Yuanshi Tianzun looked even more irritating and depressed all day.

On this day, the real Huanglong came to the Kunlun Mountains.

At this moment, Kunlun Mountain has been rebuilt, and it is even more brilliant than the previous Yuxu Palace. _More magnificent.

The real person Huang Long came to the outer road of Yuxu Palace

"Master, Huanglong seeks to see the mountain"


The palace gate of Yuxu Palace opened, and the white crane boy came out, looking at the real Huanglong _ with a wry smile. "Senior brother. Master is in a bad mood, you still:

One: It's better not to provoke the master."

The real Huanglong grinned and said.I'm here to solve the depression in Master's heart!"

"Huanglong. Come in the mountain"

At this moment, the voice of Yuanshi Tianzun came from the Yuxu Palace.

The real Huanglong straightened his clothes and walked into the Yuxu Palace, looking at Yuanshi Tianzun sitting on the cloud bed. "Meet the Master!"

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the real person Huanglong and said

"Huang Long, do you think you have a way to solve the depression in the teacher's heart?"

The real Huanglong bowed his hands to the Yuanshi Tianzun

"Master's depression lies in Nezha. Since we can't get Nezha. What if we destroy him? Does Master feel a little more relaxed in this way?"

Although the real person Huang Long is a different kind, the reason why Huang Long is enlightened.Not to be seen by Yuanshi Tianzun, but Huanglong himself is quite heartfelt to Yuanshi Tianzun.

This point can be seen from the conferred gods of later generations.

It is difficult to explain the teaching, and the real Huanglong is always the first to go up.

This time.Yuanshi Tianzun suffered, his heart was depressed, his mind was unstable, and Huanglong Zhenren tried to find a way day and night.Finally, Yu asked him to come up with a solution.

Yuan Shitian

Zun's eyes lit up when he heard it, but then dimmed again, each frowning, "It's not that I haven't thought about this, it's just...".

Although Yuanshi Tianzun has not finished speaking, the real person Huang Long also knows what Yuanshi Tianzun means.

To put it bluntly, Yuanshi Tianzun was afraid of the beginning, and did not dare to touch Nezha.

Huanglong real person grinned and said, _We don't need to do it.We can kill people with a knife for a long time [! '

Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes lit up again, and he asked, "How can one use a knife to kill someone?

Huang Long really had an A double and the light flashed in the middle, said. _ "Master. I am from the Dragon Clan,

East China Sea Dragon King befriends.This was taken by me to the East China Sea Dragon Palace - z.Find a way to let the dragons and Nayu start their own secrets.Use the hand of the dragon family to get rid of Natu!"

Yuanshi Tianzun laughed and said: "This plan is very good. Wuzu is on good terms with that guy in the beginning. If the dragon clan kills Nezha. In the beginning, we can't even suspect it, seconds. Wonderful. Huanglong, you can do this quickly. If this thing happens. The poor way will not lose to you.”

The real Huanglong was overjoyed. He hurriedly said thanks, "My name is thank you, Master!"

Having said that, Master Huanglong happily left the Yuxu Palace and flew straight to the East China Sea.

Although I didn't know about Huanglong and Yuanshitian in the beginning

A respectful conversation. .But from the time when Huanglong Zhenren left Kunlun Mountain and went straight to the East China Sea, one could guess.

It's just that in the beginning, he didn't care about all this. This is Nezha's doomed catastrophe!

Of course, there is a great opportunity in the disaster

However, it was said that the real person Huang Long came to the East China Sea to chat with Donghai Longgan, and then settled down in the East China Sea.

After all, Huanglong Zhenren is the second of the twelve golden immortals. Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, dare not neglect him. Treat Huanglongzhen Ae as a courtesy.

The real Huanglong lived in the East China Sea.

In the days to come, the real Huanglong

Then he looked for an opportunity to provoke the relationship between the dragon clan and Nezha.

In the end, the real Huanglong set his target on Ao Bing, the third prince of the East China Sea Dragon Clan.

Ao Bingniu is sexually impulsive, fighting for the strong and not weak. He has the realm of the peak of Taiyi Jinxian.It is the best person to kill Nezha first.

The real Huanglong often said in front of Ao Bing that Nezha was not e

What if many sea clans in the East China Sea were killed by the hands of Nezha!

Chentangguan is located on the coast of the East China Sea.Most of those who invaded Chentangguan were monsters in the East China Sea, and [-]% of these monsters died at the hands of Nezha.


The breakthrough of Huanglong Zhenren.

Originally, Ao Bing was afraid that Nezha was a disciple of Wuji Mountain.Don't dare to do anything to Nezha.But I can't stand Huanglong's real person talking in his ear all day long.

The more he muttered, the more anger in Ao Bing's heart.

One day, it will explode.”

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