Sure enough, Ji Chang chatted with Jiang Taigong and found that Jiang Taigong had a great talent for governing the country.

Ji Chang stood up.He gave Jiang Ziya a great gift and said, ".:Sir, King Zhou is dazed and said that the people of the world are struggling to survive. I would like to relieve the people in the water and fire, but there is no such a worthy help as Mr. I also ask the gentleman to go out for the people of the world. !"

Jiang Taigong was fishing, and it was King Wen Jichang who was fishing.

Ji Chang took the bait.Jiang Taigong naturally has no reason to refuse.

However, Jiang Taigong still has to try Ji Chang's sincerity.

Jiang Taigong put away the fishing rod.

Looking at Ji Changdao, "Master Hou, the old man is tired, you should use a horse to carry it!"

Ji Chang was overjoyed and ordered people to look for the carriage

It's just that this place is remote, how did _ find the carriage, and in the end only an ox cart was found.

The bullock cart is the bullock cart!

Some of Ji Chang's subordinates are Dali Tu. Don't worry about pulling Jiang Taigong back to Xiqi.

But Jiang Taigong looked at Ji Chang and smiled.

"The old man wants Hou Ye to pull the cart L,"

"Hey, don't go too far! How noble is the Marquis. How can I help you?

Ji Chang's general, Nangong Shi, can't stand it anymore.

call road e

Ji Chang stopped Nangong Shi (Zhao Wang Zhao) and said, "Mr. has great talent. If you can help me defeat Zhou, how can I pull Mr. a few steps?"

talking.Regardless of the opposition from the left and right, Ji Chang began to pull the cart for Jiang Ziya.

Ji Chang pulled Jiang Yuya and walked [-] steps in total.

Ji Chang was old and grieved.. where he could still pull it, he stopped the car.With a wry smile, "Sir, it's not because I don't pull Mr. How old and weak, I really can't pull it!"

Jiang Ziya got out of the car, stroked his long beard, and said with a smile, "Master Hou pulls me eight hundred steps, and I will keep Master Hou and Zhou Dynasty prosperous for eight hundred years!"

Only then did Ji Chang know what Jiang Ziya's intention was, and hurriedly shouted, "Sir, get in the car, the old man can still pull it!"

Jiang Ziya smiled and said, "How can you do it again and again?"

Ji Chang shook his head and said, "I'm obsessed with it, it's eight hundred years in a small hundred years. As long as it can overthrow King Zhou of Shang, that's enough!"

Since then, Jiang Taigong entered Xiqi and assisted Ji Chang in destroying the merchants: [-].


Chapter two hundred and ninety-four Kong Xuan scared the pissing quasi-daoist, Guangcheng Ziyi asked Taichu (4) to subscribe!

Jiang Taigong entered Xiqi, Fengming Qishan.

On the other side, Shang Zhouyu became more and more faint.

One day, Huang Feihu's wife entered the palace to visit Huang Feihu's sister. Who would have thought that he was bumped into by King Zhou.

When Zhou Yu saw that Huang Feihu's wife was beautiful, he had a relationship with each other.

How is Huang Feihu's wife Zhenlie willing to obey.He jumped from a high building.

Zhou Yu was afraid that King Wucheng Huang Feihu would rebel and decide to strike first.Send troops to capture King Wucheng.

Fortunately, King Wucheng was so prestige in the army that he had a commander who informed King Wucheng in advance.

King Wu Cheng was furious when he found out. . Immediately received a kiss

The soldiers entered the palace, seeking revenge for King Zhou.

Under the persuasion of his subordinates, King Wucheng led his own soldiers and left Chaoge City.

With Wu Chengyu's departure, Xiqi became more and more prosperous.

King Zhou was very angry.He ordered Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, to hand over Wu Chengyu.How did Ji Chang agree to pay?

in this way.The Shang Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty completely broke up

King Zhou sent troops to conscript Xiqi many times, but Xiqi had the help of third-generation disciples of Chanjiao. King Zhou tried many times and returned without success.

Even the Grand Master Wen Zhong died at the Dragon Ridge.

Xiqi immediately raised his flag and returned to attack Chaoge

. 710_The army is mighty. _All the way _- Wherever you go, the momentum is like a broken bamboo. After passing the test, L has the posture of reaching Chaoge.

Xiqi Taijun marched to Jinjiling, but encountered a formidable enemy.

Kong Xuan, the commander-in-chief of Jinjiling, was the guardian of the left in the early days, with high mana. He was already a quasi-sacred existence who had cut off three feet, and he had five colors of divine light.This five-color divine light is extremely powerful. There is nothing to brush.

Interpretation and teaching disciples to compete with them. All were defeated.

Even when the twelve golden immortals came out, they were all brushed off.

Even Daoist Ran Deng, who is also at the peak of the quasi-sage realm, fought against Kong Xuan. 2 were brushed dizzy, if not

It's fast to run away.was also captured alive.

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