Hongjun's direct pass."

"What a lot of nonsense!"

Tai Chu snorted coldly and flipped his hand.The Qinglian Zimu Sword appeared, and the Qinglian Zimu Sword shook _ Dao Dao sword light flew out.

Those sword lights whistled and turned into beautiful green lotuses.

Qinglian whistled and turned into streaks of light, blasting towards Mo Zuluo lately.

"Tai Xu Sword Technique!_"

Luo Sui was so startled that he turned around and wanted to escape, making a loud snarl, Qing Lian suddenly turned into countless sword energy.It was like locusts pierced into Luo Qiao's body and burrowed in Luo Qiao's body.

"Ah go."

Luohu screamed again and again, and fell thousands of miles away.

"This is the Taixu sword technique.."

The saints were astonished.

Tai Chu snorted coldly, and his figure flashed.He rushed to Luo Kan, sat down on Luo Ju's body, raised his fist, and smashed Luo Kan's old face "boom boom boom".

"Ah, ah ah..."

The screams kept ringing.Luo Sui wanted to break free.Nai He was stubbornly suppressed by Tai Chu and was beaten constantly, and there was no room for him to fight back.

The saints saw Yue stunned, and (cc_fb) looked at each other with both eyes. Perverted! '

Before the Five Realms of Chaos.In the beginning, their strength was similar to that of them, but when they broke through the six realms of Primordial Primordial in the beginning.The gap between them and the beginning of time gradually narrowed.

They were due out with Taichu, not Taichu's opponents at all.


Suddenly, Luo Kan turned into countless demonic energy with a punch from the beginning.rush around.

Taishang Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Daoist Jieyin and Daoist Zhunti took a look. They all resorted to means to stop Mozu Luohu.

Taishang Laozi shook his hand and threw the Taiji map.The Great Pole Map traverses the entire world, and looks at Mozuluo countless times.

The demonic energy settled down.

Yuanshi Tianzun madly shakes the Pangu Pan

Countless chaotic sword qi shot out of "Shu Shu Shu Shu", killing the magic qi of Mo Zuluo.

Daoist Jieyin and Daoist Zhunti formed a magic circle.Recite scriptures.The degree of the devil Zu Luohou.

Buddhist supernatural powers actually have a natural restraint effect on demonic energy!

This is the god's residence where Mozuluoqian and the two saints of the West came into being in the West.It's just that one is good and the other is evil, and they have the effect of restraining each other.


Tai Chu shouted, and the Qinglian Zimu sword in his hand flew above his head.


A terrifying sword qi continued to rippling from the Qinglian Son and Mother Sword.There seems to be a green lotus shaking above the sword energy.

This is the Taixu Sword Canon!

"Brush 1.."

The next moment, _ countless sword qi swarmed out of the Qinglian riot.

Mo Zuluo's demonic energy was instantly swept away and completely disappeared between this world.

The saints let out a sigh of relief, and each received their magical powers.

Taishang Laozi had a little lingering fear on his face.Looking at Taichu, he said, "Brother Tai, thanks to your presence, otherwise we would have caused five major disasters in the sun!

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded and said, "Fortunately, there is a senior brother here. Otherwise, we would really be in trouble."

Reception and Zhunti also pointed out, and they all praised the supernatural powers of the beginning.

On the other side, Tai Chu looked solemnly at Tongtian Sect Master.

The corpse demon was the fourth corpse demon cut out of Tongtian Cult City. It was one with the origin of the Tongtian Cult Master, but was beheaded by all the saints together, and the Tongtian Cult Master was seriously injured.


The sect master of Tongtian kept vomiting blood and woke up. Looking at the saints, he said with a frantic expression, "Haha, it's not bad. It's good to work together to deal with it.

Pin Road .2 good good.That's it.The poor road will perish with you..."

Saying that, Tongtian sect master three thousand green silks danced, holding the Qingping sword, and roared loudly, "I will destroy this unfair world today!"_


Chapter 5 The Great Desolation Collapses, The Three Realms Evolution ([-]) Please subscribe!

The vast mana of Tongtian Sect Master sent three thousand blue silks flying and plunged into the earth.

Just listening to the earth-shattering sound of "Boom", the Great Desolate World is actually four-to-five

Too early to grin, grin, _ secretly said, "The prehistoric world is finally broken. It seems that the master has won this game with heaven again. I wonder if the master can control the heaven?

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