Chapter 1 Three-pointed and two-edged sword, the furious Haotian ([-]) Please subscribe!

Yang Tianyou was overjoyed and hurriedly asked: "Master, what is the important thing to do?"

Guangchengzi said, "In a few days, Haotian's sister Yaoji is going to Peach Blossom Mountain to slay demons. You can go to Peach Blossom Mountain and save Yao Ji. Get married with Yao Ji and have children!"

Yang Tianyou was stunned for a moment and asked in doubt, "Is it that simple?"

Although Yang Tianyou's qualifications are limited and he can't become a golden immortal, God has given him a good skin, like a pickup girl.He Yang Tianyou is naturally no problem⊥

Guangchengzi smiled and said, "After such a simple thing is accomplished, Master personally goes to Shouyang Mountain to pass a nine-turn golden elixir for you to Master Taishang, and save you from becoming a master.


Yang Tianyou was ecstatic. He hurriedly thanked him, "Thank you, Master!"

Guangcheng Zixu helped Yang Tianyou up.Said: "Remember. Remember, Haosheng can do this!

talking.Guangchengzi turned into a streamer. "Nine Nine Zeros" flew away.

After Guangchengzi left.Yang Tianyou took out his best-looking clothes. 2 Dressed up again and thought he was handsome.Then he drove to Peach Blossom Mountain.

But said that Yao Ji went down to earth, chasing three Jiaojiao all the way.

After several fights, Yao Ji has the upper hand

But it turned out to be Yao Ji

Haotian's sister, with the bloodline of the turbid divine stone.Therefore, the cultivation base is strong.Although the day of practice is short, it is already a real Da Luo Jin Xian s

Three Flood Dragons lost to Yao Ji v and escaped all the way

On this day, the three Jiaojiao escaped to the top of Peach Blossom Mountain. Yao Ji followed.

The two fought in Peach Blossom Mountain.

In the end, Yao Ji, with her powerful cultivation, knocked the three dragons flying with a sharp sword.

Three Jiaojiao knelt down on the ground and hurriedly begged for mercy, "Princess, spare your life, Gongshi spare your life.

Although Yao Ji has a high level of cultivation, she has a pure heart and thinks that the three-headed Jiaofu will be soft and let go of her defenses.said, "You have

Captured by the"

In the second half of the sentence, three Jiaojiao suddenly burst out.He slammed into Yao Ji and rolled over Yao Ji, and fell backward, not knowing how many thousands of miles he fell.

Yao Ji slammed into a big mountain and spat out a mouthful of old blood.A moment of confusion.


The three Jiaojiao roared and came to Yao Ji Di.

At this moment, Yaoji was seriously injured.Eyes blurred.I can't see things clearly, how to deal with the enemy

In the nick of time.A stream of light shot, blocking Yao Ji. He shouted, "Bold and evil beast, actually

Dare to hurt people! '

The three Jiaojiao stopped and saw that Yang Tianyou was just a real immortal, and Xinsheng immediately sneered, "You are a little real immortal_ You can't save beauty if you want a hero 3"

Although Yang Tianyou was panicked, he calmly said, "Too daring evildoer, I am the servant of the Yuxu Palace of Kunlun Mountains, you evildoer. How dare you be presumptuous!"

"Under the gate of Yuxu Palace?"

Sanshou Jiao secretly said, "This person turned out to be from the sage's sect, so it's not easy to provoke, and the real Huanglong from the Yuxu sect once let me leave the Heavenly Court and was kind to me, so I still don't want to provoke this person."

Thinking so, the three

Jiao turned into a streamer and flew away into the distance.

It's just that he was not far away, and was blocked by a female fairy.

This fairy goddess is none other than the Goddess Wangshu under the gate of Wuji Mountain Taichu.

Three Jiao saw Goddess Wangshu. I saw that Goddess Wangshu was even more beautiful than Yaoji.The beauty was bubbling, and evil thoughts suddenly occurred in my heart.Hehe smiled and said, "Little beauty. Are you blocking my way?"

"Hmph, courting death!"

It's just that he hasn't finished speaking yet.The goddess Wangshu suddenly shot. The jade hand stretched out L and grabbed it directly. The body of the three-headed Jiao shrunk rapidly, and was caught by the goddess Wangshu in her hand.

.Go to Wuji Mountain.

Wuji Mountain, in Wuji Temple.

Goddess Wangshu surrendered to Taichu Yi and said

"Master, the disciple did not disgrace his mission and brought back the three Jiaojiao⊥"

Saying that, Goddess Wangshu flipped her hand, and three Jiaojiao rolled out from her palm.

The three Jiaojiao appeared, looked around in horror, and saw Goddess Wangshu and Taichu.

He knew that Taichu and the goddess Wangshu were powerful, and he had to escape when he was a man.

Taichu stretched out his hand.A stream of light hit the body of the three Jiaojiao, and the three Jiaojiao suddenly screamed.The whole body shines brightly.Turn into a trident

Two-edged knife!

This three-pointed two-edged sword is nothing else, it is the blade of the future Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun.

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