wonder Junior Brother Taishang trusts you so much!

Come on, since three thousand years have passed, it's time for Taishang Junior Brother to come out."

Said, Tai Chu shook his hand and pulled it.A mighty river appeared in front of us, and it was the long river of time. ._____

Taichu stretched out his hand-finger.. shouted: Taishang junior brother, if you don't go out at this time, when will 2 be up?"

As soon as his voice fell, _I saw a stream of light flying out of the long river of time.

Taishang Laozi surrendered to Taichuyi, saying:

"Thank you too, brother!"

On the side, Master Xuandu looked bewildered. He didn't know why Taichu had suppressed Taishang Laozi for three thousand years.

Come on, I have to thank Taichu.

But it turned out that Master Xuandu didn't know that in the beginning, Taishang Laozi was exiled in the long river of time.This is very important for the Supreme Being to understand the law of time.

Over the past three thousand years, Taishang Laozi has broken through the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Six Realms of Primordial Yuan.

In the beginning, Xu lifted up the son of the Supreme Being and smiled.

"Get up"

Taishang Laozi got up, looked at Taichu, and said. _"Senior brother, farewell"

Having said that, Laozi rolled up his sleeves and took Archmage Xuandu back to Yangshan.

On the other side, ten Kunlun Mountains

Erjinxian also brought Yuanshi Tianzun's legal body to the outside of Kunlun Mountain, asking for advice. "Seek Master Uncle⊥"

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