He was furious and said, "Guangchengzi, Chijing, Yuding_Daoxing, the four of you quit the sword formation!"

The four hesitated, but chose to withdraw from the Immortal Execution Sword Formation.

After the four of them exited the sword formation, 2 Taichu grinned and said, "Junior brothers, please break the formation. Go on."

"Three fellow Daoists, break through the formation with all your strength!"

Yuanshi Tianzun shouted loudly. With all the heavens and Qingyun, he rushed towards the Sword of Slaughtering Immortals.

The other three saints all rioted and charged towards the other three immortal swords.

"Zhu Xian Sword Formation, get up!"

Taichu shouted loudly.

In an instant, thousands of Immortal-Execution Sword Qi were like locusts, rushing towards the Four Saints overwhelmingly.

The four saints shouted loudly.They all made their moves.

Taishang Laozi headed the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda in the heaven and earth, Yuanshi Tianzun was on the head of the heavens and the clouds, and the Taoist received and led the Taoist who stepped on the [-]th grade golden lotus of merit and the quasi-tied Taoist carried the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree to brush wildly.

The four saints rushed in four directions

Although the Zhuxian Sword Array is fierce, it can't help the Four Sages.The four saints steadily rushed towards the four immortal swords.

Tongtian Sect Master was in a hurry, and said hurriedly, "Senior Brother. They are about to break through the mountain."

Taichu grinned."It's not that easy,


Under the stunned eyes of the Tongtian sect master, the four saints rushed to the four swords and shook their hands to pick up the four swords.


They smashed it out of nowhere!

That is to say, the four swords are actually fake, but they are just phantoms branded by the four swords of Zhuxian.

"Fake, what_-what's going on here?'

The four saints were stunned for a while. At the same time, a bad premonition rose in their hearts, and at the same time turned to look at Taichu.

"Haha, four fellow Daoists, the real Four Swords of Zhuxian are here!"

At the beginning, he laughed loudly. His arms shook, and four immortal swords appeared behind him.It was the Four Swords of Zhuxian.

The four swords of Zhuxian burst out with a radiant brilliance, and the sword energy vibrated endlessly, smashing and smashing the ancient stars.


At the beginning, he pinched the seal with his hand, and shouted too much. I saw that the four immortal swords slammed together.

The four immortal swords merged into one place, forming an extremely huge immortal sword 1.blooming extremely dazzling light

The Sword of Zhuxian was originally the companion spirit treasure of Luo Ju, the ancestor of the devil, and belonged to the treasure of the Chaos Spirit Treasure level.

Just because of the ancestors

When Luo Sui was fighting with the great god Pangu, he was shattered by the axe of the great god Pangu.Therefore, the Zhuxian Sword is divided into four, and there is today's Zhuxian Four i.

now.Tai Chu Jing uses secret methods.Re-merge the four swords of Zhuxian.

Chaos Spirit Treasure is here!

Tiandao seemed to feel a great threat, and trembled violently, and forty-nine incomparably huge Tiandao Heavenly Wheels appeared in the sky.

It seems that Heaven may strike at any time, L

At this moment, the figure of Daozu Wei'an emerged.Block the way of heaven.

how so?

This ancient sword of immortal execution seems to have exceeded the category of innate treasures!

Even the Four Saints.I also felt an unprecedented crisis.”

Zhuxian Ancient Sword.A treasure of the turbid spirit treasure level, a real slaughter of the saints!

"Damn! Can the Immortal Execution Sword Formation be so clothed?"

On the side, the sect master stared blankly.Shortness of breath.

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Chapter 1 The power of Chaos Spirit Treasures scares the Four Saints ([-]) Please subscribe!

The four saints were trembling with fear, and _z looked at Taichu in disbelief.

Even the Tongtian sect master is confused, it has not been a year or two since he obtained the Immortal Execution Sword Formation.Why didn't he find that the Immortal Execution Sword Array could be arranged like this.

Turbid Spirit Treasure!

A worthy slaughter of saints"

Of course, the Immortal Execution Sword behind Tai Chu was not the real Immortal Execution Sword, but the Immortal Execution Array was used in Tai Chu to stimulate the power of the Four Immortal Execution Swords, making it temporarily reach the level of Chaos Spirit Treasure.

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