Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, was proficient in gossip.Calculated that this trip will be a prison disaster.

The Duke of Xibo left Xiqi.2 and went to Chaoge City.Go half way.Suddenly, there was thunder and lightning in the sky, and the storm was rushing down.

After this rain, the sky turns blue.

It's raining strangely.Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, began to fortune-telling.

Sudden, Xibo Hou Jichang figured out that the general was born only after the thunder had passed.

Immediately, Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, ordered to start looking for generals.

Finally, a child was found!

This child is none other than the third day destiny

Lei Zhenzi.

Xibo Hou Jichang hugged the child and said with a smile, "I was destined to have a hundred sons, and I got this son today to make up the number of hundred sons... Hahaha...".

"Congratulations to the young master Hou Ye!"

All the ten busy congratulations.

At this moment, a white cloud floated in the sky, and a Taoist man stood above the white cloud.

The Taoist flew to Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, and greeted Jichang, the 22nd Marquis of the West.

Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, knew that Yun Zhongzi was an immortal, so he didn't dare to neglect him and asked hurriedly, "I don't know. Why did the immortal come here?

. "

Yun Zhongzi smiled and said, "I figured out that there are generals born here, and I came here specially to receive generals as my disciples."

Ji Chang, Marquis of Xibo, was too happy, busy saying, the general is here"

Yun Electronics took over Lei Zhenyu and smiled; "That's right, that's right. Sure enough, it's a man of destiny!"


At this moment, L shouted loudly.

Everyone looked back and saw the sound of water on the horizon, and a mighty river gushing over the Taihe River. There was a faint vision of fish and snakes roaring.

Above the vision, there is an immortal standing in it, not Wuji Mountain Xuanxu Dao

Who are people?

Yun Zhongzi couldn't help frowning when he looked at Xuan Xu.asked. "Fellow Daoist, this will be my servant..."

Xuanxu grinned.Said, "Have you been a teacher?"

Yun Zhongzi's face twitched violently. "Not yet..."

Xuanxu laughed and said, "That's right! If you really accept him as your apprentice, you'll be in trouble⊥"

Yun Zhongzi was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion, "Why?."

Xuanxu looked at Yun Zhongzi with a mysterious face and smiled and said, "Daoist Yun Zhongzi, you still don't know the origin of this child?"


Startled for a moment, he asked, "I don't know, please enlighten my fellow Daoists!"

Xuanxu Liqu smiled and said, "Listen to me, this child's origin is not tiger 6, but the reincarnation of the ancient god of thunder!"

Yun Zhongzi was stunned for a moment and asked in doubt, "And it is the reincarnation of Thor, so what?"

Yixu read Jinyun Neutron and said, "Do you know how the Great God Youxi came into the world?

Yun Zhongzi didn't know what medicine was sold in Xuanxu's gourd, and looked at Xuanxu L with a suspicious expression, "Please enlighten me!"

Xuanxu laughed. _"In the Lich War, the great god Fuxi died... and was killed by Nuwa

Niangniang was reincarnated in the six realms of reincarnation.His mother, the Huaxu family, entered Lei Ze and was pregnant, so the great god Fuxi came into the world!"

Yun Zhongzi was stunned when he heard it, and exclaimed, "Fellow Daoist, what do you mean? This child:.:: The child is God Fuyi's father 3"

Xuanxu nodded his head and said, "To the fellow Daoist, what you said is that I came here, because I was ordered by the great god Fuxi. I came to pick up his father back to Wuji Mountain."

Cloud Neutron swallowed 0 water.Busily said: "Thank you for your guidance, and I will say goodbye"_"

Having said that, Yun Zhongzi hurriedly handed Lei Zhenzi to Xuanxu, and then drove the clouds, - smooshed away_


If this child is really the god of justice, his father

Then he took the child as his apprentice.Does that mean that God Fuxi became his disciple and grandchild?

Even the Empress Nuwa, and even the other saints in the early days were two generations shorter than him.

After all, the great god Fuxi is a figure in the same period as the saints!

To accept such a disciple would offend the saints in the sky and kill him, and he would not dare to accept it.

After scaring Yun Zhongzi away, Xuan Xu looked at Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo. .Smiles and said: Marquis Xibo, this son is destined to me, why don't you let him worship at my door, such as


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