Even in the aspect of spying on the heavenly secrets, even the Supreme Laozi is not as good as the Yuanshi Tianche.

This is the magic of fate!

After a while, Yuanshi Tianzun withdrew Yuanshen from the long river of fate.

He and the corners of his mouth grinned and said with a smile, "Heavenly Dao shows that he is about to enter the Conferred God Quantity Tribulation. In the Conferred God Quantity Tribulation, there are three great gods who will be born. If Pindao can pull all these three gods into the door, isn't it me? Elucidation and luck continue?

Having said that, Yuanshi Tianzun continued to use the long river of fate to spy on the secrets of heaven.

Spying for a long time.Yuanshi Tianzun found that the first great general should be on Yutian.

Just where it should be on Haotian.He doesn't know why!

It wasn't until one day that Heavenly Court suddenly had an eldest princess, Yuanshi Tianzun, and everything understood.

It was the day that Haotian was killed by the first day of the first day.

The sleeves were fanned, and Haotian's blood essence leaf was on top of a divine stone. That divine stone was just an ordinary divine stone, but it was contaminated with Haotian's blood--naturally, it became extraordinary.

This divine stone was stained with the blood of the Emperor of Heaven, and it was actually enlightened.

one day.God petrified.Become. A beautiful woman.

This woman is none other than Haotian's sister Yaojie

Because now the whole heaven.The gods in the sky are almost all disciples of the three religions, so Haotian has no henchmen.

Suddenly there is a girl. Haotian is naturally very fond of this girl.

like pampering.

Yao Jigui is the eldest princess of the heavenly court, she is blessed by nature, and she lives happily!

In Kunlun Mountain, in Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun grinned and said, "Huanglong Zhenren, you should go to Lingxiao Palace for a walk!"


Master Huanglong was overjoyed and said hurriedly.

This Huanglong real person is a Huanglong who has attained the Tao, and Bai is under the door of Yuanshi Tianzun. Because Yuanshi Tianzun doesn't like people with scales and armor, Huanglong real person is in an embarrassing situation where his uncle does not hurt and his grandma does not love it in the Zixiao Palace.

Today, Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly called him to do business, and he was naturally overjoyed.

Yuanshi Tianzun then instructed Huanglong Zhenren - Fan.Huanglong real person wrote it down carefully, and he left Kunlun Mountain with joy and went straight to Lingxiao Palace.

Although the real Huanglong is not welcomed by Yuanshi Tianzun, he is the second of the twelve gold immortals under the real Yuxu family.

When he came to Heaven, Haotian naturally did not dare to slack off!

Haotian greeted him personally and asked, "I don't know what Taixian came to my heaven for?"

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Chapter 5 The real person Huang Long released three Jiaojiao privately, and Yuanshi Tianzun decided to plan Haotian ([-]) for subscription!

The real Huanglong looked sad and said, "Hey. Your Majesty doesn't know anything!"

Tan Tian raised his brows and asked, did Daxian encounter something unpleasant?"

The real Huanglong smiled bitterly and said, "Hey, in the eyes of outsiders, I am the second of the Twelve Golden Immortals in Kuncang, and the scenery is immeasurable, but my heart is miserable. Who knows?"

Yutian is like a cat that smells fishy.He asked, "What troubles Daxian, even if you tell me. 2 couplets should share your worries for Your Majesty!"

Huanglong's face changed slightly. Xiang Haotian handed over his hands and said, "Your Majesty also knows that family teachers pay the most attention to roots.

foot.Although I worship Kunlun, but because the main body is -z yellow dragon.Therefore, it is not paid attention to by the teachers. The teachers often reward the brothers and sisters with some magic weapons, but they have never rewarded me once, I..."

Because the situation is true, the more and more Huanglong said, the more sad, when it comes to this.It seems to have touched a sad thing, and his voice is full of helplessness, he paused, and then said, "I've been dubbed as a San Wu Daoist in private, this: This is really shameful, my heart is distressed. Come out and go. Go, and unknowingly came to the thirty-sixth heaven of His Majesty..."

Haotian's eyes are too bright. He is delighted that Daxian L is an outlier.But powerful

.Those who are not idle can compare. _Senior Brother Yuanshi doesn't know the value of Daxian, it's a pity, it's better..."

"Why not?!"

Huang Longzhen asked along the lines.

Hao Wu lowered his voice and said, "It's better for Daxian to come to my heavenly court to serve, and I will treat Taixian favorably, how?~"

It's what you've been waiting for!

Although Huanglong despised Haotian in his heart, he pretended to be flattered on the surface.Said, "If that's the case, it's best to go up."

Haotian was overjoyed and said, "Tai Xian will be a yellow dragon in my heavenly court.

How is the king? '

The real Huanglong pretended to be ecstatic.Say hello, "Thank you, Your Majesty!".

Haotian said with joy, _"Okay. Since this is the case, Daxian can enter and leave the heaven at will!_"

"Thank you, Your Majesty⊥"

The real Huanglong worships again a

Haotian thought that he had pryed the corner of Yuanshi Tianzun, and was happy in his heart. In order to win over the real person Huanglong.It can be said to be pleasing in every possible way.

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