Cloud Neutron swallowed 0 water.Busily said: "Thank you for your guidance, and I will say goodbye"_"

Having said that, Yun Zhongzi hurriedly handed Lei Zhenzi to Xuanxu, and then drove the clouds, - smooshed away_


If this child is really the god of justice, his father

Then he took the child as his apprentice.Does that mean that God Fuxi became his disciple and grandchild?

Even the Empress Nuwa, and even the other saints in the early days were two generations shorter than him.

After all, the great god Fuxi is a figure in the same period as the saints!

To accept such a disciple would offend the saints in the sky and kill him, and he would not dare to accept it.

After scaring Yun Zhongzi away, Xuan Xu looked at Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo. .Smiles and said: Marquis Xibo, this son is destined to me, why don't you let him worship at my door, such as


Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, hurriedly said: "Yes! But... rely on the immortal to be the master!"

Xuan Xu laughed and said, "Okay. If that's the case, then I'll take him away. In the future, I will teach him his skills and ask him to serve the Marquis of Xibo!

With that said, Xuan Xu took Lei Zhenzi away

But he said that after Yun Zhongzi left, the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became. If Lei Zhenzi was really the reincarnation of Fuxi's father, then Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, took Lei Zhenzi as his son. . Did not become the grandfather of the saints.

Then the saints must not split the Xibo Houji

However, Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, is intact and unattended⊥

this year

Not to say.Is Xuanxu fooling around?


Figured out the key, Yun Neutron was furious.Turning around, he went to find Xuanxu's bad luck.

Halfway through the journey, Yun Zhongzi finally stopped Xuan Xu, and said too angrily, "Well, you thief dared to scare the poor road, seriously seek death.

Xuanxu grinned.. said, "Pin Dao is just making a joke to fellow Daoists... Fellow Daoists don't need to be angry!"

Yun Zhongzi was so angry that he flipped his hand to reveal five fire fans, which were unearthed. With a slam, a divine fire flew out and shot at Xuan Xu.

Xuan Xu grinned, turned his hand, and heavy drops of water appeared in his palm.

There was a loud noise, and the heavy water droplets turned into a mighty Taihe River, which directly extinguished the divine fire of the cloud neutron. 2 The trend is unabated. Flock to the cloud neutron. 707_

Yun Zhongzi was startled and hurriedly flipped over, revealing a large cauldron.Top is on top.


The heavy water drop slammed into the cauldron, knocking the cloud neutron over and over, falling back, and collapsing the mountains.

Xuanxu put away the heavy water droplets, grinned and said, "Daoist fellow Yun Zhongzi, / You are the Immortal of Fortune. If you are not in the midst of the slaughter, do you want me to send you to the Conferred God List?"


He got up embarrassedly and said angrily, "Xuanxu. You also know that Pindao is the fairy of Fortune. You still dare to do something to Pindao 3"

Xuanxu grinned.Said, "You are the immortal of fortune and wealth. But I am reincarnated with the virtue of supporting the sky, and I was born with great virtue and great luck. I want to hit you, if you want to carry it, what can you do to me? Besides, my master I said. If you don't like it, fight it, I have my master to stand up to, how can you have a master to stand up to?"

Yun Zhongzi's complexion changed and changed, and with a cold snort, he turned into a stream of light and left.

Yun Zhongzi does have some relationship with Kunlun Mountain, although he is a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun.But not in the ranks of the twelve golden immortals

Grandma doesn't hurt, and Uncle Yi doesn't love it embarrassingly.

How could Yuanshi Tianzun stand up for him?

Besides, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't dare to come forward

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Chapter 3 Jiang Taigong fishing, King Wen pulls a cart ([-]) Please subscribe!

After receiving his adopted son Lei Zhenzi, King Wen Jichang continued to go to Chaoge City.

But it was said that the four princes went to Chaoge City.Dong Bohou knew that his daughter was dead.Threatened to avenge his daughter.But it was smashed into flesh by King Zhou.

Nanbo Hou bluntly persuaded him, and was punished by King Zhou as a crime, and his poor soul returned to heaven.

Beibo Hou, Chonghou Hu, was King Zhou's minions and kept him safe.

King Zhou wanted to kill Xibo Marquis and his ministers to persuade him, so that the life of Xibo Marquis Ji Chang was saved.

But King Zhou listened to Chonghouhu's slander and imprisoned Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, in Xianli.

This imprisonment is ten years.”

Boyi, the eldest son of the Marquis of Xibo, collects treasures by research. He comes to Chaoge City to save his father.

The nine-tailed fox demon saw that Boyi Kao was handsome and had the appearance of a saint, so he went to seduce Bo Yi Kao, but Boyi Kao was unmoved.

The fox demon was furious and slandered King Zhou.

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