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Chapter 5 Yuanshi Tianzun pretended to be struck by lightning ([-])

No wonder A is willing to come to Wuji Mountain to invite Taichu!,

Just relying on this mouth from the beginning can kill people and kill them invisibly.

The blue veins on Guangchengzi's forehead jumped violently, and he said with a bitter smile, "Master, the great cause of consecration is important. Please also ask Master to come out and take away Kong Xuan⊥"

Taichu pouted.Said, "For such trivial matters, where do you need this seat to personally take action on Jinpeng, you can walk around and call back to Kong Xuan⊥"

"Yes, sir!"

Dapeng Garuda nodded, looked at Guangchengzi, and said, "Let's go!"


Taipeng Garuda's wings flutter

fly everywhere.

"Master Uncle. Pindao farewell"."

Guangchengzi hurried to chase the Taipeng bird.

It's just that when he leaves Wuji Mountain, there is still a golden-winged Dapeng bird.

The golden-winged Dapeng bird fluttered its wings for [-] miles, and the speed was extremely fast, and it disappeared in an instant.

Guangchengzi gave a wry smile and hurried on the road.

On the other side, the golden-winged Dapeng bird had already come to the front of the two armies and shouted too. "Brother, please come out and meet"

Kong Xuan heard the golden-winged Taipeng bird calling him.know

Dao was summoning him from the beginning. Z knew that he couldn't stay here any longer.He disbanded the army, and then came out of the front, saying, "Xiandi_You are here!"

The golden-winged Dapeng bird looked at Kong Xuan and said, "Brother, the master is calling you back!"

Kong Xuandao, _"Let's go to the mountain"

With that said, the two brothers roared away in the direction of Wuji Mountain.

When Guangchengzi came back, the Western Zhou army had already set out and continued to move forward.

On this side, Jiang Ziya led the Western Zhou army eastward, while on the other side, the electric leopard specially secretly sabotaged, and began to ask experts to intercept and teach, and began to go down the mountain to block it.

It was the Western Zhou side with the help of experts such as Qi[-] Jinxian, Antarctic Immortal Weng, and Daoist Burning Lamp. For a time, the army of the Western Zhou Dynasty was like a broken bamboo, and it was advancing all the way.

On this day, the Western Zhou army finally encountered obstacles again.

But it was Shen Gongbao who asked Zhao Gongming, the elder disciple of the Intercept Sect, to come down the mountain to help.As a result, Zhao Gongming was killed by the Daoist Burning Lamp, and the Empress Sanxiao was furious. He went down the mountain and set up a nine-curved Yellow River formation to block the Western Zhou Taijun's eastward advance.

This nine-sentence Yellow River Great Array is extremely powerful, it actually trapped the twelve golden immortals in groups.

Even such a powerful person as Daoist Burning Lamp.

Almost trapped.

Just when everyone was at a loss, I Yuanshi Tianzun descended.

But it was Yuanshi Tianzun who counted all his twelve golden immortals trapped in the nine-curved Yellow River formation.Even in a hurry, the face of the person who can't be taken care of.Come down to earth to help Xizhou come a little

Yuanshi Tianzun entered the battle.The divine light all over his body flickered uncertainly, no matter how fierce the Nine-Bend Yellow River Great Array was, it couldn't hurt him in the slightest.

"Here, Third Uncle, I didn't expect you to teach such shameless teachings. It's not good for small ones... Then the old one, Third Uncle Saint's Grass, came to break the formation in person. But even if Third Uncle came in person. , what are we to fear?"

Among the three Xiaos, Bi Xiao is the most talkative ZL. When he opens his mouth, he swears

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly: loudly, solemnly

"The little girl doesn't know how high the sky is. I am the honor of the saints, not to mention the nine-curved Yellow River array like you, even if it is the Sword of Immortal Killing that your teacher set up, I will dare to walk!"

"Hmph, Uncle Third, don't talk nonsense and you can break through the formation if you have the ability!"

Qiongxiao is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and immediately shouted e

Only Yun Xiao never spoke. She was a little older. Knowing that the saints were all ants, she felt a little worried in her heart.

Yuanshi Tianzun was so choreographed by the two girls that he was immediately furious.He said solemnly, "Hmph, I really don't know how high the sky is. If that's the case, then I will break your small formation!"

Speaking. Yuanshi Tianzun's big hand poured out a vast mana, and directly sucked the Hunyuan Jindou and took the treasure of the disciple of Chanjiao.

Empress Sanxiao was horrified.desperately resist

It's just that the sages are all ants. This ten-day remark is not in vain!

Sanxiao couldn't resist the mana of the saint at all.

Even with the help of Jiuqu Huanghe Dachen, Sanxiao couldn't stop him.

Seeing three thunders

Niangniang was about to be subdued by Yuanshi Tianzun. At this moment, a stream of light shot out from the eyes of the nine-curved Yellow River Great Array at an extremely fast speed, and shot directly at Yuanshi Tianzun.

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