This also strengthened the determination of the Four Sages to compete for luck!

After entering the Wuji Hall, the Four Sages saw Taichu sitting on top of Qingyun, and hurriedly greeted him and said, "Meet Senior Brother Tai."

Unconsciously, the saints were afraid of the beginning.Therefore, in front of Taichu, he behaved like a grandson.

Taichu looked at the Four Saints with a smile, and said:

"Four Junior Brothers, please get up!"

The saints rose.

Taishang Laozi sees this Taishi, Dao, Senior Brother, Xing Zhou and extermination of Shang is the way of heaven, and the four of us are just following the sky. It’s not against Senior Brother Tai

What do you mean, please don't stop the army from advancing eastward!"

"Yeah, Senior Brother. We didn't mean to oppose you, Senior Brother Tai, don't listen to the nonsense of Tongtian!"

Yuanshi Tianzun also said anxiously. ,

"Yeah yeah!'

Yeyin and Zhunti hurriedly agreed.

Taichu looked at the four with a smile.Just as he was about to speak, at this moment, the voice of Tongtian Sect Master sounded outside.

"Senior Brother, see you through the sky!"

Taichu said with a smile: "Yunxue Qiongxiao, Bi Xiao_Quick General

Come in, your master."

"Yes, Master Tai!"

Empress Sanxiao respectfully led the way.

The golden color of the Four Saints is extremely ugly.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Sanxiao Niangniang Bao Jizhi and Xiaozhong who had gone away for a while.Did Tongtian Sect Master let Sanxiao come through the confusion too early?Only invited Taichu out of the mountain.

Sumeng.The sect master of Tongtian strode in.

The Empress Sanlei withdrew.

Tongtian sect master looked towards Taishi, towards Taichu: hand in hand.Said, "Tongtian has seen Senior Brother Tai!"

In the beginning, Xu helped the Tongtian sect master.laughed

"Junior Brother Tongtian, please get up!"

Tongtian Sect Master got up and turned to look at the Four Saints.Leng snort-sheng said in a deep voice, "You wait for the four to confuse the senior brother again, don't you have to face it?"

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly and said solemnly.

"Junior Brother Tongtian, you are a saint, how can you not know the number of days?. Why do you want to stop the Western Zhou Dynasty from destroying the merchants?"

The sect master of Tongtian was furious.Shen Sheng said, I don't know the number of days, it's just that you bully people too much, you unite to insult the poor, the earth can be killed but not insulted, how can the Pendao be afraid of you!"

Lao Tzu frowned too much and said, Tongtian Junior Brother L Xi Zhou was destined to return.Dangxing

Eight hundred years, how did you not know? 2

Tongtian Sect Master was furious and said solemnly, "Brother, you were deceived by Yuan Shi. You helped him bully Pindao, how can Pindao be willing to obey you?"

Seeing that the saints are like shrew scolding the streets.Quarreling in the Promise Hall, it's easy to say a word and it's too much to fight.More and more Yu Lie.

Tai Chu grinned and said, "Fellow Daoists, did you come to this Wuji Mountain to quarrel?"

The saints were horrified.He hurriedly saluted to Taichu, "Eldest brother, it was me who was abrupt!

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the beginning.He said cautiously, "Brother Tai, that Shang Zhou

The king dared to humiliate Junior Sister Nuwa, such a vicious thief.It is really punishing.Senior Brother is not to be tolerated!

Day L

This guy actually speaks to Junior Sister Nuwa

finished calf⊥

Tongtian sect master's heart throbbed, and a bad premonition arose.

Just at this moment, a well-dressed Empress Nuwa came in and said loudly, "My husband, the servant of King Zhou of Shang is really abominable, please go to the king to destroy the servant of King Zhou of Shang on behalf of the minister and concubine. He will be skinned and cramped. Ashes!"

At the beginning, he turned his head and glared at Yuanshi Tianzun-L, Yuanshi Tianzun shrank his neck in fright.

Turn around in the beginning

Look at Nuwa.He smiled and said: "Wa'er rest assured, when Shang and Zhou are destroyed, this seat will capture the soul of King Shang Guo. Let Wa'er vent your anger."

Yuanshi Tianzun and other four saints secretly rejoice

In the beginning, this fellow was completely a spoiled wife demon."

When Tongtian Sect Master heard this, his face changed greatly, and he exclaimed, "Senior brother, you-do you mean to stop helping the poor?"

At the beginning of the day, he looked at the sect master of Tongtian, and said, it is not that this seat does not help.But the meaning of the master! '

Tongtian sect master looked at Taishi and Sisheng s gnashing his teeth, "Okay, good. Poor Dao doesn't need anyone to help... Poor Dao

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