All of a sudden I heard an exclamation from inside the house.

"Ah, it's not good. It's not good, the lady gave birth to a monster, a monster..."

Li Jing was so startled, just as he was about to break in with his sword, he saw a huge red meat ball rushing out.

In desperation, Li Jing slashed with a sword.


After a loud bang, thunder exploded. The clump worm rolled out a fleshy doll.

This doll is extremely agile, hugging Li Jing's legs and screaming, "Daddy, Daddy.

Li Jing's sword couldn't cut it, and he got another son.The name is Nezha.

This Nezha was born different from others not only with infinite strength, but also with his own fire nature. His mouth can breathe fire, which is extremely miraculous.

On this day, Li Jinghe was playing with Nezha in the courtyard.

I saw an auspicious cloud floating in the sky, and there was a person above the auspicious cloud.

This person is none other than the real Taiyi who is one of the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun Mountain.

But it is Yuanshi Tianzun who thinks that Nezha is another god of destiny

General, so hurriedly sent Taiyi real person to come to accept the disciples.

Li Jing's wife knew that Taiyi Zhenren was an immortal.He hurriedly said, "I don't know where the immortal master is cultivating? What do you mean when you come to my mansion?

The real Taiyi glanced at Nezha.He rejoiced in his heart and said with a smile, "I am the Taiyi of Jinguangdong Cave in Qianyuan Mountain. The real person is also.. I came today. It was specially to accept your third son Nezha as a disciple. Are you willing?"

Li Jing is also a practitioner, but his roots are shallow, so he cannot last long.Therefore, in the lower world, he planned to be prosperous and rich, so he came to the Shang Dynasty as an official.

But as a practitioner, Li Jing has naturally heard of the ten Kunlun Mountains.

The name of the two golden immortals.

This Taiyi real person ranks fourth in the ranking of the twelve golden immortals of Kunhe Mountain. It is conceivable how profound the cultivation of Taiyi golden immortals is.

If Nezha can worship Taiyi Zhenxian, it is naturally a good choice!

Immediately, Li Jing was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Thank you Shangxian⊥"

Taiyi. The real person stroked his beard with satisfaction. He stared at Nayu with straight eyes.

This Nezha is the second of the three Great Destiny Generals who are anti-Shang and destroy Zhou, if he can be admitted.Then this time, it can be regarded as a great achievement for Fujian education.

Yuanshi Tianzun will definitely reward him.

Li Jing hurriedly looked at Na Yu. and said, "Na Yu. Hurry up and ask for a teacher!"

Nezha hurriedly bowed to the ground and said, "Nezha pays respects to the master!"

Taiyi. Real ecstasy.Xu picked up Nezha _ The more he looked, the more he liked it, and when he flipped his hand, many magic weapons appeared, and he threw them at Nezha.Said, "Nezha. This is the Hot Wheels Fire Spear, Huntian Ribbon, Qiankun Circle, Taiyi Gold Brick, and Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover. I'll give it to you today"_"

It can be seen that Taiyi. Zhenzhen really likes Nayu, otherwise he would not have given so many spiritual treasures at one time.

Among them, Fengbi Wheel and Huojian Gun are the top grades.

Innate Spirit Treasures, Huntian Ling and Qiankun Circle are middle-grade congenital spirit treasures. Although Taiyi Gold Brick and Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover are acquired spirit treasures, they are also top-grade ones. They are extremely powerful.

Nezha was overjoyed when he got the treasure and hurriedly thanked him, "My name is thank master for giving the treasure!"

The real Taiyi looked at Nezha.He smiled and said, "Nezha, why don't you go back to the Jinguang Cave of Qianyuan Mountain to practice painstakingly, how about you?"

"Yes, Master!"

Nezha said obediently.


Just when Taiyi Zhen A was about to leave with Nezha, a voice sounded.

I saw the space rippling, and a woman of peerless elegance stepped out of it._

Chapter 1 Dare to take action against saints, the arrogance of Wuji Mountain ([-]) Ask for a subscription!

The beauty of this woman is peerless, and the bubbling beauty belongs to the kind of beauty that makes people unable to pick out any faults, and it is almost suffocating.

Even Li Jing's audience couldn't help but praised how beautiful it was.

Suddenly, Li Jing went to someone to see Li Jingzheng staring straight at the woman from Shuangyue, and couldn't help but get furious in his heart, a slap in the face of Li Jing, and he slapped Li Jing around three hundred times. The big circle of the six degrees.This stopped.

Taiyi Jinxianqiao drooled and exclaimed, "Senior Sister Wangshu!"

This woman is none other than Goddess Wangshu, the first disciple in the beginning.

Wang Shu Shen

The girl looked at Nezha, said, Lingzhu.Mistress misses you very much, come back to Wuji Mountain with me"

Taiyi Jinxian was in a hurry, and said hurriedly, "Senior sister. What Lingzhu, Nezha is my apprentice, he has already worshiped me as a teacher...

"Forty-eighty-three" Goddess Wangshu snorted coldly and said coldly, "Nezha is the reincarnation of the spiritual bead under the seat of my teacher, mother-in-law, Mother Wa, and this palace will naturally bring it back to Wuji Mountain"

Saying that, Goddess Wangshu stretched out her hand, and Dao Liuguang disappeared between Nezha's brows.

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