Hand? Hahahaha:."

Tongtian Sect Master burst out laughing, his voice booming, full of madness.

What is even more terrifying is the body of Tongtian Sect Master. There are traces of black energy on his body.

This black qi is not something else, but a demonic qi

The sect master of Tongtian is actually enchanted!

Saints are enchanted.How terrible it is⊥

Even the Four Sages are shocked to see

"Junior Brother Tongtian, wake up quickly l_"

Too high, Lao Tzu shouted in a deep voice.

"Wake up?_ Pindao is very awake, because you killed me and intercepted the teaching, making A Pindao

Let you pay your debts with blood⊥.”

Tongtian Sect Master showed madness in his eyes, and his heart was as red as blood, and he roared wildly.

Suddenly, a figure jumped out of Tongtian Sect Master.

This figure was enveloped in a billowing demonic energy, his arrogance was soaring to the sky, his eyes were red, and his voice was less hoarse.Jie Jie smiled strangely, "This seat is finally resurrected, this seat is finally resurrected. Hahaha:..."

Tongtian Sect Master seemed to have been taken out of time, gasping for breath.

The Four Saints were shocked.

Apparently they didn't expect this to happen either.

scene like

almost beyond their control.

Taishang Laozi looked at the shadow and exclaimed, "The fourth corpse demon? This..."

Yuanshi Tianzun Shuangyue stared at the fourth corpse demon and said solemnly. "Who are you?"

The fourth corpse demon looked at the saints coldly and said, "The saint is enchanted. Luo Sui is resurrected. Who do you think this seat is?"

"You: You are actually the Demon Zu Luoju 3

The saints exclaimed that L could hardly believe his ears.

Luo Ju looked at the saints and said solemnly, "Where's Hongjun? Where is Hongjun? Let him come out and fight this seat for [-] rounds!_"

The old man's face changed slightly.Looking at the three golden saints, he said, "Three fellow Daoists, we are the ones who caused this disaster. We have a duty to slay the demons and eliminate the demons!"

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly, looked at Mozu Luohou, and said solemnly, "Hmph, if you want to see me and wait for the master, first win me and then wait!"

Saying that, Yuanshi Tianzun shouted and flipped his hand, holding the Pangu scroll and shaking it violently.The terrifying Chaos Sword roared.He pierced through the void and rushed towards Shimo Luo.

Luo Zhuling snorted and shouted, 'Where are the Four Swords of Zhuxian!"

A loud shout sounded, and I saw the Four Swords of Zhuxian from the Tongtian Cult Master.

It flew out of the body and turned into four terrifying black dragons. It directly smashed the turbid sword energy of Yuanshi Tianzun.

The Four Saints were shocked.

Luo Sui Tai roared and said, "Zhu Xian Jian Array, get up!"

When I saw a big picture flying out, I flew towards Luo Sui.

At this moment, Tongtian Cult Master grabbed the Immortal Execution Diagram, but it was Tongtian Cult Master's only remaining reason to tell him.I can't help Luo Sui.

Luo Qiaobu Bucheng Zhu Xianjian array wielded four immortal swords and killed the Four Sages.

Luo Kan was an existence that could compete with Daozu back then, and the Four Sages did not dare to be careless.

Taishang Laozi sacrificed the flat crutches

, the flat crutches were divided into two in the air, two were divided into four, four were divided into children, eighth was divided into sixteen, and sixteen were transformed into Vientiane L. In an instant, the sky was full of flat citrus trees and smashed towards Luohu.

"."Did Hongjun teach you this skill?"

Luo Zhan snorted coldly, followed by Jie's weird smile. The hand and insect seals were linked together, and the four swords of Zhuxian flew out, mixed with billowing demonic energy, and turned into four incomparably huge black dragons.

The black dragon roars and the huge dragon body twists

The humming of the flat crutches.Fly back.

Pulled by the breath, Taishang Laozi's complexion changed slightly. "Wow" leaves a mouthful of old blood

Yuanshi Tianzun was shocked, too

Angrily, don’t be presumptuous.” Looking at the poor Taoist Jade Void God Thunder

Saying that, Yuanshi Tianzun shouted loudly.Sacrifice the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi. (Money? Zhao_

Follow your heart, follow your words.

A divine thunder smashed out and slammed into Luo Hu.

Luo Ju's body was full of demonic energy.Jie Jie said strangely, "It's far worse than Hongjun's Zixiao Shenlei. It seems that you haven't learned Honggou's true skills!"

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